- 閱讀權限
- 255
生命值- 2861
法力值- 2473
金幣- 1996 G
聲望- 203
Wildstone Clasp
A roughhewn gem in a deceptively simple setting. Great skill was required to fashion this to look primitive and yet still elegant. 摩瑞根 has an eye for quality that defies her wild nature.
Seal of Rat Red
When Orlais invaded Ferelden, a folk hero arose to torment occupying forces. Impossible to kill, he was actually a series of people who passed on the seal and the secret when each could no longer fight.
Imperial Edge
Although this is a Tevinter copy of a traditional qunari 鋸刀, it is surprisingly well crafted for a weapon so divergent from a human blacksmith's usual expertise.
Heart of Witherfang
A blue-black stone that is difficult to directly observe. It bestows a strange sense of peace on the wearer, while the outsider suffers disquiet nights and unfamiliar sounds from the dark periphery.
Meeting King Cailan
會見 阿拉斯特
The New Recruits
Meeting 摩瑞根
Meeting Flemeth
Survived the Joining
The War Council
The Tower of Ishal
Ogre Slain
After the Betrayal
摩瑞根 Joins Your Cause
The Charge at 奧斯特加
Loghain Quits the Field
Encounter in Dane's Refuge
蕾莉安娜 Joins Your Cause
Qunari in a 牢籠
Sten Joins Your Cause
Meeting Zathrian
Encountering Swiftrunner
The Grand Oak
The Mad Hermit
Returning the Acorn
Past the Barrier
The Lady of the Forest
Witherfang's Death
The Dalish Promise
Zathrian and the Lady Meet
Zathrian Ends the Curse
The Dalish Promise
The Massacre of the Dalish
The Werewolves' Vow
The Circle is Overrun
Meeting 溫妮
Encountering Owain
Niall's Failure
Battling the 怠惰惡魔
Freedom is Earned
Cullen's Prison
遭遇 Uldred
The Templars Join Your Army
The Mages Join Your Army
The Mayor's Concern
Offering to Help the Knights
Night Falls
A Resounding Victory
Victory Never Comes Without Sacrifice
紅色峭壁 Abandoned
Sneaking Into Castle 紅色峭壁
A Mage Imprisoned
Battle in the Great Hall
Connor Slain
Confronting the Demon in the 幽界
Isolde's Sacrifice
The Circle's Ritual
The Demon is Defeated
Brother Genitivi's Assistant
The Impostor Revealed
The Innkeeper Shares a 秘密
The Bloody Altar
Battle with Eirik
Brother Genitivi Found
The Hidden Temple
Encountering Kolgrim
Kolgrim Guides You
The Guardian of the Ashes
Approaching the Urn
Kolgrim's Deal
Betraying Kolgrim
The Tests of Faith
Eamon is Restored
阿拉斯特: 佛瑞登的新王?
The Innkeeper's 秘密
The Gates of 歐札瑪
Dealing with Imrek
Fighting in the Streets
The Bickering Assembly
A Meeting with Vartag Gavorn
A Meeting with Dulin Forender
Harrowmont's Champion
Progress in the Provings
Victory for Harrowmont
Speaking to House Dace
Speaking to House Helmi
Meeting Harrowmont
Meeting Bhelen
Ambushed in Dust Town
Encountering Jarvia
In Search of the Paragon Branka
In Search of the Paragon Branka
Caridin's Cross
Ortan Thaig
The Archdemon in the Dead Trenches
Hespith's Burden
The 孵化之母
Meeting Branka
Meeting Caridin
Battling Branka
Battling Caridin
Caridin Forges the Crown
Branka Forges the Crown
Harrowmont is Crowned
Bhelen is Crowned
Bhelen's Coup
Harrowmont is Executed
歐格仁 Joins Your Cause
You were introduced to Cailan, the king of Ferelden.
你遇見阿拉斯特, 另外的灰袍守護者.
The newest Grey Warden recruits, including you, were sent to obtain vials of 黑暗衍生物 blood for a mysterious Grey Warden ritual.
A mysterious woman who called herself 摩瑞根 approached you in the wilds. She said that her mother, Flemeth, had protected the Grey Warden treaties.
摩瑞根 brought you back to Flemeth, her mother, who gave you the treaties and sent you on your way.
You survived the Joining, though 戴維斯 and 喬瑞 did not.
You attended the war council, where the strategy for the battle against the 黑暗衍生物 was finalized.
You and 阿拉斯特 were given the task of heading to the top of the Tower of Ishal to light its beacon--the signal for Teyrn Loghain's troops to charge.
The Tower of Ishal was overrun with 黑暗衍生物 and you had to fight your way to the beacon.
