
標題: [PRC進階職業]血術士(Blood Magus) [打印本頁]

作者: SazabiSa    時間: 2013-11-1 20:38:41     標題: [PRC進階職業]血術士(Blood Magus)




- 生命骰:d6.
- 擅長武器與防具:一個血術士不擅長任何武器,防具和盾牌熟練.
- 升級獲得技能點:2 + 智力調整值


1   0  2 0 0 魔血靈藥
2   1  3 0 0 血肉銘咒
3   1  3 1 1 死亡喪鐘
4   2  4 1 1 血液藥劑
5   2  4 1 1 人彘
6   3  5 2 2 血咒
7   3  5 2 2 濃稠血液
8   4  6 2 2 喚醒鮮血
9   4  6 3 3 昇華血液
10  5  7 3 3 血行者

附血施法 - 受到1點傷害同時為所施法術增加1點DC.

持久施法 - 提高職業等級的專注加成.

血肉銘咒 - 自己的皮膚上刻畫咒語.與抄寫卷軸類似.

死亡喪鐘 - 從瀕死生物身上吸取生命活力,獲得力量,生命和施法等級.

血液藥劑 - 血術士學會將3級或以下的法術儲存在自己的血液中.

人彘 - 製造一個人彘.通過接觸他,你能轉移每等級1點傷害.人彘死了,受到2D10傷害.你只能擁有一個人彘.

血咒 - 血術士能通過造成自身3點傷害提升法術傷害1d6點,甚至更多.

濃稠血液 - 血術士獲得揮砍和穿刺傷害 1/-的減免.

喚醒鮮血 - 讓目標的血液獲得短暫的自我意識,造成10d10的傷害.

昇華血液 - 血術士獲得永久體質+2.

血行者 - 能夠通過血液在任意2個生命體內傳送.傳送對象是敵對目標,將對目標造成10d6 的傷害


Fade to red, then nothing. What happened? Where are you? No sound, no light, no nothing. You can't see or hear, or even feel your own body. The awful truth of your plight steals over you... you're dead! An eternity passes, then you feel a call from beyond this nothingness. Something beckons, and you are drawn up out of the endless gray swirl, happy to leave your final fate undecided. A swirl of color streaks towards you, enveloping, bathing you. you have come back! A sound breaks in your ears, the sweetest sound you will ever hear. It is the renewed pulse of blood through your veins - blood music: the sound of your life. You can feel it re-energizing every particle of your form, flushing death from you and leaving life in its place. It is thick and warm, and you greedily embrace it. Blood Magi are formerly deceased spellcasters who, when returned to life, gain an understanding of their blood's importance, bequeathed by their close call. They learn to evoke magic from this vital fluid that sustains their lives.

- Hit Dice: d6.
- Proficiencies: A Blood Magus gain no weapon, armor or shield proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.


Alignment: Non Lawful
Skills: Concentration 4 Ranks.
Feats: Toughness, Great Fortitude.
Spells: Must be able to cast at least 3rd level Arcane spells.


1: Blood Component - The Blood Magus can take 1 point of damage to give a 1 DC boost to a spell.
    Durable Casting - The Blood Magus gains a bonus to his concentration checks equal to his class level.
2: Scarification - The Blood Magus may store up to 5 spells on his body. This is otherwise the same as Scribe Scroll.
3: Death Knell - Once per day, the Blood Magus may attempt to suck the life from a nearly dead creature, gaining increased strength, life, and caster level.
4: Blood Draught - The Blood Magus may store a number of spells equal to his class level plus his Constitution modifier, up to a maximum of 10, in his blood. This is otherwise the same as Brew Potion.
5: Homunculus - You may create a homunculus. By touching it, you can transfer 1/hp a level of damage from you to it. The homunculus advances in levels with you, to a maximum of 6HD at level 9. If the homunculus dies, the Blood Magus takes 2d10 damage. You may only have one homunculus at a time.
6: Bloodseeking Spell - The Blood Magus can take 3 points of damage to have his spells deal 1d6 more damage.
7: Thicker than Water - The Blood Magus gains DR 1/- to Slashing and Piercing damage.
8: Awaken Blood - Once per day, with a melee touch attack, the Blood Magus can cause the blood of a target to explosively escape, dealing 10d10 damage. A target immune to criticals is immune to this ability.
9: Infusion - The Blood Magus gains a permanent +2 to Constitution.
10: Bloodwalk - Once per day, the Blood Magus can teleport any distance on the same plane by means of two living creatures. If the creature at the end of the teleport is hostile, the Blood Magus will deal it 10d6 points of damage unless it makes a save of DC 10 + Class level + Con modifier.

Upon gaining every other level in Blood Magus, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in his highest caster class (bard, sorcerer, or wizard). He does not learn any new spells through his abilities.

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