
標題: [PRC進階職業]刀鋒藝人(Minstrel of the Edge) [打印本頁]

作者: SazabiSa    時間: 2013-11-1 22:19:56     標題: [PRC進階職業]刀鋒藝人(Minstrel of the Edge)



- 生命骰: d8
- 武器和裝甲擅長: 無
- 技能點: 4 + 智力調整值

專長: 詛咒之歌, 專攻技能 (表演), 任意軍用武器擅長.
技能: 表演 10, 訓練有素 10

1   1  2 0 2 輕甲施法
2   2  3 0 3 藝人之歌(1階)
3   3  3 1 3
4   4  4 1 4 藝人之歌(1階)
5   5  4 1 4
6   6  5 2 5 藝人之歌(1階)
7   7  5 2 5
8   8  6 2 6 藝人之歌(2階)
9   9  6 3 6
10  10 7 3 7 藝人之歌(2階) 高等藝人之歌
輕甲施法 - 刀鋒藝人在穿著輕甲時不會受到奧術施法失誤率的影響.但是穿著中甲或重甲時仍然會受到失誤率的影響.

藝人之歌 - 刀鋒藝人可以學習一首藝人之歌.這些音樂施展時如同吟遊詩人音樂,但是具有不同的效果.
- 藝人之歌第1階: 米拉薩的搖籃曲 (睡眠), 清靜旋律 (沉默術), 護衛之歌 (+盾牌AC加值), 公牛贊曲(+力量),靈貓贊曲(+敏捷),巨熊贊曲(+體質),狡狐贊曲(+智力),夜梟贊曲(+感知),獵鷹贊曲(+魅力)
- 藝人之歌第2階: 共鳴劍刃的安魂曲 (攻擊附加音波傷害), 米拉薩的呆子狂想曲 (減速術), 布萊娜麗的誘人歌謠 (魅惑術[怪物]), 布萊娜麗的防禦迴響(創傷秘語), 輕捷之歌(加速術), 英勇之歌(免疫恐懼)
高等藝人之歌 - 刀鋒藝人可以同時吟唱兩首藝人之歌,同時也可以使用吟遊詩人音樂和詛咒曲.

Across the world, bards are considered to be jacks-of-all-trades, but sometimes they find themselves hard-pressed to be effective warriors. As a result, a few bards seek out The Society of the Edge, a group of like-minded individuals who desire to be able to fare better in the heat of combat. Members of the Society of the Edge are taught many abilities that are well-suited to battle. However, bards are also artistically-minded individuals, and thus study under the Society does not stop at combat training. Following the traditions of warrior bards of times past, Minstrels of the Edge learn many musical pieces which can affect the abilities and moods of their allies and enemies alike.

- Hit Die: d8
- Proficiencies: A Minstrel of the Edge gains no weapon or armor proficiencies
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier


Feats: Curse Song, Skill Focus (Perform), Any Martial Weapon Proficiency.
Skills: Perform 10, Discipline 10


Concentration, Craft, Discipline, Heal, Jump, Lore, Parry, Perform, Spellcraft, Taunt, Tumble, Use Magic Device (Cross-Class)


Base Attack: +1 per level
Saving Throws: Fortitude - strong, Will - strong, Reflex - weak

1: Light Armor Spellcasting
2: Minstrel Song (Tier 1)
4: Minstrel Song (Tier 1)
6: Minstrel Song (Tier 1)
8: Minstrel Song (Tier 2)
10: Minstrel Song (Tier 2)
  Greater Minstrel Song

Light Armor Spellcasting: The Minstrel of the Edge does not suffer from arcane spell failure when wearing light armor. However, arcane spell failure from medium or heavy armor or shields still applies.

Minstrel Song: Starting at level 2 and every two levels thereafter, the Minstrel of the Edge can learn a Minstrel Song. These songs are performed much like Bard Songs, but have different effects. Minstrel Songs count as Bard Songs in terms of uses per day. Only one Minstrel Song can be performed at a time. However, a Minstrel can have three song effects at a time: one Minstrel Song, one Bard Song, and one Curse Song.

- Tier 1 Minstrel Songs: Milathur's Lullaby (sleep), Quiet Melody (silence), Aegis Melody (+shield AC), Hymn of the Bull (+Str), Hymn of the Cat (+Dex), Hymn of the Bear (+Con), Hymn of the Fox (+Int), Hymn of the Owl (+Wis), Hymn of the Eagle (+Cha)

- Tier 2 Minstrel Songs: Requiem of the Resonant Blade (+sonic damage to attacks), Milathur's Sluggish Rhapsody (slow), Blinari's Alluring Ballad (charm [monster]), Blinari's Reverberant Defense (wounding whispers), Song of Alacrity (haste), Song of Valor (immunity to fear)

Greater Minstrel Song: The Minstrel of the Edge has become even more proficient at mixing the musical phrases in his songs. This is done by fusing multiple themes into the Bardic music  the Minstrel can sing a song that inspires courage in allies and also lulls enemies to sleep. The Minstrel can now perform up to two Minstrel Songs at a time, in addition to his Bard Song and Curse Song.


Minstrels of the Edge add one half their class level (rounded down) to their Bard Level when determining the power of their Bard Song.L

圖片附件: play_minstrel_play_by_marilynja-d2xgrse.png (2013-11-2 08:20:23, 557.11 KB) / 下載次數 921

圖片附件: Minstrel_by_JerMohler.jpg (2013-11-2 08:20:21, 59.94 KB) / 下載次數 948

圖片附件: Minstrel_Ayreon_by_merriya.jpg (2013-11-2 08:20:21, 89.47 KB) / 下載次數 927

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