
標題: [PRC進階職業]毀滅法師(Havoc Mage) [打印本頁]

作者: SazabiSa    時間: 2013-11-14 20:33:55     標題: [PRC進階職業]毀滅法師(Havoc Mage)


- 生命骰: d8.
- 武器和裝甲擅長: 無.
- 技能點: 2 + 智力調整值.

奧術施法: 能施放2級奧術.
基本攻擊加值: +4
技能: 傳聞 5.

1   0  2 0 2 2級戰爭施法
2   1  3 0 3
3   2  3 1 3 4級戰爭施法
4   3  4 1 4
5   3  4 1 4 8級戰爭施法

戰爭施法 - 在進行武器攻擊時同時施法.不會受到藉機攻擊.


Combat magic is usually reserved for spellcasters in the second rank who are content to lob spells as if artillery from behind the cover of front-rank combatants. Not so the havoc mage, who shares as much in common with a fighter as with a wizard. The havoc mage has learned to toss off spells with such reckless abandon that he can fight head-to-head with both sword and spell without incurring the bitter consequences other spellcasters must contend with. A havoc mage is interested in maximum carnage in the shortest amount of time, by dint of a quick spell cast where an enemy least expects it. A havoc mage must first learn the ways of arcane magic, so those most likely to take up the sword (to complement the wand) are sorcerers and wizards. These normally sedate characters are drawn to the frenzy of battle, during which a flashing sword can be just as effect in their own hands as a well timed spell.

- Hit Die: d8.
- Proficiencies: A havoc mage does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.


Arcane Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd-level spells.
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Skills: Lore 5 ranks.


1: Battlecast 2nd level - A havoc mage gains the ability to cast 2nd level or lower spells while making a single weapon attack. Casting a spell in this manner does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
3: Battlecast 4th level
5: Battlecast 8th level


Every other level in Havoc Mage, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in his highest arcane caster class. He does not learn any new spells through his abilities.

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