- 閱讀權限
- 250
生命值- 253
法力值- 125
金幣- 1145 G
聲望- 352
先來個更改 (之前的)
Move Freely 自由移動
以下名詞只是我的譯法, 為避免不統一, 先列出來, 如有需要, 有勞修正了..
radial menu放射形選單
Behaviors 行為(設定)
(tatics 內的 general behavior)
Defensive 防守
Aggressive 具攻擊性
Ranged 範圍攻擊
Quick Heal 快速醫治
character record 角色記錄
armor tab 裝甲欄目
battle menu 戰事選單
Crafting skill 製作技能
highlight 置亮 (若作及物動詞用, 我翻 "選取")
mana or stamina bar 法力和耐力點光條
level-up 升級
enchantable items 可增加符文的物品
enchanter 附魔師
同樣以下 *** 開頭的包含了英文詞/不確定部分, 有勞了 .
< lotTutorialString25/>
這個儲存的遊戲進度包涵了 Bioware 額外遊戲內容 若要載入這個遊戲進度你需要登入帳號並且擁有以下遊戲內容:
You have not spent all of your points. Are you sure you want to continue? Leftover points will still be available later.
你還沒有消耗所有的點數. 是否確定要繼續? 餘下的點數仍然可以稍後使用.
Show New Entries
Show All Entries
Move to Junk
Remove from Junk
Sell All Junk
Downloading downloadable content requires exiting back to the title screen. You will lose any unsaved progress. Are you sure you want to continue?
要進行可下載內容的下載, 必須回到遊戲的標題畫面. 你將會失去所有沒存檔的進度. 你確定要繼續嗎?
Not enough free space available to create a new save game. Saving will be disabled until you choose another storage device from the options menu. Are you sure you want to continue?
不足夠空間去建立新的存檔. 存檔功能會失效, 直至你選擇另一個儲存裝置為止 (在選項選單設定). 確定要繼續嗎?
Not enough free space available to create a new save game. Please overwrite or delete an existing save, or select another storage device from the options menu.
不足夠空間去建立新的存檔. 請覆寫或刪除目前的存檔, 或選擇另一個儲存裝置 (在選項選單設定).
From the Abilities:
The "Show Tutorials" toggle in the options menu enables tutorial pop-ups throughout the game.
選項選單中的 "展示教學" 功能若生效, 遊戲中會不時單出教學內容協助你.
You can change the default behavior of your Quick Heal control in the options menu.
在選項選單中, 你可以更改快速醫治的預設行為.
Your party is not full. Are you sure you want to continue?
你的隊伍還沒滿. 確定要繼續?
按下 START 按鈕
You can also use the radial menu to use items like healing salves. The Consumables icon is on the lower right. The Quick Heal icon on the bottom is enabled when you have at least one healing potion. When activated, it will choose the most appropriate potion for quick recovery of hit points. Note that you can map the Quick Heal button or any item to the battle menu. Press <A/> to continue.
你也可以透過放射形選單來使用物品, 如生命膏藥. 消耗品的按鈕在右下方. 當你有最少一個回復藥水, 下方快速治療按鈕便會生效, 這會自動選擇最合適的藥水來使用. 注意可以將快速醫治按鈕或其他物品放置到戰事選單中. 按 <A/> 繼續.
You just swapped weapon sets. These allow you a quick change from one weapon to another. Use the inventory screen to equip weapons to the desired set. Each weapon set also has its own battle menu group. Press <A/> to continue.
你剛剛置換了武器組合. 這功能可讓你快速地更換武器. 在物品清單畫面中可以預先裝備好這兩組武器. 每一個武器組合各有自己的戰事選單群組. 按 <A/> 繼續.
Hold Position stops party members from following you. This can be useful for setting up your party in specific positions or when you want to scout ahead with one character. Switch back to Move Freely to allow party members to follow you again. Press <A/> to continue.
"站再原地"可以不讓隊伍成員跟隨你. 如果你希望隊員在某個特定的位置, 或者希望單獨一人去探路, 這是個很有用的功能. 轉換到"自由移動" 可讓隊員重新跟隨你. 按 <A/> 繼續.
In the tactics screen, you can define how a follower will use abilities and other actions. You can select from a range of general behavior and preset roles. Press <A/> to continue.
在戰術畫面. 你可以設定該角色如何使用各種能力或行為. 你可以選擇各種不同的基本行為和預設崗位. 按 <A/> 繼續.
Behaviors control weapon switching and general aggression levels. Presets allow you test specific conditions to trigger specific actions. Presets automatically update when the follower acquires new tactic slots and abilities. Press <A/> to continue.
武器轉換動作、是否具侵略性,這些都會受行為設定影響. 戰術預設組別容許你測試甚麼情況觸發甚麼動作. 每當學會了新的技能或戰術空格, 預設組別也會隨之更新. 按 <A/> 繼續.
You can choose different tactic presets by selecting the presets menu above the tactics list and pressing <left/> or <right/> to cycle through them. Each preset stores a series of tactics that fit a specific role and includes abilities that the current follower can use. Presets automatically update when the follower acquires new tactics slots and abilities. Press <A/> to continue.
你可以選擇不同的戰術預設組別, 就在戰術清單的上方 (按 <left/> 或 <right/> 循環選擇). 每個預設的組別都內含一系列的戰術, 可配合隊伍中不同的崗位所需. 每當學會了新的技能或戰術空格,預設組別也會隨之更新. 按 <A/> 繼續.
The behavior control, at the top of the screen allows you to control the follower’s generic behavior. For example: a follower set to defensive will try to move away from nearby enemies and will attack only to defend himself. Cycle through the different behaviors in the behaviors menu by pressing <left/> and <right/>. Press <A/> to continue.
畫面上方的行為控制選項, 可決定該角色的基本行為. 例如: 某人的行為若設定為 "防守", 他會嘗試遠離附近的敵人, 並只會為保護自己而作出攻擊. (按 <left/> 或 <right/> 循環選擇不同行為). 按 <A/> 繼續.
To give orders to the entire party at once, press <LB/> and <RB/> simultaneously to select all characters, and then issue the command.
要給予全隊指令, 先同時按下 <LB/> 和 <RB/> 選擇所有角式, 然後才下命令.
Select any of your characters by pressing <LB/> or <RB/>. Try positioning each of your characters tactically: Move rogues into a backstab position, or move archers to a hill to rain down arrows while your melee fighters hold the line.
按 <LB/> 或 <RB/> 可選擇某個角色. 嘗試有策略地配置不同角色: 將盜賊置於可背刺的位置. 或將弓箭手置於高地, 當前線的成員迎擊敵人時, 便可箭如雨下了.
Clicking <therightstickbutton/> will cycle between the zoom settings.
點選 <therightstickbutton/> 可以循環選擇不同遠近的設定.
Never enter battle with your bare hands! Use the inventory screen to equip new weapons or armor. For easy access to health poultices, pull up the radial menu with <LT/> and select Quick Heal on the bottom. You can also map useable items to the quick slots in your battle menu just as if they were spells or talents.
不要手無寸鐵來戰鬥! 在物品清單裝備武器和裝甲吧. 若要更容易的使用生命膏藥, 按 <LT/> 叫喚出放射形選單, 然後按下方的快速醫治. 跟法術和天賦一樣, 你也可以將有用的物品放在快捷列的空格.
Press <A/> to start basic attacks on a targeted foe. To use a talent like Pinning Shot, or a spell like Winter's Grasp, first target the enemy (if the ability requires a target), then select the ability from your radial menu or from the quick slots in your battle menu. For area-of-effect spells like Flame Blast, the marker on the ground indicates the location affected.
按 <A/> 對目標進行普通的攻擊. 但若要使用天賦如 Pinning shot, 或法術如 Winter's Grasp, 首先選擇目標敵人 (如需要指定目標), 然後選擇該能力 (在放射形選單或快捷列). 對範圍法術如 Flame Blast, 則會標示出受影響的範圍.
