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[內容分享] [PRC基礎職業]武士(CW)(Samurai CW) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

973 G
發表於 2013-11-13 22:35:49 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

- 陣營限制: 守序.
- 生命骰: d10
- 武器和裝甲擅長: 所有簡單,軍用,異種武器,中甲和重甲.
- 技能點: 2 + 智力調整值.

1   1  2  0 0 擅長太刀
2   2  3  0 0 雙武器攻擊
3   3  3  1 1 氣合斬 1/天
4   4  4  1 1
5   5  4  1 1
6   6  5  2 2 鬼眼狂視
7   7  5  2 2 氣合斬 2/天
8   8  6  2 2 精通先攻
9   9  6  3 3
10  10 7  3 3 鬼眼傲視
11  11 7  3 3 精通雙武器攻擊
12  12 8  4 4 氣合斬 3/天
13  13 8  4 4
14  14 9  4 4 精通鬼眼狂視
15  15 9  5 5
16  16 10 5 5 高級雙武器攻擊
17  17 10 5 5 氣合斬 4/天
18  18 11 6 6
19  19 11 6 6
20  20 12 6 6 驚現沙場

擅長太刀 (Ex): 獲得擅長異種武器.

氣合斬 (Ex): 下一次攻擊的攻擊檢定和傷害擲骰將等同於他的魅力加值.

鬼眼狂視 (Ex): 武士的威嚇檢定將獲得+4的加值,而且能夠使敵人士氣潰敗.

鬼眼傲視 (Ex): 武士能夠通過一個標準動作對其周圍30尺的敵人造成士氣潰敗影響.

精通鬼眼狂視 (Ex): 效果會持續5輪而不是2輪.

驚現沙場 (Ex): 使周圍敵人陷入恐慌或顫慄.

Known for their matchless bravery and strict code of honor, the samurai were the noble soldiers of feudal Japan. The reputation of samurai for being tenacious in combat often precedes them in battle, and their mere presence is often enough to make dishonorable enemies slink away in the darkness.

- Alignment: Any Lawful.
- Hit Die: d10
- Proficiencies: All simple, martial and exotic weapons, with medium and light armor.
- Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Mod.

CLASS SKILLS: Concentration, Craft, Persuade, Intimidate, Lore


Level 1: Daisho Proficiency
Level 2: Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 3: Kiai Smite 1/Day
Level 4: --
Level 5: --
Level 6: Staredown
Level 7: Kiai Smite 2/Day
Level 8: Improved Initiative
Level 9: --
Level 10: Mass Staredown
Level 11: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 12: Kiai Smite 3/Day
Level 13: --
Level 14: Improved Staredown
Level 15: --
Level 16: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 17: Kiai Smite 4/Day
Level 18: --
Level 19: --
Level 20: Frightful Presence

Daisho Proficiency (Ex): In melee combat, a samurai favors the katana and the wakizashi (a short sword). Many samurai receive an heirloom set of these two blades, known as the daisho. Because a samurai is trained in their use, he gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency as a bonus feat.

Kiai Smite (Ex): Once per day, a samurai of 3rd level or higher can give a great cry during combat that invigorates him. When a samurai shouts, his next attack gains a bonus on the attack roll and damage roll equal to his Charisma bonus(minimum +1). As a samurai gains levels, he can make a kiai smite more often.

Staredown (Ex): At 6th level, a samurai becomes able to strike fear into his foes by his mere presence. He gains a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks and can demoralize an opponent.

Mass Staredown (Ex): At 10th level, a samurai has sufficient presence that he can cow multiple foes. Using a Intimidate check, the samurai can demoralize all opponents within 30 feet with a single action.

Improved Staredown (Ex): At 14th level, even a glance from the hard eyes of a samurai is enough to give his foes a pause. The effects of Staredown and Mass Staredown now last 5 rounds instead of the standard 2.

Frightful Presence (Ex): A 20th-level Samurais bravery, honor, and fighting prowess have become legendary. When the samurai draws his blade, opponents within 30 feet must succeed on a Will save(DC 20 + Cha Modifier) or become panicked for 4d6 rounds (if they have 4 or fewer Hit Dice) or shaken for 4d6 rounds (if they have more than 4 Hit Dice, but fewer than the Samurai). Creatures with more Hit Dice then the Samurai are not affected. Any foe that successfully resists the effect cannot be affected again by the same samurai's frightful presence for 24 hours.
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