- 閱讀權限
- 255
生命值- 2861
法力值- 2473
金幣- 1996 G
聲望- 203
251357 Feast Day Fish
251534 Today we make history!
251535 Ha! Look at you flounder!
251538 And that's another one!
252262 You dare to challenge me!
252264 Come now, was that your best?
252265 Foolish!
252266 哈!
252269 Come to me!
252271 Are you so afraid of an old woman?
252285 No! This cannot be!
252290 Down you go!
252292 Hm? What now?
252294 Of course!
252296 Not at all.
252298 Stay where you are!
252300 Taking our time, are we?
252302 Yes, yes, yes.
252304 Oh, how nice.
252309 Confound it!
252311 Ah yes, bravo.
252313 Let's have a chat, shall we?
252315 I approve.
252317 You think that will work, do you?
252319 I wouldn't.
256313 那是什麼?
256315 Fine!
256317 Never!
256319 Hold right there!
256323 I must go.
256325 謝謝你 我想
256329 造物主的氣息!
256331 It's about time!
256333 Now, just listen here...
256335 That works, I suppose.
256337 That will never work!
256339 Don't make me angry!
256355 How do you do?
256357 Aye.
256359 Nay.
256361 Remain where you are, please.
256363 As if we've nothing better to do...
256365 Farewell!
256367 You have my thanks!
256371 該死的!
256373 Huzzah!
256375 Might I ask you something?
256377 That works for me.
256379 Oh, that's terrible!
256381 I have a weapon!
256397 How do you do?
256399 Aye.
256401 Nay.
256403 Remain where you are, please.
256405 As if we've nothing better to do...
256407 Farewell!
256409 You have my thanks!
256413 該死的!
256415 Huzzah!
256417 Might I ask you something?
256419 That works for me.
256421 Oh, that's terrible!
256423 I have a weapon!
256466 Maker smile upon you.
256468 是.
256470 否.
256472 Hold there, if you will.
256474 Blessed art thou who exists in the sight of the Maker...
256476 Maker watch over you.
256478 Bless you.
256482 This is an outrage!
256484 Oh, thank the Maker!
256486 我會跟你談談。
256488 精彩!
256490 A dreadful idea.
256492 The Maker shall rain curses down upon you!
256508 Maker smile upon you.
256510 是.
256512 否.
256514 Hold there, if you will.
256516 Blessed art thou who exists in the sight of the Maker...
256518 Maker watch over you.
256520 Bless you.
256524 This is an outrage!
256526 Oh, thank the Maker!
256528 我會跟你談談。
256530 精彩!
256532 A dreadful idea.
256534 The Maker shall rain curses down upon you!
256550 Maker smile upon you.
256552 是.
256554 否.
256556 Hold there, if you will.
256558 Blessed art thou who exists in the sight of the Maker...
256560 Maker watch over you.
256562 Bless you.
256566 This is an outrage!
256568 Oh, thank the Maker!
256570 我會跟你談談。
256572 精彩!
256574 A dreadful idea.
256576 The Maker shall rain curses down upon you!
256591 Testing line breaks\nand hard spaces\n spaces\n spaces
256613 Hm? What's this?
256615 Oh, of course.
256617 否.
256619 Wait right there!
256621 This is ridiculous!
256623 Off you go.
256625 Thank you kindly.
256629 Blast it all!
256631 Yay!
256633 Might I talk to you?
256635 That's brilliant!
256637 Are you daft?
256639 Get out of here right now!
256655 Hm? What's this?
256657 Oh, of course.
256659 否.
256661 Wait right there!
256663 This is ridiculous!
256665 Off you go.
256667 Thank you kindly.
256671 Blast it all!
256673 Yay!
256675 Might I talk to you?
256677 That's brilliant!
256679 Are you daft?
256681 Get out of here right now!
256697 Hm? What's this?
256699 Oh, of course.
256701 否.