The game can be played at a variety of zoom levels. Click <therightstickbutton/> to cycle between the settings.
這遊戲容許你以不同遠近角度去進行. 點選 <therightstickbutton/> 可以循環選擇不同遠近的設定.
When you're not controlling them, party members act according to tactics you set. Select 阿拉斯特 by pressing <LB/>.
當你沒有直接操控隊伍成員時, 他們會按照所設定的戰術去行動. 按 <LB/> 選擇阿拉斯特.
To equip an item, select it from your available equipment on the right side of the inventory screen with <theleftstick/> and press <A/>. If the item can go in more than one place, press either <A/> or <X/> to select the desired slot. Replace your armor or clothing now.
要裝備一件物品, 在物品清單畫面右方, 以 <theleftstick/> 先行選擇, 然後按 <A/> . 如果該物品可裝備到不同位置, 按 <A/> 或 <X/> 選擇你希望配備到的空格. 現在把你的裝甲或衣服更換一下吧.
To unequip an item, go to the Armor tab using <theleftstick/>, select the item you wish to remove, and press <A/>. Equipped items are marked with a yellow highlight in the items list. Remove your character's armor or clothing now.
若要除下一件物品, 在裝甲的欄目下使用 <theleftstick/>, 選擇要除下的物品, 然後按<A/>. 已裝備的物品會以黃色標示. 現在就移除你的裝甲或衣服吧.
Press <LB/> or <RB/> to cycle through your party members, or press both to select the whole party.
按 <LB/> 或 <RB/> 循環選擇隊伍成員, 或同時按下兩鍵選擇整個隊伍.
<therightstick/> controls where the camera is pointed. Try moving the camera now.
<therightstick/> 控制鏡頭的方向. 現在就移動一下鏡頭吧.
Clicking <therightstickbutton/> cycles through the different zoom levels. Change your zoom level now.
按 <therightstickbutton/> 可循環選擇不同遠近程度. 現在就改變遠近程度吧.
Use <theleftstick/> to move your character.
使用 <theleftstick/> 移動你的角色.
The radial menu pauses the game and gives you access to everything your character can do. Press <LT/> to open the radial menu now.
叫喚放射形選單可暫停遊戲, 亦讓你清楚看見角色可以做的動作. 現在就按 <LT/> 打開放射形選單吧.
For instance, to view your Spells or Talents, select the highlighted icon now.
例如, 若要觀看法術或天賦, 現在便選擇發亮的按鈕吧.
To use an ability from the radial menu, center your radial menu on the target, highlighting the inner ring, then select the ability. Press <A/> to continue.
若要在放射形選單使用某項能力, 將放射形選單置放在目標身上, 點選內則的圓環, 然後選擇能力. 按 <A/> 繼續.
Choose <X/>, <Y/>, or <B/> to map your ability to the battle menu, or press and hold <RT/> to access three additional slots.
選擇 <X/>, <Y/>, 或 <B/> 配置你的能力到戰事選單中, 或可持續按下 <RT/> 增加三個額外的空格.
To equip or view items, press <Start/> and then <LT/> or <RT/>, if needed, until you see the inventory screen.
要裝備或檢視物品, 按 <Start/> 然後按 <LT/> 或 <RT/> , 直到你看見物品清單為止.
Currently equipped items are highlighted and appear at the top of the list. To equip or unequip your armor, use <theleftstick/> to navigate to the armor tab, then highlight your chest piece and press <A/>.
目前已裝備的物品會被置亮, 並且出現在清單的頂端. 若要裝備或除下裝甲, 使用<theleftstick/> 移到裝甲的欄目.
To equip an item, select it from the appropriate category in the shared party inventory on the right side of the screen and press <A/>. Replace your armor or clothing now.
若要裝備一件物品, 在隊伍物品清單中的右方、相關類別下選取物品, 然後按 <A/>. 現在就更換你的裝甲或衣服吧.
You have gained a new party member. Press <LB/> or <RB/> to change which party member you are controlling.
剛加入一名新隊伍成員. 按 <LB/> 或 <RB/> 改變你要操控的隊員.
You can force party members to follow specific combat tactics when you are not controlling them. Press <Start/> and then <LT/> or <RT/>, if needed, to access the character record now.
當你沒有操控隊員時, 你可以強制他去跟從某項戰術. 現在就檢視角色記錄吧,按 <Start/> ,然後按 <LT/> 或 <RT/> .
From the tactics menu, you can customize the follower’s ability use and general behavior. Press <Y/> to open the tactics menu now.
在戰術畫面. 你可以設定該角色如何使用各種能力或行為. 現在按 <Y/> 打開戰術畫面吧.
While in combat, highlight a target by centering it in your radial menu or by using <theDpad/> to cycle through available targets. Select a target by pressing <A/> when one is highlighted. Press <LT/> to open the radial menu now.
在戰鬥中, 將目標置於放射形選單中間便可將其置亮, 或使用 <theDpad/> 循環選擇目標. 置亮了後按 <A/> 便可選擇該目標. 現在便按 <LT/> 打開放射形選單吧.
The Potions icon on the lower right of the radial menu allows you to use items like health poultices and injury repair kits. Press <A/> to continue.
在放射形選單右下方的藥水按鈕可讓你使用生命膏藥、injury repair kits 等物品. 按 <A/> 繼續.
You have two types of abilities: spells or talents (depending on your class) and sustained abilities. Spells or talents usually have an instant effect on the target while sustained abilities remain active until disabled. While in use, a sustained ability lowers your maximum mana or stamina by a specific amount. The mana or stamina bar appears on the right side of your character portrait. Press <A/> to continue.
你有兩類型的能力: 法術或天賦 (視乎你的職業),和持續生效的能力. 法術或天賦通常對目標產生即時效果; 持續生效的能力則會一直保持啟動, 並佔據部分法力和耐力點直到被除掉為止. 法力和耐力點光條顯示在角色畫像的右方.
You have been hurt. To heal the current party member quickly, pull up the radial menu with <LT/> and then use <theleftstick/> to select Quick Heal on the bottom of the radial menu. This will use the most appropriate health poultice in your inventory.
你受傷了. 若要更快地治療隊伍成員, 按 <LT/> 開啟放射形選單, 然後使用 <theleftstick/> 選擇下方的快速醫治. 這會使用物品清單中最合適的生命膏藥.
You have earned enough experience to gain a level! Level up now by pressing <Start/>, then pressing <LT/> or <RT/> until you see the character record.
你賺取了足夠經驗升一級了! 要升級的話, 現在就按 <Start/>, 然後按 <LT/> 或 <RT/> 直到出現角色記錄.
Press <A/> to open the level-up screen.
按 <A/> 打開升級畫面.
When you use a cone ability, the game pauses automatically so that you can aim the cone by moving <theleftstick/>. When you're ready, press <A/> to confirm.
當你使用錐型攻擊的能力時, 遊戲會自動停止, 使你可以使用 <theleftstick/> 瞄準目標. 當你準備好了, 按 <A/> 確定.
When you use an area-of-effect ability, the game pauses automatically so that you can select the target area by moving <theleftstick/>. When you're ready, press <A/> to confirm.
當你使用具範圍效果的能力時, 遊戲會自動停止, 使你可以使用 <theleftstick/> 瞄準目標. 當你準備好了, 按 <A/> 確定.
Your 幽界 shapeshifting form can be found in the upper left. Open it, highlight the desired form, and then press <A/> to activate it.
在幽界能使用的新形態在左上方可找到. 打開它, 並選擇新形態, 按 <A/> 確定.
Select the Army Control icon to see the armies that can aid you. Highlight the desired army and press <A/> to summon them.
選擇軍隊控制按鈕以檢視那些軍隊能幫助你. 選擇你希望要的, 然後按 <A/> 去召喚他們.
Press <A/> when you are ready for the next step.
當你進備好要往下一步, 按 <A/> .
