Kirkwall is guarded by mountains to its north, the tallest of which is Sundermount. The mountain has a fearsome reputation. Legend says it was the site of a vicious battle where both sides unleashed horrors into the waking world, and unholy creatures prowl the heights to this very day, unaware that the war for which they were summoned is long since over.
The oldest of the ancient elves were laid to rest in tombs of Sundermount in the Free Marches.3 Q# ]& z! E; p
Legend claims that in their desperation, the elves summoned terrible demons to defend their holy mountain,and that the demons remain even if the elves are a long-forgotten memory.
Dalish守護者所屬的部落後來遷居到Sundermount,是二代一開始Flemeth要我們送項練的目的地。我們有機會在那裏解除血法專精,因為先前陪你探廢墟的Merrill,她就是一位血法(甚麼?!),個人專精"Dalish Pariah"。之後她就會隨劇情遭族長放逐而成為你的同伴。
當我們抵達 Kirkwall時會遇見Meredith,當地的Knight Commander ,他會告訴你這裡已經容不下了。我們只好投靠舅舅(主角的母親出身於當地貴族),不幸的是,他已經失去了繼承權(你的弟弟Carver會負責查明真相)。但他會告訴你進城的撇步:去找一個叫Athenril的走私犯,或是叫Meeran的士兵。! q7 R+ W; x2 ?/ C! Y) N
我們有機會在Varric哥哥Bartrand的資助下前往深淵之路探索。$ V) ~6 f" G1 k Q! O" N7 ? P
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