256703 Wait right there!
256705 This is ridiculous!
256707 Off you go.
256709 Thank you kindly.
256713 Blast it all!
256715 Yay!
256717 Might I talk to you?
256719 That's brilliant!
256721 Are you daft?
256723 Get out of here right now!
256739 Hm? What's this?
256741 Oh, of course.
256743 否.
256745 Wait right there!
256747 This is ridiculous!
256749 Off you go.
256751 Thank you kindly.
256755 Blast it all!
256757 Yay!
256759 Might I talk to you?
256761 That's brilliant!
256763 Are you daft?
256765 Get out of here right now!
256781 Hm? What's this?
256783 Oh, of course.
256785 否.
256787 Wait right there!
256789 This is ridiculous!
256791 Off you go.
256793 Thank you kindly.
256797 Blast it all!
256799 Yay!
256801 Might I talk to you?
256803 That's brilliant!
256805 Are you daft?
256807 Get out of here right now!
256829 向你問好。
256831 Aye.
256833 Nay.
256835 Stop there!
256837 I cannot take waiting!
256839 Off with you.
256841 That's most kind of you.
256845 Dirt and spit!
256847 Ha! That's the way!
256849 Hey! Over here!
256851 Oh, sure, that'll work.
256853 No, what are you thinking?
256855 I'll rip out your guts, I will!
256871 向你問好。
256873 Aye.
256875 Nay.
256877 Stop there!
256879 I cannot take waiting!
256881 Off with you.
256883 That's most kind of you.
256887 Dirt and spit!
256889 Ha! That's the way!
256891 Hey! Over here!
256893 Oh, sure, that'll work.
256895 No, what are you thinking?
256897 I'll rip out your guts, I will!
256913 向你問好。
256915 Aye.
256917 Nay.
256919 Stop there!
256921 I cannot take waiting!
256923 Off with you.
256925 That's most kind of you.
256929 Dirt and spit!
256931 Ha! That's the way!
256933 Hey! Over here!
256935 Oh, sure, that'll work.
256937 No, what are you thinking?
256939 I'll rip out your guts, I will!
256955 On them! Don't let up!
256956 This ends here!
256958 Take them down!
256959 Putting up a fight, eh?
256960 Traitors!
256961 Don't let up!
256963 I need reinforcement! Quickly!
256965 You need to be brought down to size!
256979 You'll pay for this!
256984 Ha! That's one!
256986 Move along, citizen.
256988 Let it be done.
256990 否.
256992 Hold where you are!
256994 Of all the bloody...
256996 Dismissed.
256998 感謝。
257002 Curse me for a fool!
257004 Well done!
257006 Look here.
257008 Now that's not bad at all.
257010 Forget it.
257012 I'll run you through!
257403 牢籠
257447 Lever
257460 We are doomed! All of us!
257462 As you say.
257464 It cannot be!
257466 No closer!
257468 Something must happen soon, surely!
257470 I must go.
257472 I am most thankful!
257476 We are all dead! Defeated!
257478 The end is nigh!
257480 You must listen to me!
257482 A wonderful idea!
257484 No! That cannot be!
257486 Heed my words or die!
257507 Good tidings.
257509 是.
257511 No, I'm afraid not.
257513 I wouldn't come any further, were I you.
257515 This waiting is... intolerable!
257517 I must go.
257519 As it pleases you.
257523 Blast and blazes!
257525 棒極了!
257527 Please, listen to me!
257529 I think that's fine, yes.
257531 That won't work!
257533 I'll get you!
257549 Good tidings.
257551 是.
257553 No, I'm afraid not.
257555 I wouldn't come any further, were I you.
257557 This waiting is... intolerable!
257559 I must go.
257561 As it pleases you.
257565 Blast and blazes!
257567 棒極了!
257569 Please, listen to me!
257571 I think that's fine, yes.
257573 That won't work!
257575 I'll get you!
257591 How do you do?
257593 Why not?
257595 I think not.
257597 No further!
257599 Of all the luck...
257601 Maker be with you.
257603 Praises upon you!
257607 Cursed magics!
257609 The Maker has blessed us all!
257611 May I speak?
257613 That sounds good to me.
257615 No, that is not good at all.
257617 I'll strike you down, if I must!
257633 Good tidings.
257635 是.