A huge ogre was found lurking at the top of the tower. You killed it in order to get to the beacon.
Loghain betrayed the king and left the battlefield when he was supposed to charge. 黑暗衍生物 overwhelmed you, but you were fortunately rescued by Flemeth.
Flemeth sent 摩瑞根 along with you. She believed that 摩瑞根's help would be indispensable.
The king and his army charged the vast horde of 黑暗衍生物 at 奧斯特加.
King Cailan met his death at the hands of a vicious 黑暗衍生物 ogre.
Teyrn Loghain pulled his men from the battle, condemning the king and the Grey Wardens to death.
Some of Loghain's men recognized you when you entered the tavern in 洛勒音. Despite the valiant attempts of a Chantry sister to calm them down, they attacked you.
The sister who helped you fight off Loghain's men was named 蕾莉安娜. She offered to join your cause.
You encountered a qunari warrior in a 牢籠 in 洛勒音. He had been condemned to death for killing several innocent farmers.
You freed the qunari, Sten, and he has joined you.
You encountered a clan of Dalish elves in the Brecilian forest. The clan's keeper, Zathrian, explained that the clan had fallen prey to a werewolf plague.
You ran into a werewolf, which attacked you. It seemed you were not welcome.
You met the Grand Oak, a strange, talking, rhyming tree.
You encountered an odd, slightly crazed old hermit.
You recovered the Grand Oak's acorn and returned it to him.
Though the trees themselves tried to block your way, you managed to push past them and entered the werewolves' territory.
You were brought to the Lady of the Forest, who explained that she had calmed the werewolves' savage natures.
Witherfang is dead at your hands, just as Zathrian wanted.
Grateful for your help, the Dalish elves pledged themselves to your cause.
You arranged for a meeting between the Lady of the Forest and Zathrian. The Lady begged Zathrian to end the curse he put on the werewolves.
Zathrian finally saw that the cycle of hatred had to end, and lifted the curse from the werewolves.
With the werewolf curse ended, the Dalish recovered quickly. Grateful for the help, they pledged themselves to you.
You believed that Zathrian had to pay for what he'd done to the werewolves, and led the beasts in a battle against the Dalish.
Grateful for your help, the werewolves pledged themselves to your cause.
You found the Circle of Magi in shambles, their tower having been overrun by demons.
You encountered 溫妮, who was protecting some young apprentices from the creatures infesting the tower.
You came across one of the Tranquil, Owain, who mentioned that a mage called Niall had come to his stockroom in search of the Litany of Adralla, which protects against blood magic.
You fell into the clutches of a sloth demon while exploring the tower.
A demon disguised as 鄧肯 tried to trick you while you were in the 幽界, but you were not deceived.
You met the mage Niall, whose hopes to save the Circle were dashed when he was trapped in the 幽界.
You rescued 摩瑞根 from the demon that disguised itself as her mother.
You rescued 阿拉斯特 from his dream of having a happy family.
You rescued 蕾莉安娜 from her dream of being back in the Chantry.
You rescued your mabari hound, who seemed quite happy being asleep.
You found Sten in a dream of his dead fellows, and persuaded him to leave.
You rescued 瑟夫朗, who was reliving an 安提凡 Crow initiation ritual.
You woke 溫妮 from a nightmare in which she had failed to save the apprentices of the Circle.
You took 歐格仁 away from his memory of being ridiculed back in 歐札瑪.
You rescued 夏勒 from the 幽界.
You navigated the 幽界 and broke into the sloth demon's sanctum.
You defeated the sloth demon and earned your freedom. Niall, however, had been in the 幽界 for too long, and his body had perished.
You encountered a templar named Cullen, who insisted that the mages were a lost cause.
Uldred, the mage responsible for all the trouble, had become an abomination.
溫妮 was impressed with what you did for the Circle, and offered to join your group.
The templars were grateful for your help at the tower, and pledged themselves to your cause.
The mages were grateful for your help, and promised to join your army.
The village of 紅色峭壁 was suffering nightly attacks from vast numbers of strange creatures streaming from the castle.
You offered your help to the mayor, Murdock, who was having trouble equipping the village militia.
You also offered your help to Ser Perth, the leader of Arl Eamon's knights.
You stood by the villagers of 紅色峭壁 as night descended.
Your efforts paid off spectacularly, and you were able to protect the village. There were no casualties.
Your efforts were well rewarded. 紅色峭壁 is safe, for now, and very few people were lost in the assault.
Realizing that 紅色峭壁's troubles weren't your problem, you abandoned the village to its fate.
紅色峭壁's problems were coming from the castle, and you entered it in order to investigate.
You encountered Jowan, the mage who poisoned Arl Eamon. He was hired to tutor Connor, the Arl's son.