Select a target by pressing <A/> when you've centered it on your screen using <therightstick/>. To lock onto a specific target, select it and then click <theleftstickbutton/>. Doing so will prevent other targets from being chosen. The lock is removed when the target dies or when you click <theleftstickbutton/> again. Press <A/> to continue.
要鎖定某個目標. 先選擇他然後點選 <theleftstickbutton/>. 這樣可以防止錯誤選擇了其他的目標. 當目標死亡、或你再按一次 <theleftstickbutton/> , 便能解除這個鎖定. 按 <A/> 繼續.
By default, pressing <LT/> opens your radial menu and pressing <LT/> again closes it. You can change this so that it only stays open when you <emp>hold</emp> <LT/>. To alter this control, change the Radial Menu option to "Hold Open" in the options menu.
預設按 <LT/> 會開啟放射形選單, 再按一次便會關閉它. 你可以更改為: 必須 <emp>按著</emp> <LT/>, 放射形選單才會開啟. 要這麼做的話, 在選項選單中, 將放射形選單選項設定為 "按著打開" 便可以了.
Did playing with your options menu settings get a little out of hand? You can restore defaults by pressing <Y/>.
覺得使用現在的選項有點不習慣? 你可以按 <Y/> 回復原來的預設值.
Your battle menu, located on the bottom right of the screen, has six slots. The first three are mapped to <X/>, <Y/>, and <B/>. Hold <RT/> and those same buttons access the other three slots.
你的戰事選單顯示在畫面的右下方, 有六個空格. 首三個是分配到 <X/>, <Y/>, 和 <B/> 鍵. 按著 <RT/> 來按那三個鍵的話, 可使用餘下三個空格.
Press <RT/> to access three additional battle menu slots.
按 <RT/> 增加三個額外的戰事選單空格.
按 開始鍵
You can also use the radial menu to use items like healing salves. The Consumables icon is on the lower right. The Quick Heal icon on the bottom is enabled when you have at least one healing potion. When activated, it will choose the most appropriate potion for quick recovery of hit points. Note that you can map the Quick Heal button or any item to the battle menu. Press <A/> to continue.
你也可以透過放射形選單來使用物品, 如生命膏藥. 消耗品的按鈕在右下方. 當你有最少一個回復藥水, 下方快速治療按鈕便會生效, 這會自動選擇最合適的藥水來使用. 注意可以將快速治療按鈕或其他物品放置到戰事選單中. 按 <A/> 繼續.
You just swapped weapon sets. These allow you a quick change from one weapon to another. Use the inventory screen to equip weapons to the desired set. Each weapon set also has its own battle menu group. Press <A/> to continue.
你剛剛置換了武器組合. 這功能可讓你快速地更換武器. 在物品清單畫面中可以預先裝備好這兩組武器. 每一個武器組合各有自己的戰事選單群組. 按 <A/> 繼續.
Hold Position stops party members from following you. This can be useful for setting up your party in specific positions or when you want to scout ahead with one character. Switch back to Move Freely to allow party members to follow you again. Press <A/> to continue.
"站再原地"可以不讓隊伍成員跟隨你. 如果你希望隊員在某個特定的位置, 或者希望單獨一人去探路, 這是個很有用的功能. 轉換到"自由移動" 可讓隊員重新跟隨你. 按 <A/> 繼續.
In the tactics screen, you can define how a follower will use abilities and other actions. You can select from a range of general behavior and preset roles. Press <A/> to continue.
在戰術畫面. 你可以設定該角色如何使用各種能力或行為. 你可以選擇各種不同的基本行為和預設崗位. 按 <A/> 繼續.
Behaviors control weapon switching and general aggression levels. Presets allow you test specific conditions to trigger specific actions. Presets automatically update when the follower acquires new tactic slots and abilities. Press <A/> to continue.
武器轉換動作、是否具侵略性,這些都會受行為設定影響. 戰術預設組別容許你測試甚麼情況觸發甚麼動作. 每當學會了新的技能或戰術空格, 預設組別也會隨之更新. 按 <A/> 繼續.
You can choose different tactic presets by selecting the presets menu above the tactics list and pressing <left/> or <right/> to cycle through them. Each preset stores a series of tactics that fit a specific role and includes abilities that the current follower can use. Presets automatically update when the follower acquires new tactics slots and abilities. Press <A/> to continue.
你可以選擇不同的戰術預設組別, 就在戰術清單的上方 (按 <left/> 或 <right/> 循環選擇). 每個預設的組別都內含一系列的戰術, 可配合隊伍中不同的崗位所需. 每當學會了新的技能或戰術空格,預設組別也會隨之更新. 按 <A/> 繼續.
The behavior control, at the top of the screen allows you to control the follower’s generic behavior. For example: a follower set to defensive will try to move away from nearby enemies and will attack only to defend himself. Cycle through the different behaviors in the behaviors menu by pressing <left/> and <right/>. Press <A/> to continue.
畫面上方的行為控制選項, 可決定該角色的基本行為. 例如: 某人的行為若設定為 "防守", 他會嘗試遠離附近的敵人, 並只會為保護自己而作出攻擊. (按 <left/> 或 <right/> 循環選擇不同行為). 按 <A/> 繼續.
To give orders to the entire party at once, press <LB/> and <RB/> simultaneously to select all characters, and then issue the command.
要給予全隊指令, 先同時按下 <LB/> 和 <RB/> 選擇所有角色, 然後才下命令.
Select any of your characters by pressing <LB/> or <RB/>. Try positioning each of your characters tactically: Move rogues into a backstab position, or move archers to a hill to rain down arrows while your melee fighters hold the line.
按 <LB/> 或 <RB/> 可選擇某個角色. 嘗試有策略地配置不同角色: 將盜賊置於可背刺的位置. 或將弓箭手置於高地, 當前線的成員迎擊敵人時, 便可箭如雨下了.
Clicking <therightstickbutton/> will cycle between the zoom settings.
點選 <therightstickbutton/> 可以循環選擇不同遠近的設定.
Never enter battle with your bare hands! Use the inventory screen to equip new weapons or armor. For easy access to health poultices, pull up the radial menu with <LT/> and select Quick Heal on the bottom. You can also map useable items to the quick slots in your battle menu just as if they were spells or talents.
不要手無寸鐵來戰鬥! 在物品清單裝備武器和裝甲吧. 若要更容易的使用生命膏藥, 按 <LT/> 叫喚出放射形選單, 然後按下方的快速治療. 跟法術和天賦一樣, 你也可以將有用的物品放在快捷列的空格.
Press <A/> to start basic attacks on a targeted foe. To use a talent like Pinning Shot, or a spell like Winter's Grasp, first target the enemy (if the ability requires a target), then select the ability from your radial menu or from the quick slots in your battle menu. For area-of-effect spells like Flame Blast, the marker on the ground indicates the location affected.
按 <A/> 對目標進行普通的攻擊. 但若要使用天賦如 Pinning shot, 或法術如 Winter's Grasp, 首先選擇目標敵人 (如需要指定目標), 然後選擇該能力 (在放射形選單或快捷列). 對範圍法術如 Flame Blast, 則會標示出受影響的範圍.
The game can be played at a variety of zoom levels. Click <therightstickbutton/> to cycle between the settings.
這遊戲容許你以不同遠近角度去進行. 點選 <therightstickbutton/> 可以循環選擇不同遠近的設定.
When you're not controlling them, party members act according to tactics you set. Select 阿拉斯特 by pressing <LB/>.
當你沒有直接操控隊伍成員時, 他們會按照所設定的戰術去行動. 按 <LB/> 選擇阿拉斯特.
To equip an item, select it from your available equipment on the right side of the inventory screen with <theleftstick/> and press <A/>. If the item can go in more than one place, press either <A/> or <X/> to select the desired slot. Replace your armor or clothing now.
要裝備一件物品, 在物品清單畫面右方, 以 <theleftstick/> 先行選擇, 然後按 <A/> . 如果該物品可裝備到不同位置, 按 <A/> 或 <X/> 選擇你希望配備到的空格. 現在把你的裝甲或衣服更換一下吧.