257637 No, I'm afraid not.
257639 I wouldn't come any further, were I you.
257641 This waiting is... intolerable!
257643 I must go.
257645 As it pleases you.
257649 Blast and blazes!
257651 棒極了!
257653 Please, listen to me!
257655 I think that's fine, yes.
257657 That won't work!
257659 I'll get you!
257675 Good tidings.
257677 是.
257679 No, I'm afraid not.
257681 I wouldn't come any further, were I you.
257683 This waiting is... intolerable!
257685 I must go.
257687 As it pleases you.
257691 Blast and blazes!
257693 棒極了!
257695 Please, listen to me!
257697 I think that's fine, yes.
257699 That won't work!
257701 I'll get you!
257717 Atrast vala!
257719 Aye.
257721 Nay.
257723 Hold!
257725 I must have my head in the smoke, I swear...
257727 Atrast tonsha.
257729 你有我的感謝。
257733 Sod!
257735 Most excellent!
257737 Might I have a word?
257739 一個不錯的計畫。
257741 Pfeh.
257743 In your eye!
257759 Quick, get them!
257760 Kill the traitors!
257762 We must not fail!
257764 For the Teyrn!
257766 I need help!
257768 Ha! You're more likely to fall on your own blade!
257782 Ah! Feeling... faint...
257788 Got one! 是的!
257790 那是什麼?
257792 是.
257794 不!
257796 Hold there!
257800 I must go.
257802 My thanks!
257806 Bloody elf guts!
257808 Well done!
257810 Over here!
257812 As you command.
257814 Well, if you insist...
257816 I'll cut you down, I will!
257853 Pile on!
257854 Don't let 'em get away!
257856 Bleed!
257857 You're going down!
257858 Bet this one's rich!
257859 Better be worth it!
257861 Ahhh! Someone help me!
257863 I'm going to pick your corpse clean!
257877 This can't be happening!
257883 I think I got one!
257885 How you doing?
257887 Oh, sure.
257889 Nope.
257891 Stop right there!
257893 I think the grass just grew again.
257895 再見。
257897 Ooo nice!
257901 Bloody kibble!
257903 About time!
257905 Listen here.
257907 Fine, fine.
257909 Oh, that's gonna hurt.
257911 Gut you, I will!
257942 Oh, this should be good!
257943 Careful, gents!
257945 Careful!
257946 Don't damage anything!
257947 Watch your backs!
257948 This one's feisty!
257950 To me! To me!
257952 You don't really see yourself winning, do you?
257966 This isn't good!
257970 See? It's not so hard!
257972 How you doing?
257974 Oh, sure.
257976 Nope.
257978 Stop right there!
257980 I think the grass just grew again.
257982 再見。
257984 Ooo nice!
257988 Bloody kibble!
257990 About time!
257992 Listen here.
257994 Fine, fine.
257996 Oh, that's gonna hurt.
257998 Gut you, I will!
258029 Oh, this is terrible!
258031 I suppose so.
258033 否.
258035 等等!
258037 I wish this wasn't taking so long...
258039 I have to go!
258041 Thank you ever so much!
258046 該死的!
258048 好耶!
258050 May I say something?
258052 那很棒阿!
258054 That's a terrible idea.
258056 The law will get you!
258073 Oh, this is terrible!
258075 I suppose so.
258077 否.
258079 等等!
258081 I wish this wasn't taking so long...
258083 I have to go!
258085 Thank you ever so much!
258090 該死的!
258092 好耶!
258094 May I say something?
258096 那很棒阿!
258098 That's a terrible idea.
258100 The law will get you!
258116 Oh, this is terrible!
258118 I suppose so.
258120 否.
258122 等等!
258124 I wish this wasn't taking so long...
258126 I have to go!
258128 Thank you ever so much!
258133 該死的!
