- 閱讀權限
- 255
生命值- 1583
法力值- 1185
金幣- 1599 G
聲望- 238
415101 PROTO: They collect themselves and then look at the dead bodies of the darkspawn
415079 PROTO: lightning now fills the area, dragon sounds can be heard in the distance, as well as thunder
418416 PROTO: The Lost smirks (if darkspawn can smirk) at the body of the nameless darkspawn, then notices the player.
412761 PROTO: Cutscene of Sigrun, wounded, being chased by darkspawn.
415067 PROTO: The First activates the gift, a magic contraption, and it begins to glow
415098 PROTO: The camera starts panning out from the player's face as he/she lay with back facing the ground
415064 PROTO: Intro Scene for entering the blackmarsh
415106 PROTO: She looks towards the player and begins to speak
416811 PROTO: Sounds of a passing patrol
415072 PROTO: A portal to the fade begins to tear open and engulf The First and the rest of the darkspawn
415097 PROTO: Other darkspawn as well as the party members are begining to realize the situation as the camera focuses on the cooler elements of the area
415102 PROTO: Suddenly Kristoff's dead body begins to twitch
415095 PROTO: THe screen comes back into focus and the player is in the fade
415076 PROTO: The sky begins to rumble with lightning
415078 PROTO: it strikes the dragon skull and energy erupts from it in a form of a dragon arching towards the sky
415100 PROTO: he gets up and looks around, the party members begin to awake as well
415103 PROTO: It slowly begins to rise up and stand before the player. his eyes glow and a glow is about him.
415073 PROTO: The player's mind is sucked through as well as the screen fades
415104 PROTO: in the background you can see commotion stirring near the mansion, there is something big going down there.
423602 PROTO: The dragon appears, clashing down from the sky in a cool, awesome way
415174 PROTO: The First appears, coming out of hiding from among the trees.
415096 PROTO: The first is there, surprised by the fact that he also came to the fade
415099 PROTO: small drops of rain begin to drop and hit the players face, waking him up
415065 PROTO: The camera should not feel game-like, but slowly pan the players view to wolves in the near distance eating some sort of carcass
415077 PROTO: The energies of the area start to collect and suddenly lightning clashes down from the sky
418415 PROTO: The Lost has the nameless darkspawn by the throat (or whatever) and kills him in a suitably brutal fashion.
415175 PROTO: Many other darkspawn begin to fan out around the player, they were waiting for him.
415176 PROTO: Gruesome and vile Children accompany the first, who is a disciple turned to the guidance of the Mother.
415105 PROTO: The baroness is checking out the village, speaking to herself about how it is good to be back in the real world
415066 PROTO: After that, the camera returns to the player and control resumes. |