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生命值- 2861
法力值- 2473
金幣- 1996 G
聲望- 203
Alistair was the long-secret son of the late King Maric Theirin, and the half-brother of King Cailan, who perished on the field at Ostagar. Shortly after Cailan's death, Arl Eamon Guerrin revealed Alistair's parentage at a Landsmeet. To placate the nobles and rescue Ferelden from the brink of civil war, Alistair became engaged to marry his brother's widow, Queen Anora. However, Alistair was also the last of Ferelden's Grey Wardens, and so before he could take the throne as king of Ferelden, he and his allies set out to defeat the archdemon.
Barkspawn was a mabari hound who was found injured at Ostagar. Alistair saved the dog's life, and the two have been inseparable ever since. Why Alistair named the dog Barkspawn is anyone's guess.
Morrigan was the daughter of Flemeth, the legendary witch of the Korcari Wilds. Flemeth forced Morrigan to accompany the Grey Warden Alistair in his battle against the Blight, but Morrigan and Alistair did not get along. She enjoyed laughing at his every mistake, and followed him only for the entertainment value.\n
Leliana was a lay sister of the Chantry. In a vision, the Maker urged her to leave the cloister and battle the Blight. Her skill at archery, evidence of a surprising past, brought her to the attention of the Grey Warden named Alistair. She soon joined him as an ally--and, rumor says, a lover.
Oghren was a decorated and highly respected warrior of the dwarven city of Orzammar--until his wife, the Paragon Branka, made him into a cuckold. Oghren turned to drink, then accidentally killed a young noble while intoxicated. After the dwarves stripped Oghren of his pride and weapons, he left for the surface. He settled in at the Gnawed Noble Tavern in Denerim, ranting about his glory days to anyone who would listen.
Sten was a soldier of the Beresaad, the vanguard of the qunari. He was sent to Ferelden to investigate the threat of the Blight, but Sten and his brothers-in-arms were ambushed by the darkspawn one night. Only Sten survived. He chose not to return to Par Vollen with his report, but lingered instead to fight the Blight, and to uncover the secrets of Ferelden's sweet, crumbly baked goods.
Wynne was a senior enchanter of Ferelden's Circle of Magi, and one of the few humans who were lucky enough to survive the Battle of Ostagar. When Alistair called for allies against the Blight, she volunteered to march to Denerim, nagging her templar traveling companions the whole way.
Zevran was an Antivan Crow who was sent to Ferelden to kill Alistair, a Grey Warden. Alistair defeated Zevran and spared the would-be assassin's life, on the condition that Zevran never show his face again. Fearing reprisal from the Crows for his failure, Zevran went into hiding in Denerim's elven alienage.
Darkspawn Chronicles Debug - What would you like to do?
Where would you like to warp to?
What would you like to Spawn?
Warp to an Area
Warp to DRK100 Gates
Warp to DRK200 Market
Warp to DRK300 Alienage
Warp to DRK400 Palace
Warp to DRK500 Roof
Choose something else.
Spawn Something
Spawn Hurlock Emissary
Spawn Ogre
Spawn Shriek
Spawn Innocent
Choose something else.
Leave Debug.
Add closest darkspawn to party
Knight-Commander Greagoir
Ser Perth
Ser Landry
Bann Ceorlic
Sister Theohild
Mother Perpetua
Vanguard Plate Helm
When equipped in a set with vanguard plate armor, gloves, and boots, the hurlock gains bonuses to defense and constitution.
Wooden Crate
Oil Barrel
Rubbish Pile
Are you certain you wish to kill this thrall?
Darkspawn Plate Armor
When equipped in a set with darkspawn plate boots, the creature gains bonuses to defense and constitution.
Darkspawn Plate Boots
When equipped in a set with darkspawn plate armor, the creature gains bonuses to defense and constitution.
Darkspawn Waraxe
This is a crudely-made weapon, corrupted and blemished by the hands of its darkspawn owner.
Darkspawn Battleaxe
This is a crude weapon, corrupted and blemished by the touch of its darkspawn owner.
