- 閱讀權限
- 255
生命值- 2861
法力值- 2473
金幣- 1996 G
聲望- 203
208289 Knew I should've gone to the sermon...
208293 Move along.
208295 Thanks.
208299 By the Lady!
208301 Hooray!
208303 Listen here.
208305 That'll do, I suppose.
208307 I wouldn't do that.
208309 Try it, and we'll see how many pieces you end up in.
208389 In Andraste's name, be welcome.
208391 May the Maker keep you.
208483 Come no further.
208485 Nobody mentioned eternity was this long...
208487 In Andraste's name, I greet you.
208489 Go in peace.
208495 By the Maker!
208499 Hear me, visitor.
208501 I think that's best.
208503 That seems ill-considered.
208505 You risk the Maker's wrath!
208534 Protect Our Lady!
208535 For risen Andraste!
208538 Someone assist me!
208540 Pathetic heretic!
208564 Lady... accept this sacrifice...
208583 Is Andraste starting to put on weight?
208589 May Risen Andraste look kindly upon you.
208593 Andraste's breath!
208599 Very good.
208601 A poor choice.
208603 Don't try my patience.
208679 You may not pass.
208681 I should have brought a book.
208683 In the name of Andraste, I greet you.
208691 Oh, for Andraste's sake!
208693 Well done!
208697 A wise choice.
208699 I would not do that if I were you.
208701 Do not be so foolish. Think again.
208730 For the Lady!
208731 Death to all blasphemers!
208732 For the Risen Lady!
208734 Aid me!
208736 Is that the best you can do, outsider?
208760 For you, Lady...
208777 Cease that at once.
208779 You know that Andraste is always watching us. Always...
208783 Andraste watch over you.
208789 Blast!
208795 Good enough.
208797 I don't think so.
208799 You risk Andraste's wrath!
208828 Maker grant me strength!
208829 Blasphemer!
208830 Fall before the might of the Maker!
208832 Maker, aid me!
208834 How does it feel to come so far only to fail?
208858 At last...
208877 Eternity is a long time to wait...
208879 In the name of Andraste, Bride of the Maker, I welcome you.
208881 Go in peace.
208887 Oh, for pity's sake!
208889 Hoorah!
208891 Heed my words.
208893 A sound plan.
208895 Not very wise.
208897 Do not make me strike you down.
208926 Protect our Lady!
208927 No outsiders leave here alive!
208928 You'll die for that!
208930 Someone help!
208932 Over here, scum. Try to hit me this time.
208975 The sermon this time wasn't as good as last week.
208985 Blast!
208989 A word?
208991 Fine.
208993 That's a terrible idea.
208995 Watch yourself.
209024 Worthless heretic!
209025 Defend Haven!
209026 For Kolgrim!
209028 Give me a hand!
209030 You're pathetic, outsider.
209054 Vengeance...
209071 Stay where you are.
209073 I should have gone hunting instead.
209077 The sooner you leave, the better.
209079 Hmph.
209083 Son of a--
209089 Good enough.
209091 What? 否.
209093 Don't cross me, outsider.
209122 You'll regret coming to Haven!
209123 You will never leave here alive!
209124 You shouldn't have poked your nose in here, stranger!
209126 Someone come in here and help me!
209128 I'll make you wish you'd never been born!
209152 Andraste... will strike you down for this...
209169 What do you think you're doing?
209171 Oh, would you look at this mess...
209175 Best get on your way.
209181 Lady's breath!
209183 Hooray!
209185 Listen here.
209187 I'd agree with that.
209189 I don't think so.
209191 Don't you test me.
209263 I suppose so.
209265 I think not.
209269 <desc>唉。</desc>
209273 Go with the Maker's blessing.
209275 I am honored.
209279 For pity's sake!
209281 Well done!
209283 Listen.
209285 Splendid.
209287 I wouldn't try that.
209289 Do not challenge me.
209318 You will burn in Andraste's holy fire!
209319 Kill the blasphemer!
209320 For Our Lady!
209322 Someone help!
209324 Is that the best you can do?
209348 For... the Lady...
209365 What do you think you're doing?
209369 Who are you?