258135 好耶!
258137 May I say something?
258139 那很棒阿!
258141 That's a terrible idea.
258143 The law will get you!
258159 Oh, this is terrible!
258161 I suppose so.
258163 否.
258165 等等!
258167 I wish this wasn't taking so long...
258169 I have to go!
258171 Thank you ever so much!
258176 該死的!
258178 好耶!
258180 May I say something?
258182 那很棒阿!
258184 That's a terrible idea.
258186 The law will get you!
258202 How do you do?
258204 Why not?
258206 I think not.
258208 No further!
258210 This is trying my patience.
258212 Maker be with you.
258214 Praises upon you!
258218 Cursed magics!
258220 The Maker has blessed us all!
258222 May I speak?
258224 That sounds good to me.
258226 No, that is not good at all.
258228 I'll strike you down, if I must!
258244 How do you do?
258246 Why not?
258248 I think not.
258250 No further!
258252 This is trying my patience.
258254 Maker be with you.
258256 Praises upon you!
258260 Cursed magics!
258262 The Maker has blessed us all!
258264 May I speak?
258266 That sounds good to me.
258268 No, that is not good at all.
258270 I'll strike you down, if I must!
258286 How do you do?
258288 Why not?
258290 I think not.
258292 No further!
258294 This is trying my patience.
258296 Maker be with you.
258298 Praises upon you!
258302 Cursed magics!
258304 The Maker has blessed us all!
258306 May I speak?
258308 That sounds good to me.
258310 No, that is not good at all.
258312 I'll strike you down, if I must!
258328 How do you do?
258330 Why not?
258332 I think not.
258334 No further!
258336 This is trying my patience.
258338 Maker be with you.
258340 Praises upon you!
258344 Cursed magics!
258346 The Maker has blessed us all!
258348 May I speak?
258350 That sounds good to me.
258352 No, that is not good at all.
258354 I'll strike you down, if I must!
258371 I don't have time for speaking.
258373 If you must.
258375 否.
258377 Stay where you are!
258379 This is taking too long!
258381 It is time to take my leave.
258383 It is appreciated.
258387 Hind of a jackrabbit!
258389 Blood and honor!
258391 Listen to my words.
258393 That is fine.
258395 You have not thought this through.
258397 I will tear out your throat!
258413 I don't have time for speaking.
258415 If you must.
258417 否.
258419 Stay where you are!
258421 This is taking too long!
258423 It is time to take my leave.
258425 It is appreciated.
258429 Hind of a jackrabbit!
258431 Blood and honor!
258433 Listen to my words.
258435 That is fine.
258437 You have not thought this through.
258439 I will tear out your throat!
258455 I'm not supposed to talk to strangers...
258457 I guess so.
258459 Ummm... no.
258461 等等!
258465 I have to go.
258467 謝了!
258471 Darn it!
258473 Yay!
258475 Um, excuse me?
258477 Okay!
258479 I don't think so.
258481 I'm going to tell!
258497 I'm not supposed to talk to strangers...
258499 I guess so.
258501 Ummm... no.
258503 等等!
258507 I have to go.
258509 謝了!
258513 Darn it!
258515 Yay!
258517 Um, excuse me?
258519 Okay!
258521 I don't think so.
258523 I'm going to tell!
258554 To arms! Quickly!
258555 Defend the chantry!
258556 We are under assault!
258558 Maker assist me!
258559 Stop them!
258560 Someone help us!
258561 Damn you!
258562 Give me strength!
258564 I need aid! Quickly!
258566 Maker damn you for a fool!
258580 Maker grant me strength!
258586 There! One has been defeated!
258588 How can I help?
258590 Indeed.
258592 I think not.
258594 Hold!
258598 Fare you well.
258600 Maker's blessing on you.
258604 Tarnation!
258606 棒極了!
258608 I must speak.
258610 That sounds fine, yes.
258612 That won't work.
258614 Maker strike you down for this!
258645 Infidels!
258646 The chantry is attacked!
258648 Curse you!
258649 Aid your servant!
258650 Andraste preserve us!
258652 過來我的救助者這裡!
