6: 傳奇專攻技能:威嚇 - +10威嚇技能檢定
7: 戰鬥狂暴 - 每天4次
8: 兇猛技藝 - 傳奇戰狂在揮舞近戰武器時獲得+1攻擊和傷害.
9: 戰鬥狂暴 - 每天5次
10: 恐怖狂暴 獎勵專長
11: 戰鬥狂暴 - 每天6次
13: 戰鬥狂暴 - 每天7次
15: 戰鬥狂暴 - 每天8次,獎勵專長
17: 戰鬥狂暴 - 每天9次
19: 戰鬥狂暴 - 每天10次
20: 獎勵專長
傳奇戰狂獎勵專長獎勵列表:咆哮,超級狂暴,傳奇傷害減免,傳奇戰鬥技巧,毀滅重擊,致命一擊,傳奇武器專攻,超凡力量. (PRESTIGE CLASS)
Dwarven Battleragers, or Kuldjargh (Axe Idiots), are legendary berserkers who can enter a battle frenzy through ritualistic singing.
They are believed to have been touched by the dwarven gods of war, who taught them that by dying in battle they will return even stronger than before as a just reward. As a consequence, these warriors have no fear of death.
Battleragers command a grudging (if fearful) respect within dwarven society and are credited with having coined such philosophically complex dwarven maxims as "Head first!" and "If it moves, kill it!"
Most Battleragers live short, glorious lives.
- Hit Die: d12.
- Proficiencies: A Battlerager does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier. REQUIREMENTS:
Class: Barbarian.
Alignment: Any non-lawful.
Race: Any Dwarven race.
Feats: Cleave, Toughness, Power Attack.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Intimidate (8 ranks), Lore (2 ranks). ABILITIES:
1: Battle Rage - 1/day (as per Barbarian Rage).
Resist Poison - Bestows a +4 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws vs. poison.
Feat - Skill Focus: Intimidate - Provides a +3 bonus to all skill checks involving Intimidate.
2: Aura of Courage - The Battlerager becomes immune to fear.
Feat - Knockdown.
3: Battle Rage - 2/day.
Feat - Improved Unarmed Strike.
4: Feat - Great Cleave.
Feat - Improved Knockdown.
5: Battle Rage - 3/day.
Feat - Armor Skin - The Battlerager's skin hardens, granting a +2 bonus to natural AC. Epic Battlerager:
6: Feat - Epic Skill Focus: Intimidate - Provides a +10 bonus to skill checks involving intimidate.
Feat - Intimidating Rage.
7: Battle Rage - 4/day.
8: Ferocious Prowess - The Epic Battlerager receives +1 to attack bonus and +1 to damage while wielding a melee weapon.
9: Battle Rage - 5/day.
10: Feat - Terrifying Rage.
Bonus Feat.
11: Battle Rage - 6/day.
13: Battle Rage - 7/day.
15: Battle Rage - 8/day.
Bonus Feat.
17: Battle Rage - 9/day.
19: Battle Rage - 10/day.
20: Bonus Feat.
圖片附件: Thibbledorf Pwent and this battleragers are not impressed _8dfaf3e64c3a90068d534.jpg (2013-11-1 20:02:06, 129.96 KB) / 下載次數 900