
標題: [PRC進階職業]海克斯托之拳(Fist of Hextor) [打印本頁]

作者: SazabiSa    時間: 2013-11-1 20:44:45     標題: [PRC進階職業]海克斯托之拳(Fist of Hextor)



- 生命骰:d10
- 擅長武器與防具:海克斯拖之拳能使用任何簡單和軍用武器,所有類型的鎧甲和盾牌.
- 升級獲得技能點:2 + 智力調整值


1   1  2 0 0 殘忍歐擊 +1
2   2  3 0 0 力量爆發 1/天
3   3  3 1 1 恐怖存在 1/天
4   4  4 1 1 殘忍歐擊 +2
5   5  4 1 1 力量爆發 2/天
6   6  5 2 2 恐怖存在 2/天
7   7  5 2 2 殘忍歐擊 +3
8   8  6 2 2 力量爆發 3/天
9   9  6 3 3 恐怖存在 3/天
10  10 7 3 3 殘忍歐擊 +4

殘忍歐擊 - 增加攻擊命中或攻擊傷害.永久獎勵.

力量爆發 - +4力量加值,持續(4+海克斯托之拳等級)輪.

恐怖存在 - 每個等級半徑5英尺範圍內產生恐懼氣息.

While many view the Fists of Hextor simply as effective if brutal mercenaries, they are in fact templars sworn to the service of their unforgiving deity. The world is a dark and unforgiving place, or so says the Church of Hextor, wherein the strong survive by ruling the weak and forging order from the chaos. To support its dogma, the Church established this elite company of templars and made them available to hire to those whose cause complemented the Church's ultimate goals (and who could, naturally, afford to pay the hefty tithes necessary to maintain a crack unit of well-armed and well-trained men and women). The Fists are infamous for their efficient brutality: Nowhere will an employer in need of military aid locate mercenaries more dedicated to ensuring that the rule of law prevails over the forces of anarchy and chaos.

- Hit Dice: d10.
- Proficiencies: Fists of Hextor are proficient with simple and martial weapons, all types of armor, and shields.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.


Alignment: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil or Lawful Neutral
Skills: Spot 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Lore 4 ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Any Martial Weapon Proficiency
Base Attack Bonus: +5


1: Brutal Strike +1 - +1 to either attack or damage rolls. Permanent bonus.
2: Strength Boost - +4 Str for 4 rounds + Fist of Hextor level, once per day.
3: Frightful Presence - Fear in a radius of 5 feet per level, once per day.
4: Brutal Strike +2
5: Strength Boost - Can now be used twice a day.
6: Frightful Presence - Can now be used twice a day.
7: Brutal Strike +3
8: Strength Boost - Three times a day.
9: Frightful Presence - Three times a day.
10: Brutal Strike +4

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