To unequip an item, go to the Armor tab using <theleftstick/>, select the item you wish to remove, and press <A/>. Equipped items are marked with a yellow highlight in the items list. Remove your character's armor or clothing now.
若要除下一件物品, 在裝甲的欄目下使用 <theleftstick/>, 選擇要除下的物品, 然後按<A/>. 已裝備的物品會以黃色標示. 現在就移除你的裝甲或衣服吧.
Press <LB/> or <RB/> to cycle through your party members, or press both to select the whole party.
按 <LB/> 或 <RB/> 循環選擇隊伍成員, 或同時按下兩鍵選擇整個隊伍.
<therightstick/> controls where the camera is pointed. Try moving the camera now.
<therightstick/> 控制鏡頭的方向. 現在就移動一下鏡頭吧.
Clicking <therightstickbutton/> cycles through the different zoom levels. Change your zoom level now.
按 <therightstickbutton/> 可循環選擇不同遠近程度. 現在就改變遠近程度吧.
Use <theleftstick/> to move your character.
使用 <theleftstick/> 移動你的角色.
The radial menu pauses the game and gives you access to everything your character can do. Press <LT/> to open the radial menu now.
叫喚放射形選單可暫停遊戲, 亦讓你清楚看見角色可以做的動作. 現在就按 <LT/> 打開放射形選單吧.
For instance, to view your Spells or Talents, select the highlighted icon now.
例如, 若要觀看法術或天賦, 現在便選擇發亮的按鈕吧.
To use an ability from the radial menu, center your radial menu on the target, highlighting the inner ring, then select the ability. Press <A/> to continue.
若要在放射形選單使用某項能力, 將放射形選單置放在目標身上, 點選內則的圓環, 然後選擇能力. 按 <A/> 繼續.
Choose <X/>, <Y/>, or <B/> to map your ability to the battle menu, or press and hold <RT/> to access three additional slots.
選擇 <X/>, <Y/>, 或 <B/> 配置你的能力到戰事選單中, 或可持續按下 <RT/> 增加三個額外的空格.
To equip or view items, press <Start/> and then <LT/> or <RT/>, if needed, until you see the inventory screen.
要裝備或檢視物品, 按 <Start/> 然後按 <LT/> 或 <RT/> , 直到你看見物品清單為止.
Currently equipped items are highlighted and appear at the top of the list. To equip or unequip your armor, use <theleftstick/> to navigate to the armor tab, then highlight your chest piece and press <A/>.
目前已裝備的物品會被置亮, 並且出現在清單的頂端. 若要裝備或除下裝甲, 使用<theleftstick/> 移到裝甲的欄目.
To equip an item, select it from the appropriate category in the shared party inventory on the right side of the screen and press <A/>. Replace your armor or clothing now.
若要裝備一件物品, 在隊伍物品清單中的右方、相關類別下選取物品, 然後按 <A/>. 現在就更換你的裝甲或衣服吧.
You have gained a new party member. Press <LB/> or <RB/> to change which party member you are controlling.
剛加入一名新隊伍成員. 按 <LB/> 或 <RB/> 改變你要操控的隊員.
You can force party members to follow specific combat tactics when you are not controlling them. Press <Start/> and then <LT/> or <RT/>, if needed, to access the character record now.
當你沒有操控隊員時, 你可以強制他去跟從某項戰術. 現在就檢視角色記錄吧,按 <Start/> ,然後按 <LT/> 或 <RT/> .
From the tactics menu, you can customize the follower’s ability use and general behavior. Press <Y/> to open the tactics menu now.
在戰術畫面. 你可以設定該角色如何使用各種能力或行為. 現在按 <Y/> 打開戰術畫面吧.
While in combat, highlight a target by centering it in your radial menu or by using <theDpad/> to cycle through available targets. Select a target by pressing <A/> when one is highlighted. Press <LT/> to open the radial menu now.
在戰鬥中, 將目標置於放射形選單中間便可將其置亮, 或使用 <theDpad/> 循環選擇目標. 置亮了後按 <A/> 便可選擇該目標. 現在便按 <LT/> 打開放射形選單吧.
The Potions icon on the lower right of the radial menu allows you to use items like health poultices and injury repair kits. Press <A/> to continue.
在放射形選單右下方的藥水按鈕可讓你使用生命膏藥、injury repair kits 等物品. 按 <A/> 繼續.
You have two types of abilities: spells or talents (depending on your class) and sustained abilities. Spells or talents usually have an instant effect on the target while sustained abilities remain active until disabled. While in use, a sustained ability lowers your maximum mana or stamina by a specific amount. The mana or stamina bar appears on the right side of your character portrait. Press <A/> to continue.
你有兩類型的能力: 法術或天賦 (視乎你的職業),和持續生效的能力. 法術或天賦通常對目標產生即時效果; 持續生效的能力則會一直保持啟動, 並佔據部分法力和耐力點直到被除掉為止. 法力和耐力點光條顯示在角色畫像的右方.
You have been hurt. To heal the current party member quickly, pull up the radial menu with <LT/> and then use <theleftstick/> to select Quick Heal on the bottom of the radial menu. This will use the most appropriate health poultice in your inventory.
你受傷了. 若要更快地治療隊伍成員, 按 <LT/> 開啟放射形選單, 然後使用 <theleftstick/> 選擇下方的快速醫治. 這會使用物品清單中最合適的生命膏藥.
You have earned enough experience to gain a level! Level up now by pressing <Start/>, then pressing <LT/> or <RT/> until you see the character record.
你賺取了足夠經驗升一級了! 要升級的話, 現在就按 <Start/>, 然後按 <LT/> 或 <RT/> 直到出現角色記錄.
Press <A/> to open the level-up screen.
按 <A/> 打開升級畫面.
When you use a cone ability, the game pauses automatically so that you can aim the cone by moving <theleftstick/>. When you're ready, press <A/> to confirm.
當你使用錐型攻擊的能力時, 遊戲會自動停止, 使你可以使用 <theleftstick/> 瞄準目標. 當你準備好了, 按 <A/> 確定.
When you use an area-of-effect ability, the game pauses automatically so that you can select the target area by moving <theleftstick/>. When you're ready, press <A/> to confirm.
當你使用具範圍效果的能力時, 遊戲會自動停止, 使你可以使用 <theleftstick/> 瞄準目標. 當你準備好了, 按 <A/> 確定.
Your 幽界 shapeshifting form can be found in the upper left. Open it, highlight the desired form, and then press <A/> to activate it.
在幽界能使用的新形態在左上方可找到. 打開它, 並選擇新形態, 按 <A/> 確定.
Select the Army Control icon to see the armies that can aid you. Highlight the desired army and press <A/> to summon them.
選擇軍隊控制按鈕以檢視那些軍隊能幫助你. 選擇你希望要的, 然後按 <A/> 去召喚他們.
Press <A/> when you are ready for the next step.
當你進備好要往下一步, 按 <A/> .
Select a target by pressing <A/> when you've centered it on your screen using <therightstick/>. To lock onto a specific target, select it and then click <theleftstickbutton/>. Doing so will prevent other targets from being chosen. The lock is removed when the target dies or when you click <theleftstickbutton/> again. Press <A/> to continue.
要鎖定某個目標. 先選擇他然後點選 <theleftstickbutton/>. 這樣可以防止錯誤選擇了其他的目標. 當目標死亡、或你再按一次 <theleftstickbutton/> , 便能解除這個鎖定. 按 <A/> 繼續.
By default, pressing <LT/> opens your radial menu and pressing <LT/> again closes it. You can change this so that it only stays open when you <emp>hold</emp> <LT/>. To alter this control, change the Radial Menu option to "Hold Open" in the options menu.
預設按 <LT/> 會開啟放射形選單, 再按一次便會關閉它. 你可以更改為: 必須 <emp>按著</emp> <LT/>, 放射形選單才會開啟. 要這麼做的話, 在選項選單中, 將放射形選單選項設定為 "按著打開" 便可以了.