209371 You should leave Haven.
209373 Hmph.
209387 Watch yourself, outsider.
209459 I suppose.
209461 I think not.
209465 How dull.
209475 Miserable cur!
209477 Congratulations!
209479 A moment, if you will.
209481 Good enough.
209483 Foolish, very foolish.
209485 Are you an idiot? Then by all means, continue.
209559 No, no.
209561 Stay away!
209563 Oh, Andraste, help me...
209565 Who's there?
209567 Leave me alone!
209573 Oh no.
209575 Hooray!
209579 All right.
209581 Oh dear, no.
209583 You stay away from us!
209612 Who's with me?
209613 Strike down the foes of Our Lady!
209616 Lend me your aid!
209618 You'll never defeat the true faithful.
209655 I suppose.
209657 I don't think so.
209659 You can't go there.
209661 This is pointless.
209663 Hey.
209667 Thanks.
209671 Burn it all!
209675 Listen here.
209677 I suppose that's all right.
209679 I wouldn't do that.
209681 Looking for a fight, are you?
209710 Death to intruders!
209711 For the Holy Father!
209712 Protect Haven!
209714 Back me up!
209716 You'll never reach Andraste!
209740 Andraste, forgive...
209757 Hold!
209759 What a day.
209763 You should be going.
209765 Andraste's mercy be upon you.
209769 Oh dear.
209775 Fine.
209777 Is that a joke?
209779 Try it. I dare you.
210342 Indeed.
210346 Stay where you are.
210348 I suppose there are a score of things I should be doing.
210350 Good day to you.
210352 Fare thee well.
210354 You have my deepest gratitude.
210358 Hog wash!
210362 If you have a moment, I need to speak with you.
210364 A grand idea.
210366 Oh, I'm not sure that would work.
210368 You will restrain yourself!
210495 This I do for Andraste!
210496 The templars will prevail!
210497 Now we fight!
210499 Help me, please!
210501 You are no match for any of us!
210525 No, please... it's not my time...
210544 So... do you think Andraste was a virgin? She was the Maker's bride... what do you think that means?
210550 Thanks for that.
210554 Garbage!
210556 Maker be praised!
210558 Listen.
210560 I could get behind that.
210562 Did someone pay you to come up with that? Because you should give them their money back.
210564 I have a sword, and I'm not afraid to use it!
211046 That's the way!
211248 The Maker guard me from this foolishness。
213939 Anaan esaam Qun!
213941 Katara!
213942 Ashkost kata!
213943 Nehraa Qun!
213953 To me!
213991 Parshaara。。。
214030 Your word?
214032 Speak.
214033 Orders?
214056 You want?
214060 Kadan?
214061 As you wish.
214062 Consider it done.
214063 You need?
214064 Shanedan.
214067 If you must.
214068 Be cautious.
214090 Shanedan.
214096 Stop there.
214100 Panahedan.
214104 <desc>輕笑</desc>
214106 Vashedan!
214108 Not bad.
214112 That will do.
214114 Unwise.
214116 不要考驗我,little bas。
214189 Is that all you've got
214238 Appreciated.
214346 Well that's a silver-plated thought。
214348 I don't mean to rain on your troupe。。。 but I don't think that's wise。
214546 Blight!
214550 I need a moment of your time.
214820 I'm going to enjoy this!
214870 What can I do for you?
214878 Idiots!
214882 Listen here.
215786 Jaden
218415 Take them out!
218417 To me! To me!
218443 I need help!
218458 I think not.
218464 How do you do?
218466 Fare you well.
218472 Blast it!
218478 Brilliant!
223888 Disabled by effects
225978 The dogs will dine on your corpses!
225979 Victory will be ours!
225981 I need assistance! Now!
226007 So this is how it ends...
226022 I'm afraid not.
226024 Hold it right there.
226028 Greetings!
226030 Maker be with you.
226036 Blast it!
226040 I require your attention for a moment.
226042 Not a bad idea!
226044 I'm afraid that's not going to work.
226046 You're trying my patience.
226075 Blast it!
226077 How dare you!
226079 Oh dear!
226118 Indeed.
226122 No further!
226126 How do you do?
226128 Farewell! |