Darkspawn Dagger
This is a crude dagger, corrupted and tarnished by the touch of its darkspawn owner.
Darkspawn Greatsword
This huge, wicked-looking blade is a crude weapon fashioned by the darkspawn. It has been corrupted and tarnished by the touch of its owner.
Darkspawn Longsword
This crude, savage-looking blade has been tainted by the touch of its owner.
Darkspawn Mace
This crude, savage-looking weapon was forged by the darkspawn and has been corrupted and tarnished by their touch.
Darkspawn Maul
This maul does not seem to have been forged or crafted so much as gnawed from bone and rock.
Darkspawn Crossbow
This crossbow is decorated with vicious spikes.
Darkspawn Longbow
This longbow is adorned with cruel metal spikes. The scratches on its bloodstained wooden limbs suggest that it has seen many battles.
Darkspawn Shortbow
Although a bow is typically made from a single piece of wood or horn, this one is lashed together crudely with leather strips.
Darkspawn Staff
A strange pole infused with blood and covered in small bones and darkspawn totems, this staff has been corrupted and tarnished by the touch of its owner.
Genlock Sapper
Sergeant Kylon
Malign Staff
Any mage can sense the undeniable power of this staff, but also the corruption that infuses it, as if infected by the essence of the Blight itself.
Steel Golem
Vanguard Plate Boots
When equipped in a set with vanguard plate armor, gloves, and helm, the hurlock gains bonuses to defense and constitution.
Vanguard Plate Armor
When equipped in a set with vanguard plate gloves, boots, and helm, the hurlock gains bonuses to defense and constitution.
Vanguard Plate Gloves
When equipped in a set with vanguard plate armor, boots, and helm, the hurlock gains bonuses to defense and constitution.
<desc>Your path is blocked, Vanguard. Ogre's gate opens from the other side.</desc>
<desc>My strength wanes, Vanguard! Protect me!</desc>
Qunari Mercenary
From Elven Alienage
To Fort Drakon
From Palace District
To Fort Drakon
From Entrance
Royal Palace
Sewer Entrance
Side Alley
<emp>Ser Cauthrien</emp>\nSer Cauthrien was Teyrn Loghain's trusted second-in-command. She was always suspicious of Alistair, but put aside her dislike to support his battle against the Blight.
\n\n<emp>Bann Ceorlic</emp>\nBann Ceorlic was one of many nobles who came to Denerim for the Landsmeet, where he agreed with just about everything that Teyrn Loghain said.
\n\n<emp>Cullen</emp>\nCullen was one of many templars sent to defend Denerim from the darkspawn attack. His colleagues often whispered that he was mentally unstable.
\n\n<emp>Goldanna</emp>\nGoldanna was a washer-woman who lived in Denerim. Alistair believed that she was his half-sister. She smelled of sour milk and cabbage.
\n\n<emp>Gorim</emp>\nGorim was once a second to a prince of House Aeducan. When the prince was framed for fratricide, Gorim was exiled to the surface, where he made a living as a merchant in Denerim.
\n\n<emp>Knight-Commander Greagoir</emp>\nKnight-Commander Greagoir was the leader of the templars who watch over Ferelden's Circle of Magi. When the darkspawn assaulted Denerim, he brought many of his forces to the city's defence.
\n\n<emp>Habren</emp>\nHabren was the spoiled daughter of Arl Bryland of South Reach. She enjoyed spending her father's coin and once became bored with a dozen separate puppies in a three-month period.
\n\n<emp>Herren</emp>\nHerren was the partner of Master Wade, Denerim's most famous armorer. Herren managed the finances and day-to-day operations of their shop. He and Master Wade escaped the massacre in the Denerim market under mysterious circumstances.
\n\n<emp>Arl Rendon Howe</emp>\nRendon Howe was the hereditary arl of Amaranthine, known as a cagey ally to Teyrn Loghain. Dark rumors suggest he was behind the destruction of Castle Highever and the annihilation of the Cousland line.
\n\n<emp>Kardol</emp>\nKardol was an experienced member of the Legion of the Dead. He met Alistair in the Deep Roads and promised to fight the darkspawn along with him.
