
標題: [PRC進階職業]光之戰士(Soldier of Light) [打印本頁]

作者: SazabiSa    時間: 2013-11-13 22:12:59     標題: [PRC進階職業]光之戰士(Soldier of Light)


- 生命骰: d10.
- 武器和裝甲擅長: 所有簡單和軍用武器,所有盾牌和盔甲.
- 技能點: 2 + 智力調整值.

特殊:必須信仰Elishar (選取這個職業的牧師必須擁有以下領域中的2個:善良,醫療,知識,幸運,保護,太陽)

1   1  2 0 0 驅散亡靈
2   2  3 0 0 神恩 破亡斬
3   3  3 1 1 正能量強韌
4   4  4 1 1 能量同伴
5   5  4 1 1
6   6  5 2 2
7   7  5 2 2 快速醫療 1
8   8  6 2 2 正能量爆發
9   9  6 3 3 精通能量同伴
10  10 7 3 3 快速醫療 2


神恩 - 將魅力修正加到所有豁免檢定上.

破亡斬 - 感知調整值加到攻擊,職業等級加到傷害.3+魅力調整值/每天.

正能量強韌 - 在所有對抗死靈系法術和類法術效果時所有豁免+2獎勵.

能量同伴 - 能召喚一個善良異界生物。

神聖復仇 - 可以消耗2次驅散不死次數來獲得+2d6正能量傷害至你的武器.

快速醫療 - 每輪恢復HP

正能量爆發 - 可以消耗2次驅散不死次數來對100英尺內的所有不死生物造成傷害.

改善能量盟友 - 你的夥伴獲得+2HD


等級 1: 治療輕傷,祝福武器,祝福術,魔化武器,虔誠護盾,防護邪惡,光亮術
等級 2: 治療中度傷, 援助術, 崇敬術 次級復原術
等級 3: 治療重傷, 高級魔化武器, 反邪惡法陣, 熾熱光輝, 防護負能量, 祈禱術, 移除疾病
等級 4: 治療致命傷, 防死結界, 聖劍術, 復原術

13: 醫療領域
16: 極效驅散亡靈
19: 快速醫療 3
22: 超級正能量爆發


裝甲皮膚, 致命一擊, 傳奇聲譽, 傳奇健壯, 傳奇武器專攻, 傳奇戰鬥技巧, 重破斬, 超凡感知, 毀滅重擊, 完美體魄, 驅散異界生物.

Like the paladin, the Soldier of Light is devoted to the destruction of all evil creatures and is always willing to help others. They often co-operate with paladin and other allies of good alignment.

- Hit Die: d10.
- Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, all armor and shields.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.


Base Attack Bonus: +5
Alignment: Neutral Good
Skills: Lore 4 ranks.
Special: Must worship Elishar. (Clerics taking this class must have two of the following domains: Good, Healing, Knowledge, Luck, Protection, Sun.)


1: Turn Undead - As a cleric of the same class level as the Soldier of Light. This stacks with any levels of Cleric and/or Paladin.
2: Divine Grace - Applies Charisma bonus to all saving throws.
  Smite Undead - May add Wisdom bonus to attack bonus against an undead target. If the strike hits, the blow deals 1 point of positive damage per point of Wisdom bonus. Usable 3/day, +1 per Charisma bonus/day.
3: Positive Fortitude - Gains +2 to all saving throws against necromantic spells and drain effects.
4: Energon Companion - May summon a Xag-Ya companion (Good Outsider), 1/day.
5: Divine Vengeance - May spend 2 Turn Undead attempts to add +2d6 positive damage against Undead to the caster's weapon (1 round/Cha bonus, minimum 1 round).
6: -
7: Fast Healing 1 - Regenerate 1 HP/round.
8: Positive Energy Burst - May spend two Turn Undead attempts to damage all undead within 100 feet of the character, dealing 1d6 positive damage per Soldier of Light level. Undead affected may make a reflex save (DC: 10 + Soldier of Light levels) for half damage.
  Improved Energon Companion: your companion gains +2HD.
9: -
10: Fast Healing 2 - Regenerate 2 HP/round.

Casts spells as a cleric based on Wisdom with a caster level equal to class level (plus any applicable PrCs).

Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Bless Weapon, Bless, Magic Weapon Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Light
Level 2: Cure Moderate Wounds, Aid, Consecrate Lesser Restoration
Level 3:Cure Serious Wounds, Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle against Evil, Searing Light, Negative Energy Protection, Prayer, Remove Disease
Level 4: Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Holy Sword, Restoration


13: Healing Domain - Healing spells are empowered.
16: Maximize Turn Undead - When you turn undead, your turn damage is multiplied by 2 (Don't stacks with Empower Turning).
19: Fast Healing 3 - Regenerate 3 HP/round.
22: Supreme Positive Energy Burst: Now you only spend 1 turn attempt when you use Positive Energy Burst.

Bonus Feats: The epic Soldier of Light gains a bonus feat every three levels after 10th.

Soldier of Light Bonus Feats List:
Armor Skin, Devastating Critical, Epic Reputation, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Prowess, Great Smiting, Great Wisdom, Overwhelming Critical, Perfect Health, Planar Turning.

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