Dragons often need expert servants to be their eyes, ears, and hands in humanoid society. A hand of the winged masters has dedicated his life to the service of a single dragon or to a group of dragons united in a common cause. A dragon mater becomes the political and spiritual leader for the hands, gaining their total loyalty. This services rises above obedience to country, church, family, or friends. Usually, the hands act as spies and informants, but when needed, they can also be saboteurs and killers.
- Hit Die: d8
- Proficiencies: A Hand of the Winged Masters gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 6 + Int Modifier
1: Draconic Senses - You gain Draconic Senses as a bonus feat.
2: Special Attack +1d6 - You can gain +1d6 to your Sneak Attack damage or to your Skirmish damage, chosen at every increase.
3: Dragonfire Strike - You gain Dragonfire Strike as a bonus feat.
5: Special Attack +2d6
7: Master's Gift - All non-harmful arcane spells are doubled in duration when cast on you.
8: Special Attack +3d6
9: Improved Dragonfire Strike - When you use your Dragonfire Strike ability, you deal one extra point of damage per sneak attack or skirmish die.
10: True Stealth - When activated and stealthed, if you take a -10 on your Hide and Move Silently checks, you gain +50% concealment.