\n\n<emp>Sergeant Kylon</emp>\nSergeant Kylon was a member of Denerim's guard tasked with maintaining order in the market. Because his superiors did not think the post important, they sent Kylon a progression of ever-more-incompetent new recruits, usually the bastard sons of minor lords.
\n\n<emp>Ser Landry</emp>\nSer Landry was a knight in the service of King Cailan. He believed that the Grey Wardens were to blame for the king's death, and once challenged Alistair to a duel. He lost and was humiliated.
\n\n<emp>Mother Perpetua</emp>\nPerpetua was the revered mother of the Denerim Chantry. She filled her days arguing with Sister Theohild over interpretation of the Chant.
\n\n<emp>Ser Perth</emp>\nSer Perth was a knight in the service of Arl Eamon of Redcliffe. He was sent on a quest for the legendary Urn of Sacred Ashes, but found no success.
\n\n<emp>Riordan</emp>\nRiordan was a Grey Warden from Orlais. While on a diplomatic mission, he was arrested by Teyrn Loghain, and held in the dungeons of the arl of Denerim's palace. Alistair freed him, temporarily doubling the number of living Wardens in Ferelden.
\n\n<emp>Sanga</emp>\nSanga was the proprietress of the Pearl, a brothel in Denerim. Her establishment was renowned for the variety of temptations it offered.
\n\n<emp>Bann Teagan</emp>\nTeagan Guerrin, the bann of Rainesfere, was the younger brother of Arl Eamon Guerrin. When Arl Eamon was incapacitated by poison, Teagan took over his duties.
People of Ferelden
\n\n<emp>Sister Theohild</emp>\nTheohild was a priest in Denerim's chantry. She liked nothing more than to argue with Mother Perpetua over interpretations of the Chant.
\n\n<emp>Valendrian</emp>\nValendrian was the keeper of the elven alienage in Denerim, with years of experience in speaking up to defend his people when human guards came to threaten them.
\n\n<emp>Vaughan</emp>\nVaughan Kendells was the son of the late Arl Urien Kendells and the rightful arl of Denerim. He was captured by Arl Rendon Howe and left to rot in the dungeons of the arl of Denerim's estate. When Alistair broke into the estate to rescue Riordan, an Orlesian Grey Warden, he also released Vaughan.
\n\n<emp>Master Wade</emp>\nWade was a master blacksmith who ran a shop in Denerim with the assistance of his partner, Herren. He and Herren escaped the massacre in the Denerim market under mysterious circumstances.
You wasted no time in pressing the attack into Denerim's market, leaving the defenders' barricades intact.
<emp>Force the ogre to destroy the gates</emp>\nA heavy gate blocks a staircase that leads higher into the palace district. Recruit the ogre as a thrall, then destroy the gate using the ogre's Hurl Rock talent.
Your ogre thrall destroyed the gate that blocked your path.
Smash the Gates
<emp>Slay the qunari</emp>\nA fierce and powerful qunari warrior stands between the horde and the archdemon. Kill him so that you can march to the archdemon's aid.
The qunari known as Sten is no more.
Kill the Qunari
<emp>Go to Fort Drakon</emp>\nThe Grey Warden known as Alistair has sensed the archdemon's presence atop Fort Drakon. Follow the human to the castle and stop him for good.
The palace district lies shattered in your wake.
Rampage to Fort Drakon
<emp>Use the shriek to sneak past the ballistae</emp>\nDeadly ballistae block the path. Recruit a shriek as a thrall, then use its Stealth talent to sneak past the ballistae and eliminate the threat. If you have already recruited a full party of darkspawn, you must execute one of your thralls to make room for the shriek. To order the rest of the party to hold position while the shriek does its work, press <HoldPositionsKey/> or click on the Hold Position button below your thralls' portraits.
The ballistae are no longer a threat.
Sneak Past the Ballistae
<emp>Slaughter Bann Teagan and his men</emp>\nThis district benefits from an experienced human commander. Seek out Bann Teagan near the entrance to the arl of Denerim's estate, then kill him to disrupt the defenders' chain of command.
