
標題: [PRC進階職業]中環騎士(Knight of the Middle Circle) [打印本頁]

作者: SazabiSa    時間: 2013-11-1 21:01:38     標題: [PRC進階職業]中環騎士(Knight of the Middle Circle)


因為"占星家"歡迎任何職業的人加入,所以中環騎士也真誠邀請那些聲名顯赫的善良冒險家以及在外環(Outer Circle)供職一定年限的占星專家成為他們中的一員.中環騎士們常常為外環的冒險者們提供任務與探尋的機會,有時也會直接率領這些冒險者去執行任務.如果一樁十分重要的使命並不想讓那些並未宣誓效忠"占星家"的成員得知,就可能會直接指派中環騎士,在一些較明顯的表面行動的掩護下,去秘密執行任務.


- 生命骰:d10
- 擅長武器與防具:擅長所有簡單和軍用武器,盾牌和所有類型的鎧甲.
- 升級獲得技能點:4 + 智力調整值


1   1  0 0 2 盲斗 戰鬥感知 +2
2   2  0 0 3 克敵機先 1/天
3   3  1 1 3
4   4  1 1 4
5   5  1 1 4 戰鬥感知 +4
6   6  2 2 5 克敵先機 2/天
7   7  2 2 5
8   8  2 2 6
9   9  3 3 6 克敵先機 3/天
10  10 3 3 7 戰鬥感知 +6

戰鬥感知 - 對指定對手AC和攻擊都有額外洞察加值.
克敵先機 - 效果如同同名奧術.


Lv 1級 2級 3級
1  0   0   0
2  0   0   0
3  1   0   0
4  1   0   0
5  1   0   0
6  1   0   0
7  1   1   0
8  1   1   0
9  1   1   1
10 1   1   1

These knights are members of the Stargazers organization. Once ordained, Knights of the Middle Circle accept strict demands for their allegiance and obedience and undertake many important duties. They provide security for Stargazer chapterhouses and may be called upon for similar service for allies of the Stargazers. Since the Stargazers welcome members of any class to their ranks, the Knights of the Middle Circle often deliver membership invitations to honorable, good adventurers or expert astronomers who have served the Outer Circle for several years. The knights often offer missions and quests to Outer Circle adventurers, and occasionally lead such adventures. If a mission is too important for those not sworn to the Stargazers to know of, Knights of the Middle Circle may be assigned to work on it secretly under the cover of some more obvious activity.

- Hit Die: d10.
- Proficiencies: A Knight of the Middle Circle is proficient with simple and martial weapons, shields, and all armor.
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.


Alignment: Any Good.
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Skills: Persuade 4 ranks, Bluff 4 ranks.


1: Blindfight
  Combat Sense +2 - Adds a +2 bonus to Attacks and AC vs. the targeted racial type for class level + 3 rounds. Unlimited uses a day.
3: True Strike 1/day - As the arcane spell.
5: Combat Sense +4 - The bonus to Attacks and AC increases to +4.
6: True Strike 2/day
9: True Strike 3/day
10: Combat Sense +6 - The bonus to Attacks and AC increases to +4.


To cast a spell, the Knight of the Middle Circle must have a Wisdom score of 10 + the spell level. A Knight of the Middle Circle's caster level is equal to his class level.

Spells per day:
1: 0
2: 0
3: 1
4: 1
5: 1 0
6: 1 0
7: 1 1
8: 1 1 0
9: 1 1 1
10: 1 1 1

Level 1: Bless, Bless Weapon, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Magic Weapon, Protection from Evil.
Level 2: Aid, Divine Protection, Conviction.
Level 3:

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