258654 You shall be damned for this!
258668 A thousand curses upon you!
258673 One is down!
258675 How can I help?
258677 Indeed.
258679 I think not.
258681 Hold!
258685 Fare you well.
258687 Maker's blessing on you.
258691 Tarnation!
258693 棒極了!
258695 I must speak.
258697 That sounds fine, yes.
258699 That won't work.
258701 Maker strike you down for this!
258732 Maker smile upon you.
258734 是.
258736 否.
258738 Hold there, if you will.
258740 Blessed art thou who exists in the sight of the Maker...
258742 Maker watch over you.
258744 Bless you.
258748 This is an outrage!
258750 Oh, thank the Maker!
258752 我會跟你談談。
258754 精彩!
258756 A dreadful idea.
258758 The Maker shall rain curses down upon you!
258774 Maker smile upon you.
258776 是.
258778 否.
258780 Hold there, if you will.
258782 Blessed art thou who exists in the sight of the Maker...
258784 Maker watch over you.
258786 Bless you.
258790 This is an outrage!
258792 Oh, thank the Maker!
258794 我會跟你談談。
258796 精彩!
258798 A dreadful idea.
258800 The Maker shall rain curses down upon you!
258816 How do you do?
258818 Why not?
258820 I think not.
258822 No further!
258824 This is trying my patience.
258826 Maker be with you.
258828 Praises upon you!
258832 Cursed magics!
258834 The Maker has blessed us all!
258836 May I speak?
258838 That sounds good to me.
258840 No, that is not good at all.
258842 I'll strike you down, if I must!
258862 你好。
258864 是.
258866 否.
258868 Hold where you are.
258870 Must we continue on like this?
258872 Farewell to you.
258874 I am thankful.
258878 Blast!
258880 Maker be praised!
258882 Might I have a word?
258884 That is fine.
258886 It does not sit well with me.
258888 You do not wish to continue, trust me.
258904 你好。
258906 是.
258908 否.
258910 Hold where you are.
258912 Must we continue on like this?
258914 Farewell to you.
258916 I am thankful.
258920 Blast!
258922 Maker be praised!
258924 Might I have a word?
258926 That is fine.
258928 It does not sit well with me.
258930 You do not wish to continue, trust me.
258946 你好。
258948 是.
258950 否.
258952 Hold where you are.
258954 Must we continue on like this?
258956 Farewell to you.
258958 I am thankful.
258962 Blast!
258964 Maker be praised!
258966 Might I have a word?
258968 That is fine.
258970 It does not sit well with me.
258972 You do not wish to continue, trust me.
259222 Get on them! Attack!
259223 We must fight!
259328 We must stop them!
259329 How dare you come here!
259330 This is our home!
259331 拿著!
259332 And that!
260337 Get on them! Attack!
260338 We must fight!
260340 Cut them down!
260341 The dogs will dine on your corpses!
260342 Victory will be ours!
260343 We must win!
260345 I need assistance! Now!
260347 你比不上我!
260361 So this is how it ends...
260367 當然。
260369 I'm afraid not.
260371 Hold it right there.
260375 Greetings!
260377 Maker be with you.
260379 你有我的感謝。
260383 Blast it!
260385 好耶!
260387 I require your attention for a moment.
260389 Not a bad idea!
260391 I'm afraid that's not going to work.
260393 You're trying my patience.
260587 為了凱蘭國王!
260591 To me, to me!
260593 What? Afraid of a fair fight?
260617 One day, you will fall!
260631 Hmph.
260633 I suppose.
260635 Not going to happen.
260637 暫停。
260639 I'm waiting.
260641 再見。
260643 Thanks.
260647 Thrice-cursed whorespawn.
260649 That's one for the king!
260651 A word with you.
260653 Hmph. Could work.
260655 You just think of that gem right now, then?
260657 I wouldn't do that if I were you.
260690 Now you die!
260691 Remember your training, men!
260692 One down, now to the rest!
260694 Just die!
260696 For the king!
260699 救命!