Connor, the Arl's son, had made a deal with a demon to save his father, resulting in the child's possession.
Connor forced Lord Teagan to fight you. Thankfully, he survived the onslaught.
Connor had to die to eliminate the demon.
Determined to save Connor, one of your group entered the 幽界 to confront the demon that was controlling him.
Isolde sacrificed herself to give Jowan enough power to send a mage into the 幽界 to save Connor.
You gained the cooperation of the Circle of the Magi in order to save Connor. The mages' ritual was able to send one mage into the 幽界 to battle the demon.
Though it was difficult, you drove the demon away without resorting to too much violence.
You met Weylon, an assistant to Brother Genitivi. Genitivi had been missing for some weeks.
You discovered that Weylon was an imposter. You also uncovered some evidence that Genitivi was heading to the small village of Haven.
The innkeeper of the Spoiled Princess revealed that suspicious men had threatened him.
There was something strange going on in Haven.
Haven was not all that it seemed to be.
You were not welcome in Haven. Even its priest, Father Eirik, did not appreciate your presence.
Brother Genitivi had been held against his will in Haven's chantry for some time.
Genitivi helped you enter the hidden temple in the mountains, where he believed the Urn of Sacred Ashes resided.
You came across Kolgrim, the leader of the cult. He was not happy with your actions.
You struck a deal with Kolgrim, and he led you safely past the high dragon.
The mysterious guardian of the Ashes greeted you as you entered the temple's inner sanctum.
Having gotten past the gauntlet, you were allowed to approach the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
You did as Kolgrim asked and tainted the Ashes. He was grateful.
You betrayed Kolgrim, and did not taint the Ashes as he had asked.
You successfully got past the tests of faith in the gauntlet.
Andraste's Ashes restored Arl Eamon.
Eamon revealed that 阿拉斯特 was Maric's son, and that he had a strong claim to the throne.
The innkeeper of the Spoiled Princess seemed to be hiding something.
Due to a dispute over 歐札瑪's throne, few were allowed past its gates.
You dealt with Loghain's belligerent messenger, and were allowed entry into 歐札瑪.
歐札瑪 was going through a great deal of turmoil. There were even clashes between the two factions in the street.
Due to the bickering going on between the deshyrs, the steward had no choice but to let the Assembly go into recess.
You met with Vartag Gavorn, Prince Bhelen's second-in-command.
You met with Dulin Forender, Lord Harrowmont's second-in-command.
You pledged your assistance to Lord Harrowmont, and represented his house in the Provings.
You went far in the Provings.
You won the Provings in Harrowmont's name, announcing your allegiance to all of 歐札瑪.
Vartag asked that you show documents to Lord Dace to prove that Harrowmont was cheating his house.
Vartag required that you take documents to key members of House Helmi to prove that Harrowmont was cheating them.
You were allowed to come face to face with Lord Harrowmont, after earning his trust.
You were allowed to come face to face with Prince Bhelen, after earning his trust.
You were ambushed in the slums while looking for Jarvia's hideout.
After much trouble, you confronted Jarvia herself.
Harrowmont believed that the only way to settle the dispute for the throne was to gain a Paragon's vote. You set out to find 歐札瑪's last living Paragon: Branka.
Bhelen believed that the only way to settle the dispute for the throne was to gain a Paragon's vote. You set out to find 歐札瑪's last living Paragon: Branka.
You made your way to Caridin's Cross, part of the old dwarven kingdom that had been lost for centuries.
歐格仁 took note of various signs that proved that Branka had been past Ortan Thaig.
You caught sight of the archdemon leading the 黑暗衍生物 horde in the Dead Trenches.
Hespith, one of Branka's captains, was found in the Dead Trenches. She was gravely ill.
You encountered the 孵化之母, a terrible creature that gives birth to the 黑暗衍生物.
You tracked down Branka, and found that her obsession with the Anvil of the Void had nearly destroyed her.
Caridin, the creator of the Anvil of the Void, urged you to destroy the Anvil, which he believed to be evil.
Branka, desperate to save the Anvil and gain it for herself, attacked.
Caridin, desperate that the Anvil not be used again, attacked.
Caridin forged the Paragon's Crown, to be given to the chosen king of 歐札瑪.
Branka forged the Paragon's Crown, to be given to the chosen king of 歐札瑪.
You chose Lord Harrowmont to be 歐札瑪's next king.
You chose Prince Bhelen to be 歐札瑪's next king.
Unhappy with your choice, Bhelen attempted to seize the throne by force.
Bhelen condemned Harrowmont to death, after his victory.
歐格仁, realizing that there was little left in 歐札瑪 for him, decided to join you.
Ballista jammed! |