Did playing with your options menu settings get a little out of hand? You can restore defaults by pressing <Y/>.
覺得使用現在的選項有點不習慣? 你可以按 <Y/> 回復原來的預設值.
Your battle menu, located on the bottom right of the screen, has six slots. The first three are mapped to <X/>, <Y/>, and <B/>. Hold <RT/> and those same buttons access the other three slots.
你的戰事選單顯示在畫面的右下方, 有六個空格. 首三個是分配到 <X/>, <Y/>, 和 <B/> 鍵. 按著 <RT/> 來按那三個鍵的話, 可使用餘下三個空格.
Press <RT/> to access three additional battle menu slots.
按 <RT/> 增加三個額外的戰事選單空格.
Use <theleftstick/> to control your character's movement. <therightstick/> changes where the camera is looking.
使用<theleftstick/> 控制角色的移動. 使用 <therightstick/> 改變鏡頭的方向.
To cycle through the zoom settings, click <therightstickbutton/>.
若要循環選擇不同遠近的設定, 點選 <therightstickbutton/>.
The tactics screen is a tool used to customize your party's actions and reactions based on current situations in combat.
戰術畫面是個手動設定隊伍成員行動和反應的工具, 使他們可以按戰鬥情況而作不同反應.
Tactics slots at the top of the list are the highest priority; they will activate before ones further down in the list.
在清單上方的戰術空格是最高優先的, 會較清單下面的戰術先執行.
<emp>AI:Tactics Presets</emp>\nTo modify the conditions and actions of a tactics preset, press <A/> on the desired field and then navigate through and choose from the available tactics. To save the preset you modified, simply navigate to another preset using <theleftstick/> or try to exit the tactics screen. A pop-up will appear asking if you'd like to save this set. Press <A/> to accept or <B/> to discard your changes.
<emp>人工智能:戰術預設</emp>\n 要修改這些預設中的條件和行動, 按 <A/>選擇欄位 , 然後來回瀏覽選擇可使用的戰術. 要將已修改的戰術存檔, 只需使用 <theleftstick/> 移到另一組預設, 或退出戰術畫面. 系統會彈出查詢問你, 是否要儲存這一組戰術. 按 <A/> 儲存或按 <B/> 放棄變更.
One of your party members has begun to genuinely like you and respect your leadership. As you improve your relationships with party members, head back to camp to speak with them. They'll be much more willing to open up when they don't have to worry about death around every corner--and you'll need to talk to them more if you want to continue to improve your relationship. You can track party members' approval ratings using the orange bar at the bottom of their character records.
其中一個隊伍成員已經開始真誠地喜歡你, 而且尊重你的領導了. 當你和隊伍成員的關係有進展時, 回到營地去跟他們說話. 當他們不需憂慮死亡, 便會更願意打開心窗跟你說話. 如果希望持續有進展, 你便須時常跟他們說話了. 若要得知他們對你的認同, 在角色記錄下方你會找到一條橙色的條表示.
The area map displays a top-down view of your current area. Some regions will only be revealed when you explore them. By default, plot helpers are not shown in unexplored regions, but you can change this in the options menu.
地區地圖顯示你所身處地方的鳥瞰. 某些區域你得探索過後它才會顯示. 預設劇情幫手並不會顯示於未探索的區域, 但你可以在選項選單中變更這個設定.
You have equipped heavy or massive armor. While these grades of armor offer excellent protection, be aware that they reduce the character's attack speed with bows and crossbows, although the Master Archer talent eliminates this penalty for the heavy class of armors. Weighty armor also tends to cause more fatigue, which is a percentage increase in the mana or stamina cost to activate a spell or talent. Finally, be aware that enemies will judge characters wearing heavy armor as a greater threat, making them more likely to select that character as their target.
你剛裝備了一件重型裝甲. 這等級的裝甲給予極佳保護, 但亦當注意它們會減慢角色使用弓和十字弓的攻擊速度, 雖然 Master Archer 天賦可抵消這項懲罰. 重型裝甲也會產生較多疲勞. 這在你使用魔法或天賦時, 法力和耐力的消耗會增加一定百分比. 而且, 敵人會認為穿重型裝甲更具威脅性, 而挑選來攻擊.
Because you were asleep, you are not wearing your armor or carrying a weapon. You need to equip it from your inventory quickly! Press <Start/> and then <LT/> or <RT/> to get to the inventory screen. Use <theleftstick/> to highlight your weapon or armor and press <A/> to equip it.
因為你剛在在睡覺, 你並沒有穿上任何裝甲和帶備武器. 你得趕快在物品清單中裝備好! 按 <Start/>, 然後按 <LT/> 或 <RT/> 打開物品清單畫面. 使用 <theleftstick/> 選取你的務器或裝甲, 然後按 <A/> 裝備它.
Some items, when picked up or examined, will add information to the codex in your journal rather than appear in your inventory. The information can be read at any time by pressing <Start/> and then <LT/> or <RT/> to navigate to the journal screen. Once there, use <theleftstick/> to highlight the heading, press <A/> to expand it, and then use <theleftstick/> again to highlight the desired entry. Its text appears on the right hand side of the screen.
有些物品, 當被拿取或被檢查時, 會新增資訊到你日誌的 codex 之中, 而非新增到物品清單. 這些資訊可以隨時閱讀, 只需按 <Start/> ,然後按 <LT/> 或 <RT/> 選擇日誌. 在日誌畫面中, 使用 <theleftstick/> 選取標題, 按 <A/> 展開它, 再使用 <theleftstick/> 便可選擇你要閱讀的項目. 內文會顯示在畫面的右邊.
You are in a combat situation. Mastery of the battlefield is important. To gain a better view of your situation, cycle through the zoom settings by clicking <therightstickbutton/>. You can also pause for tactical preparation by bringing up the radial menu with <LT/>.
你正在戰鬥之中. 充分掌握戰場是十分重要的. 要更清楚看見你身處的情況, 點選 <therightstickbutton/> 循環選擇不同遠近的設定. 你也可以按 <LT/> 叫喚放射形選單來暫停遊戲, 準備好戰術.
To attack an enemy, target it by moving your character towards it until it is highlighted or by centering it in your radial menu using <therightstick/> when the radial menu is open. To use a talent, select it from the radial menu or activate it from your battle menu by pressing one of the corresponding buttons. To map talents to the battle menu, highlight it in the radial menu, press <Y/> to begin the mapping process, and then press the button corresponding to the slot in your battle menu (<X/>, <Y/>, or <B/>). Make sure the enemy is selected before you use an offensive talent.
要攻擊敵人, 將你的角色移近, 直到敵人被置亮, 或在放射形選單打開的情況下, 使用 <therightstick/> 將敵人置於選單中央. 要使用某項天賦, 在放射形選單選取, 或在戰事選單啟動也可 (按相應的的按鈕). 若要將某項天賦搬到戰事選單, 在放射形選單先點選它, 按 <Y/> , 然後按快捷列相應的按鈕 (<X/>, <Y/>, 或 <B/>). 在使用攻擊性的天賦之前, 確定已點選好敵人. 當你沒有耐力點, 你不能使出更多的魔法.
You are in a combat situation. Mastery of the battlefield is important. To gain a better view of your situation, cycle through the zoom settings by clicking <therightstickbutton/>. You can also pause for tactical preparation by bringing up the radial menu with <LT/>.
你正在戰鬥之中. 充分掌握戰場是十分重要的. 要更清楚看見你身處的情況, 點選 <therightstickbutton/> 循環選擇不同遠近的設定. 你也可以按 <LT/> 叫喚放射形選單來暫停遊戲, 準備好戰術.
Mages can use spells to attack enemies. Simply highlight your target by moving your character towards it, then cast the spell from the radial menu or press the button indicated next to its quick slot in the battle menu. To map spells to the battle menu, highlight it in the radial menu, press <Y/> to begin the mapping process, and then press the button corresponding to the slot in your battle menu (<X/>, <Y/>, or <B/>). Make sure the enemy is selected before you use an offensive spell. When you run out of mana, you cannot cast any more spells.