260723 <desc> ant.</desc>
260728 I-I got one!
260730 你好。
260732 Definitely.
260734 I think the sergeant would say "no."
260736 停在那裡。
260740 再會。
260742 Thanks, stranger.
260746 Blood and ashes.
260748 We won!
260752 That'll work.
260754 I don't think so.
260790 拿著!
260792 Just leave us alone!
260793 Traitor!
260795 I need help!
260819 I survived 奧斯特加... I can s-survive...
260824 是的!
260826 你好。
260828 是.
260830 否.
260832 停在那裡。
260834 I don't have all day.
260836 再會。
260838 謝謝你。
260842 Maker's Blood.
260844 Good work, all around.
260846 Can I speak with you?
260848 That's a good idea.
260850 I think another idea might work better.
260852 Back off, we don't want to kill you.
260886 拿著!
260888 Just leave us alone!
260889 Traitor!
260891 I need help!
260915 I survived 奧斯特加... I can s-survive...
260920 是的!
260922 你好。
260924 是.
260926 否.
260928 停在那裡。
260930 I don't have all day.
260932 再會。
260934 謝謝你。
260938 Maker's Blood.
260940 Good work, all around.
260942 Can I speak with you?
260944 That's a good idea.
260946 I think another idea might work better.
260948 Back off, we don't want to kill you.
262262 We must act!
262263 For the Dales!
262264 戰鬥吧!
262265 Die, damn you!
262536 Hah!
262537 拿著!
262538 Trying to be tricky, eh?
262539 Not a chance!
262540 Oh, I'm good!
262542 Whew! I can't keep this up!
262544 Are they not down yet?
262546 Blood! Blood! Lots of blood!
262548 Whew. Finished them off, did you? My head is ringing...
262550 Unnatural creatures?
262551 We don't see many of these in the forest!
262553 What in the gods--!
262555 Watch out. A few beasts, here.
262556 Don't look now. Forest creatures.
262558 Oh? More enemies to take care of, I see.
262560 What? Poison!
262562 It didn't work!
262564 Ha! There's one!
262565 How'd you like them apples?
262567 Whoo! We did it!
262569 I need to try something else!
262571 Careful. Some kind of trap, there.
262573 Hmm. Take a look at that.
262575 Shove over, will you?
262577 I'm on it.
262578 對的。
262579 Everything's fine, you'll see.
262580 Let's go.
262582 Right. Quiet. I get it.
262584 Are you kidding me?
262586 It's done.
262587 All finished.
262588 現在什麼?
262590 這裡!
262591 Ready to fight!
262592 Kill 'em all, I say!
262593 Let's go!
262594 哈!
262596 This should be interesting.
262597 我準備好了。
262598 Try not to get us lost again.
262599 Ready and able.
262600 Let's us move quickly.
262857 I'm too tired!
262859 Must... rest!
262861 I'm hurt!
262863 Ohh... I'll need some bandaging after all that...
262865 It's some kind of... tainted beast!
262866 That can't be an... elf, can it?
262867 Watch out!
262869 Look there!
262871 I've been poisoned!
262873 My spell's been disrupted!
262875 It's down!
262876 Thank the gods!
262878 No! We have to help!
262880 The Keeper will be pleased.
262882 我的武器沒有用!
262884 Watch out! We have to be careful!
262886 Hmm. I see something.
262888 抱歉。
262890 Yes, of course.
262891 I shall.
262892 It shall be as you say.
262894 I shall make the attempt.
262896 I cannot do as you ask.
262897 Alas, it is no good.
262899 Done!
262900 I have completed the task.
262901 現在什麼?
262903 是的!
262904 I am here!
262905 Ready to fight!
262906 Command me!
262908 What would you like?
262909 I am ready to go.
262910 Be cautious.
262911 The Keeper awaits us.
262967 Torture Rack |