每個眼魔都相信他們的外觀是最完美的生物型態。在環境險惡的衰敗城市與隱密幽暗地域中居住了一批認同上述見解的類人生物,他們與眼魔訂立協議,藉著侍奉這個種族,主人們將幫他們把身體改造的更加「完美」。這些被稱為「眼魔侍者」的人大多數都已被自己的社會放逐,他們都發下誓言為一位或多位眼魔服務;他們也都拋棄了原本的信仰,改而信奉異族的神祇-眼魔巨母(the Great Mother),眼魔一族的守護女神。雖然眼魔侍者們通常是墮落教派的領導人,也常認為主人把自己視為非常重要的部下,然而,絕大多數的眼魔們都認為這些人只是種自大的爪牙(也有把他們視為某種財產的看法)。在角色成為眼魔侍者的儀式中,一位眼魔會負責將小型眼魔(eyeball,詳見費倫怪物圖鑑)的中央主眼切下,然後用解離射線在受改造者的前額開洞,把這顆眼珠移植到被改造者的前額上。接著再使用一種褻瀆的魔法使新的眼睛與受改造者的身體連結,重新開始運作。此時該角色的氣質與外觀都將發生變化,而那隻將死小型眼魔的殘存意識也會污染該角色的困惑心智。熬過這種儀式需要堅強的身體與靈魂。
Each beholder believes that it represents a state of true perfection. Among the desperate wastrels of decadent cities and debased explorers of the subterranean Underdark can be found humanoids who agree, and who have entered into a surgical pact with the beholder race in an attempt to achieve even a sliver of that perfection.
These so-called Ocular Adepts, outcasts to their own societies, have pledged their services to one or more eye tyrants and pledged their religious devotion to the alien entity known as the Great Mother, the deity matron of all beholders.
- Hit Die: d6.
- Proficiencies: An Ocular Adept does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.
1: Charm Person Ray - 2/day (spell-like ability).
2: Sleep Ray - 2/day (spell-like ability).
3: Inflict Moderate Wounds Ray - 2/day (spell-like ability).
4: Slow Ray - 2/day (spell-like ability).
5: Fear Ray - 2/day (spell-like ability).
6: Charm Monster Ray - 2/day (spell-like ability).
7: Telekinesis Ray - 2/day (spell-like ability).
8: Flesh to Stone Ray - 2/day (spell-like ability).
9: Disintegrate Ray - 2/day (spell-like ability).
10: Finger of Death Ray - 2/day (spell-like ability).