法師可以使用魔法攻擊敵人. 只需要將你的角色移近敵人, 將敵人選取, 然後在放射形選單使出魔法 (或點選戰事選單的快捷列按鈕). 若要將某個魔法搬到戰事選單, 在放射形選單先點選它, 按 <Y/> , 然後按快捷列相應的按鈕 (<X/>, <Y/>, 或 <B/>). 在使用攻擊性的魔法之前, 確定已點選好敵人. 當你沒有法力點, 你不能使出更多的魔法.
One of your party members has fallen in combat! He or she has now sustained a serious injury. These injuries cause penalties that can only be cured with an injury kit or certain high-level spells. The injury is indicated by the small red icon that you can see next to the mini-map (when you have the injured character selected) or in the character record.
其中一個隊伍成員倒下了! 他或她必定受了重傷. 這些傷會減弱能力, 只能靠醫療工具或某些高階咒語才能醫治好. 在戰鬥選單 (選擇了受傷角色後), 或在角色記錄中, 會以小小的紅色圖標表示 .
You have acquired a health poultice. These instantly restore some of your health. Selecting Quick Heal from the bottom of your radial menu will use the most appropriate poultice, or you can use them directly from the inventory screen. Stores sell more poultices, and characters who have learned Herbalism can create their own.
你剛獲得了一個生命膏藥. 這些膏藥可以立即回復部分生命值. 選擇放射形選單下方的"快速醫治"會使用最合適的生命膏藥. 你也可以直接在物品清單中使用.
A new party member has joined you. You can switch which character you're directly controlling by pressing <LB/> or <RB/>. Hold down both and you will select all of your party members at once. You can also use the tactics menu to adjust how the game controls your party members.
一名新成員加入隊伍了. 按 <LB/> 或 <RB/> 改變你要操控的隊員, 或同時按下兩鍵選擇全隊. 你也可以在戰術畫面中, 設定遊戲如何控制你的隊伍成員.
The Herbalism, Poison-Making, and Trap-Making skills allow you to mix potions, concoct poisons, or assemble traps. Selecting any of these skills from the crafting section of the radial menu will open a crafting window that displays your current recipes and ingredients. You can buy new recipes and ingredients in stores or find them by exploring the lands.
Herbalism, Poison-Making 和 Trap-Making 技能可讓你混合藥水, 調製毒藥或組合陷阱. 選擇這些技能 (在"毒藥和陷阱"類別, 或 放射形選單), 會開啟一個製作視窗, 顯示出你目前有的藥方和材料. 你可以在商店買到它們, 或在四處探索也可以找到.
You have found a gift. You can give it to one of your party members by opening the inventory screen, switching to the party member, selecting the gift item using <theleftstick/>, and then pressing <A/>. Each party member has a favorite type of gift, and certain items are so precious to a particular character that others will refuse the gift outright. Your camp is a great place to give gifts, because party members are sometimes reluctant to talk about themselves on the open road.
你找到了一件禮物. 你可給隊伍成員. 在物品清單中, 先選擇你要給禮物的成員, 然後使用 <theleftstick/> 選擇該禮物, 按<A/> 確定. 每個隊員都有自己喜歡的禮物類型. 一些物品對其他人來說可能根本不會收下, 但對個別成員來說卻特別真貴. 你的營地是給禮物的好地方, 因為隊員有時候不希望在街上說自己心裡的話.
Inventory is divided into two sections: Equipped items for the selected character on the left and shared party inventory on the right. To use or equip an item, select it on the right side using <theleftstick/> and then press <A/>. If the item can go in more than one place, press either <A/> or <X/> to select the desired slot shown on the left side of the screen. To unequip an item, go to the appropriate tab and select it from the list using <theleftstick/> and then press <A/>. Equipped items are marked with a yellow highlight in the items list.
物品清單分為兩個部分: 左邊的是所選角色的已裝備品, 右邊的是隊伍物品. 要使用或裝備一件物品, 在畫面右方以 <theleftstick/> 先行選擇, 然後按 <A/> . 如果該物品可裝備到不同位置, 按 <A/> 或 <X/> 選擇你希望配備到的空格. 若要除下物品, 到該欄目的清單中使用<theleftstick/> 選擇它, 然後按 <A/>. 已裝備的物品會以黃色標示.
All enchantable items in the party inventory--including those currently equipped--can be upgraded by an enchanter, so long as you also have runes available. Select the item you wish to enchant using <theleftstick/>, then select the rune spot you wish to inscribe. Press <X/> to inspect or compare, <Y/> to remove a rune, or <A/> to inscribe the rune on your weapon.
所有可以增加符文的物品 (包括已裝備的), 都可以找附魔師升級 (只要你有符文). 使用 <theleftstick/> 選擇物品, 然後選要增加符文的空格, 按 <X/> 作檢查或作比較, 按 <Y/> 移除符文, 按 <A/> 加上符文到武器.
Your journal tracks updates to your current objectives and records the results of prior exploits. This includes quests completed as well as codex entries that describe the world around you. With the journal entries open, press <A/> to mark the highlighted quest as active. This lets you designate the quest you're currently working on, which activates arrows on the map and in the game world that direct you to the next point in the plot.
你的日誌會就目前的目標更新內容, 亦會記錄之前的功績結果. 這括已完成的任務, 還有描述你所身處的世界的法典項目. 在日誌打開的時候, 可以按 <A/> 將所選的標示為"活躍". 這樣指明了當前正進行的任務, 地圖上便會出現箭號. 亦會出現關於劇情發展的指示.
Sustained abilities reserve mana or stamina when they're activated, and remain on until deactivated or the character runs out of mana or stamina. Most sustained abilities include a fatigue penalty, increasing the cost to activate a subsequent spell or talent, which makes it difficult to maintain several sustained abilities at once. To manually deactivate a sustained ability, select it again from the radial menu or from its quick slot on the battle menu. Note that some of these abilities, such as Defensive Fire and Rapid Shot, cannot be used simultaneously.
持續生效的能力會佔據法力和耐力點, 一直到你解除它們, 或, 法力或耐力點不足時. 大多數持續生效的能力會帶來疲勞值懲罰, 增加了使用魔法或天賦所需的消耗. 因此, 一併啟動多個持續生效的能力是很困難的. 要手動解除這些能力, 在放射形選單或快速選單再點一下便可以了. 注意某些持續生效的能力是互相排斥的, 如 Defensive Fire 和 Rapid Shot.
The current number of items in your inventory exceeds its limit. You have two options: Clear space in your inventory by destroying, selling, or equipping items, or purchase a backpack to increase your inventory capacity. Until you do one of these, you will not be able to pick up additional items.
目前在清單的物品數目已到極限. 你可以這樣清理現有物品: 毀了它, 賣掉它, 或穿上它. 或者買個新的背包來增加空間也可. 在你沒清理好之前, 你不能再拾取更多物品.
By default, anyone who joins you will follow tactics of their own devising, but you can adjust their behavior in the tactics screen. To do this, press <Start/>, then <LT/> or <RT/> until you get to the character record. Once here, press <Y/> to open the tactics screen. Note that when you take control of characters directly, they will not follow their tactics.
預設上, 任何人加入你都會跟隨他們自己的戰術計劃, 但你在戰術畫面可加以修改. 按<Start/>,然後 <LT/> 或 <RT/> , 直到看見角色記錄為止. 在這裡, 按 <Y/> 打開戰術畫面. 注意在你直接控制角色時, 他們不會跟從這些戰術.
Use <theleftstick/> to control your character's movement. <therightstick/> changes where the camera is looking.
使用<theleftstick/> 控制角色的移動. 使用 <therightstick/> 改變鏡頭的方向.
To cycle through the zoom settings, click <therightstickbutton/>.
若要循環選擇不同遠近的設定, 點選 <therightstickbutton/>.
The tactics screen is a tool used to customize your party's actions and reactions based on current situations in combat.
