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本帖最后由 keppekinosha 于 2011-8-11 00:25 编辑
現在我們已經知道在Kirkwall發生的大事件演變成新一度的Exalted March。不過這不是重點,主要是在DLC中關於Exalted March的敘述,想請教各位的意見。
首先是聖人「吉斯蘭的喬弗瑞」的雕像(Statue of Blessed Brother Joffrey of Ghislain)這個CODEX中:
In 4:40 Black, the Chantry declared the first Exalted March to end the heresy in Tevinter. Brother Joffrey celebrated the occasion by writing a series of letters to the chantry in Minrathous, denouncing their scandalous behavior and urging them to better themselves. Although none of his letters were answered, Brother Joffrey was undeterred—he continued writing to the Minrathous Chantry, suggesting in the strongest possible terms that they apologize to the Divine at once, as she was really quite upset.
如果很單純來看會以為這是「第一次」的Exalted March--儘管first也有開啟的意思在。如果了解教會史的話會知道Exalted March在這之前已經發動兩次:第一次是女先知對泰文特的征討--這部分已經被歐雷側追認;第二次則是對Dales精靈的「整肅」;上記的宗教大分裂則是第三次。
另外是一瓶眼淚(A Vessel of Tears)的CODEX:
Although this wax-stoppered vessel is clearly labeled "Tears Shed During the Burning of Treviso," many questions remain, not the least of which is: Which burning of Treviso? When the Qunari conquered it in 6:35 Steel? When it was burned by the liberating armies of the White and Black Divines during the Second Exalted March of 7:52 Storm? Or when it accidentally burned to the ground in 8:62 Blessed after a dockhand knocked over a lantern in a warehouse full of lamp oil? ......
這樣就變成「第二次」的Exalted March了。不過這仍然有解套的方式,事實上在這次的Exalted March當中總共發動了三波攻勢,時間點分別是7:25、7:52、7:84,而這正好是第二波。