Bann Teagan lies dead, and the market's defenses are weakened.
Kill Bann Teagan
<emp>Lead a sapper near the gate to the alienage</emp>\nA reinforced gate blocks the path to the elven alienage. Find a genlock sapper, then walk to the alienage gate. He will follow you and then begin working on the gate.
The genlock sapper will work to destroy the gate to the alienage, but the task will take time.
Blow the Gate
<emp>Destroy the weapons cache</emp>\nA pair of merchants have resupplied the defenders with new weapons. Burn the weapons cache before the soldiers can arm themselves for a renewed assault.
You have destroyed the weapons cache, weakening Denerim's defenders once more.
Stop the Resupply
<emp>Kill the mage</emp>\nAlthough the genlock sapper succeeded in destroying the gate to the alienage, several templars and a powerful spirit healer from the Circle of Magi have rushed to the market's defense. Kill them!
The mage known as Wynne and her templar escorts are no more.
Slay the Healer
<emp>Go to the alienage</emp>\nYou have seized control of Denerim's market. Take your thralls and press into the elven alienage.
The market lies in your wake, utterly depopulated.
Rampage to the Alienage
<emp>Leave no survivors</emp>\nDenerim's market is overrun with weak innocents. End their lives!
Innocent corpses are strewn throughout the market.
Slaughter the Innocents
The city of Denerim, jewel of Ferelden, girds itself for war. As a hurlock vanguard, you alone hold the power to make thralls of your fellow darkspawn and drive them into the heat of battle. Heed the archdemon's call--Denerim must burn!\n\nIncludes:\n* A standalone adventure in which you command genlocks, hurlocks, shrieks, and even the mighty ogres.\n* A look at an alternate history: what if your character had died in the Joining ceremony, and the Grey Wardens marched under Alistair's command instead?\n\nTo begin this dark new tale:\n* From the main menu, select New Game, then select The Darkspawn Chronicles.
The targeted darkspawn becomes your thrall, serving until death. Up to three thralls can fight at your command simultaneously. If a thrall disappoints you, use this ability on it again to execute the underperformer.
The Darkspawn Chronicles Premium Content
As Alistair tried to crawl away, the hurlock vanguard impaled him mercilessly. Thus ended the life of the last Grey Warden in Ferelden, and the last hope to stop the Blight.
You may not recruit more than one of this type of darkspawn.
You can command only three. To recruit this darkspawn, execute an existing thrall.
<desc>Recruit a thrall, Vanguard.</desc>
<desc>Assist the ogre.</desc>
<desc>Kill the defenders!</desc>
<desc>Beware the ballistae, Vanguard.</desc>
<desc>Cut down the commander.</desc>
<desc>The sapper destroys gates.</desc>
<desc>The alienage gate remains.</desc>
<desc>The elves are weak, Vanguard.</desc>
<desc>Burn their precious tree, Vanguard.</desc>
<desc>Turn their bombs against them.</desc>
<desc>These gates stand in your way, Vanguard.</desc>
<desc>Ogre can smash them.</desc>
<desc>The Warden and his companions flee, Vanguard.</desc>
<desc>Pursue them, Vanguard, and save me.</desc>
Spurred on by the blood of innocents, the creature gains temporary bonuses to strength, dexterity and health regeneration during combat.
Bonus to strength, dexterity, and health regeneration in combat.
<powervalue/>% fatigue
Spirit Band
This ring feels as light as air.
Denerim's last defenders have barricaded themselves in the palace district, but you have become separated from your ogre thrall. Rejoin the ogre and eradicate the remaining opposition.
<desc>Ogre has become separated, Vanguard. Open the gate that traps him and hurry to me.</desc>
Restriction: Hurlock or Genlock
Lesser Health Poultice
A skilled herbalist has rendered a variety of medicinal ingredients into this soothing, restorative substance.
Health Poultice
A skilled herbalist has rendered a variety of medicinal ingredients into this soothing, restorative substance.
Greater Health Poultice
A skilled herbalist has rendered a variety of medicinal ingredients into this soothing, restorative substance.
Weapons Cache
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