戰術畫面是個手動設定隊伍成員行動和反應的工具, 使他們可以按戰鬥情況而作不同反應.
Tactics slots at the top of the list are the highest priority; they will activate before ones further down in the list.
在清單上方的戰術空格是最高優先的, 會較清單下面的戰術先執行.
<emp>AI:Tactics Presets</emp>\nTo modify the conditions and actions of a tactics preset, press <A/> on the desired field and then navigate through and choose from the available tactics. To save the preset you modified, simply navigate to another preset using <theleftstick/> or try to exit the tactics screen. A pop-up will appear asking if you'd like to save this set. Press <A/> to accept or <B/> to discard your changes.
<emp>人工智能:戰術預設</emp>\n 要修改這些預設中的條件和行動, 按 <A/>選擇欄位 , 然後來回瀏覽選擇可使用的戰術. 要將已修改的戰術存檔, 只需使用 <theleftstick/> 移到另一組預設, 或退出戰術畫面. 系統會彈出查詢問你, 是否要儲存這一組戰術. 按 <A/> 儲存或按 <B/> 放棄變更.
One of your party members has begun to genuinely like you and respect your leadership. As you improve your relationships with party members, head back to camp to speak with them. They'll be much more willing to open up when they don't have to worry about death around every corner--and you'll need to talk to them more if you want to continue to improve your relationship. You can track party members' approval ratings using the orange bar at the bottom of their character records.
其中一個隊伍成員已經開始真誠地喜歡你, 而且尊重你的領導了. 當你和隊伍成員的關係有進展時, 回到營地去跟他們說話. 當他們不需憂慮死亡, 便會更願意打開心窗跟你說話. 如果希望持續有進展, 你便須時常跟他們說話了. 若要得知他們對你的認同, 在角色記錄下方你會找到一條橙色的條表示.
The area map displays a top-down view of your current area. Some regions will only be revealed when you explore them. By default, plot helpers are not shown in unexplored regions, but you can change this in the options menu.
地區地圖顯示你所身處地方的鳥瞰. 某些區域你得探索過後它才會顯示. 預設劇情幫手並不會顯示於未探索的區域, 但你可以在選項選單中變更這個設定.
You have equipped heavy or massive armor. While these grades of armor offer excellent protection, be aware that they reduce the character's attack speed with bows and crossbows, although the Master Archer talent eliminates this penalty for the heavy class of armors. Weighty armor also tends to cause more fatigue, which is a percentage increase in the mana or stamina cost to activate a spell or talent. Finally, be aware that enemies will judge characters wearing heavy armor as a greater threat, making them more likely to select that character as their target.
你剛裝備了一件重型裝甲. 這等級的裝甲給予極佳保護, 但亦當注意它們會減慢角色使用弓和十字弓的攻擊速度, 雖然 Master Archer 天賦可抵消這項懲罰. 重型裝甲也會產生較多疲勞. 這在你使用魔法或天賦時, 法力和耐力的消耗會增加一定百分比. 而且, 敵人會認為穿重型裝甲更具威脅性, 而挑選來攻擊.
Because you were asleep, you are not wearing your armor or carrying a weapon. You need to equip it from your inventory quickly! Press <Start/> and then <LT/> or <RT/> to get to the inventory screen. Use <theleftstick/> to highlight your weapon or armor and press <A/> to equip it.
因為你剛在在睡覺, 你並沒有穿上任何裝甲和帶備武器. 你得趕快在物品清單中裝備好! 按 <Start/>, 然後按 <LT/> 或 <RT/> 打開物品清單畫面. 使用 <theleftstick/> 選取你的務器或裝甲, 然後按 <A/> 裝備它.
Some items, when picked up or examined, will add information to the codex in your journal rather than appear in your inventory. The information can be read at any time by pressing <Start/> and then <LT/> or <RT/> to navigate to the journal screen. Once there, use <theleftstick/> to highlight the heading, press <A/> to expand it, and then use <theleftstick/> again to highlight the desired entry. Its text appears on the right hand side of the screen.
有些物品, 當被拿取或被檢查時, 會新增資訊到你日誌的法典之中, 而非新增到物品清單. 這些資訊可以隨時閱讀, 只需按 <Start/> ,然後按 <LT/> 或 <RT/> 選擇日誌. 在日誌畫面中, 使用 <theleftstick/> 選取標題, 按 <A/> 展開它, 再使用 <theleftstick/> 便可選擇你要閱讀的項目. 內文會顯示在畫面的右邊.
You are in a combat situation. Mastery of the battlefield is important. To gain a better view of your situation, cycle through the zoom settings by clicking <therightstickbutton/>. You can also pause for tactical preparation by bringing up the radial menu with <LT/>.
你正在戰鬥之中. 充分掌握戰場是十分重要的. 要更清楚看見你身處的情況, 點選 <therightstickbutton/> 循環選擇不同遠近的設定. 你也可以按 <LT/> 叫喚放射形選單來暫停遊戲, 準備好戰術.
To attack an enemy, target it by moving your character towards it until it is highlighted or by centering it in your radial menu using <therightstick/> when the radial menu is open. To use a talent, select it from the radial menu or activate it from your battle menu by pressing one of the corresponding buttons. To map talents to the battle menu, highlight it in the radial menu, press <Y/> to begin the mapping process, and then press the button corresponding to the slot in your battle menu (<X/>, <Y/>, or <B/>). Make sure the enemy is selected before you use an offensive talent.
要攻擊敵人, 將你的角色移近, 直到敵人被置亮, 或在放射形選單打開的情況下, 使用 <therightstick/> 將敵人置於選單中央. 要使用某項天賦, 在放射形選單選取, 或在戰事選單啟動也可 (按相應的的按鈕). 若要將某項天賦搬到戰事選單, 在放射形選單先點選它, 按 <Y/> , 然後按快捷列相應的按鈕 (<X/>, <Y/>, 或 <B/>). 在使用攻擊性的天賦之前, 確定已點選好敵人. 當你沒有耐力點, 你不能使出更多的魔法.
You are in a combat situation. Mastery of the battlefield is important. To gain a better view of your situation, cycle through the zoom settings by clicking <therightstickbutton/>. You can also pause for tactical preparation by bringing up the radial menu with <LT/>.
你正在戰鬥之中. 充分掌握戰場是十分重要的. 要更清楚看見你身處的情況, 點選 <therightstickbutton/> 循環選擇不同遠近的設定. 你也可以按 <LT/> 叫喚放射形選單來暫停遊戲, 準備好戰術.
Mages can use spells to attack enemies. Simply highlight your target by moving your character towards it, then cast the spell from the radial menu or press the button indicated next to its quick slot in the battle menu. To map spells to the battle menu, highlight it in the radial menu, press <Y/> to begin the mapping process, and then press the button corresponding to the slot in your battle menu (<X/>, <Y/>, or <B/>). Make sure the enemy is selected before you use an offensive spell. When you run out of mana, you cannot cast any more spells.
法師可以使用魔法攻擊敵人. 只需要將你的角色移近敵人, 將敵人選取, 然後在放射形選單使出魔法 (或點選戰事選單的快捷列按鈕). 若要將某個魔法搬到戰事選單, 在放射形選單先點選它, 按 <Y/> , 然後按快捷列相應的按鈕 (<X/>, <Y/>, 或 <B/>). 在使用攻擊性的魔法之前, 確定已點選好敵人. 當你沒有法力點, 你不能使出更多的魔法.
One of your party members has fallen in combat! He or she has now sustained a serious injury. These injuries cause penalties that can only be cured with an injury kit or certain high-level spells. The injury is indicated by the small red icon that you can see next to the mini-map (when you have the injured character selected) or in the character record.
其中一個隊伍成員倒下了! 他或她必定受了重傷. 這些傷會減弱能力, 只能靠醫療工具或某些高階咒語才能醫治好. 在戰事選單 (選擇了受傷角色後), 或在角色記錄中, 會以小小的紅色圖標表示 .
