9:37 Dragon: Hawke leads the push to stop the mages and templars as they clash in Kirkwall. The city's First Enchanter Orsino and Knight-Commander Meredith are both killed.
9:38 Dragon: Unrest brews in Orlais as Grand Duke Gaspard de Chalons stirs dissent against reigning Empress Celene I.
9:40 Dragon: An apparent cure for Tranquility is discovered in Adamant Fortress at the Abyssal Reach.
9:40 Dragon: Empress Celene is called out of Val Royeaux after news of an elven rebellion in Halamshiral. The move is thought to have been orchestrated by Gaspard. Celene's absence fuels rumors of her death or capture.
9:40 Dragon: Anticipating unrest, the Sun Gates to Val Royeaux are ordered closed for the first time since dragons attacked the city in 9:22 Dragon.
9:40 Dragon: A violent uprising at the White Spire--a Circle Tower in Val Royeaux--leaves many senior mages dead. The uprising is apparently supported by the Divine through her agents, induding the bard Leliana.
9:40 Dragon: Following the conflict at the White Spire, Lord Seeker Lambert cancels the Nevarran Accord, severing ties between the Seekers and the Chantry. Allegiances between Seekers and Templars are split. Some still support the Divine.
9:40 Dragon: Lord Seeker Lambert declares the Circle of Magi no more. The future of mages in Thedas is uncertain.
9:40 Dragon: Lord Seeker Lambert goes missing and is presumed dead.
9:40 Dragon: Seeker Cassandra Pentaghast, acting under the authority of the Divine, arrives in Kirkwall and interrogates Varric Tethras about Hawke.
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