You have acquired a health poultice. These instantly restore some of your health. Selecting Quick Heal from the bottom of your radial menu will use the most appropriate poultice, or you can use them directly from the inventory screen. Stores sell more poultices, and characters who have learned Herbalism can create their own.
你剛獲得了一個生命膏藥. 這些膏藥可以立即回復部分生命值. 選擇放射形選單下方的"快速醫治"會使用最合適的生命膏藥. 你也可以直接在物品清單中使用.
A new party member has joined you. You can switch which character you're directly controlling by pressing <LB/> or <RB/>. Hold down both and you will select all of your party members at once. You can also use the tactics menu to adjust how the game controls your party members.
一名新成員加入隊伍了. 按 <LB/> 或 <RB/> 改變你要操控的隊員, 或同時按下兩鍵選擇全隊. 你也可以在戰術畫面中, 設定遊戲如何控制你的隊伍成員.
The Herbalism, Poison-Making, and Trap-Making skills allow you to mix potions, concoct poisons, or assemble traps. Selecting any of these skills from the crafting section of the radial menu will open a crafting window that displays your current recipes and ingredients. You can buy new recipes and ingredients in stores or find them by exploring the lands.
Herbalism, Poison-Making 和 Trap-Making 技能可讓你混合藥水, 調製毒藥或組合陷阱. 選擇這些技能 (在"毒藥和陷阱"類別, 或 放射形選單), 會開啟一個製作視窗, 顯示出你目前有的藥方和材料. 你可以在商店買到它們, 或在四處探索也可以找到.
You have found a gift. You can give it to one of your party members by opening the inventory screen, switching to the party member, selecting the gift item using <theleftstick/>, and then pressing <A/>. Each party member has a favorite type of gift, and certain items are so precious to a particular character that others will refuse the gift outright. Your camp is a great place to give gifts, because party members are sometimes reluctant to talk about themselves on the open road.
你找到了一件禮物. 你可給隊伍成員. 在物品清單中, 先選擇你要給禮物的成員, 然後使用 <theleftstick/> 選擇該禮物, 按<A/> 確定. 每個隊員都有自己喜歡的禮物類型. 一些物品對其他人來說可能根本不會收下, 但對個別成員來說卻特別真貴. 你的營地是給禮物的好地方, 因為隊員有時候不希望在街上說自己心裡的話.
Inventory is divided into two sections: Equipped items for the selected character on the left and shared party inventory on the right. To use or equip an item, select it on the right side using <theleftstick/> and then press <A/>. If the item can go in more than one place, press either <A/> or <X/> to select the desired slot shown on the left side of the screen. To unequip an item, go to the appropriate tab and select it from the list using <theleftstick/> and then press <A/>. Equipped items are marked with a yellow highlight in the items list.
物品清單分為兩個部分: 左邊的是所選角色的已裝備品, 右邊的是隊伍物品. 要使用或裝備一件物品, 在畫面右方以 <theleftstick/> 先行選擇, 然後按 <A/> . 如果該物品可裝備到不同位置, 按 <A/> 或 <X/> 選擇你希望配備到的空格. 若要除下物品, 到該欄目的清單中使用<theleftstick/> 選擇它, 然後按 <A/>. 已裝備的物品會以黃色標示.
All enchantable items in the party inventory--including those currently equipped--can be upgraded by an enchanter, so long as you also have runes available. Select the item you wish to enchant using <theleftstick/>, then select the rune spot you wish to inscribe. Press <X/> to inspect or compare, <Y/> to remove a rune, or <A/> to inscribe the rune on your weapon.
所有可以增加符文的物品 (包括已裝備的), 都可以找附魔師升級 (只要你有符文). 使用 <theleftstick/> 選擇物品, 然後選要增加符文的空格, 按 <X/> 作檢查或作比較, 按 <Y/> 移除符文, 按 <A/> 加上符文到武器.
Your journal tracks updates to your current objectives and records the results of prior exploits. This includes quests completed as well as codex entries that describe the world around you. With the journal entries open, press <A/> to mark the highlighted quest as active. This lets you designate the quest you're currently working on, which activates arrows on the map and in the game world that direct you to the next point in the plot.
你的日誌會就目前的目標更新內容, 亦會記錄之前的功績結果. 這括已完成的任務, 還有描述你所身處的世界的法典項目. 在日誌打開的時候, 可以按 <A/> 將所選的標示為"活躍". 這樣指明了當前正進行的任務, 地圖上便會出現箭號. 亦會出現關於劇情發展的指示.
Sustained abilities reserve mana or stamina when they're activated, and remain on until deactivated or the character runs out of mana or stamina. Most sustained abilities include a fatigue penalty, increasing the cost to activate a subsequent spell or talent, which makes it difficult to maintain several sustained abilities at once. To manually deactivate a sustained ability, select it again from the radial menu or from its quick slot on the battle menu. Note that some of these abilities, such as Defensive Fire and Rapid Shot, cannot be used simultaneously.
持續生效的能力會佔據法力和耐力點, 一直到你解除它們, 或, 法力或耐力點不足時. 大多數持續生效的能力會帶來疲勞值懲罰, 增加了使用魔法或天賦所需的消耗. 因此, 一併啟動多個持續生效的能力是很困難的. 要手動解除這些能力, 在放射形選單或快速選單再點一下便可以了. 注意某些持續生效的能力是互相排斥的, 如 Defensive Fire 和 Rapid Shot.
The current number of items in your inventory exceeds its limit. You have two options: Clear space in your inventory by destroying, selling, or equipping items, or purchase a backpack to increase your inventory capacity. Until you do one of these, you will not be able to pick up additional items.
目前在清單的物品數目已到極限. 你可以這樣清理現有物品: 毀了它, 賣掉它, 或穿上它. 或者買個新的背包來增加空間也可. 在你沒清理好之前, 你不能再拾取更多物品.
By default, anyone who joins you will follow tactics of their own devising, but you can adjust their behavior in the tactics screen. To do this, press <Start/>, then <LT/> or <RT/> until you get to the character record. Once here, press <Y/> to open the tactics screen. Note that when you take control of characters directly, they will not follow their tactics.
預設上, 任何人加入你都會跟隨他們自己的戰術計劃, 但你在戰術畫面可加以修改. 按<Start/>,然後 <LT/> 或 <RT/> , 直到看見角色記錄為止. 在這裡, 按 <Y/> 打開戰術畫面. 注意在你直接控制角色時, 他們不會跟從這些戰術.
This is the recommended setting for players familiar with role-playing games, providing a good balance of challenge and survivability. It requires moderate use of tactical pausing to plan actions during combat. Party members are still immune to friendly fire.
這個是給那些對角式扮演遊戲熟識的玩家的建議設定. 就生存機會和挑戰性上取了平衡. 你需要運用適度的戰術暫停去計劃好戰事中的行動. 隊伍成員仍然不會被隊友所傷.
This setting provides a considerably greater challenge than normal difficulty. To prevail against the more aggressive enemy AI, you will need to make sophisticated use of tactical pausing as well as clever combinations of spells and talents. Your party will not heal as easily, and although party members can harm each other with careless use of certain abilities, damage due to friendly fire is only half of what it would be against enemies. Enemies will inflict more damage, be encumbered by status effects for shorter durations, and demonstrate greater resistance to various damage types.
這個設定比起一般難度明顯地更具挑戰性. 敵人的人工智能設定更有侵略性, 若要戰勝, 你必須老練的運用戰術暫停, 還有機智地配合各種法術和天賦. 你的隊伍成員不再會容易地回復, 不小心使用某些能力也能誤傷隊友, 然而造成的傷害只是敵人所受的一半. 敵人整體上會較強, 無論是造成的破壞力、受負面狀態影響的時間、或各種的抗性方面.
This setting is intended for tactical geniuses who found hard difficulty too easy. Notably, the damage that party members will suffer from careless friendly fire is now equal to the damage the attack would inflict on enemies.
這個設定是給那些認為困難程度仍太簡單的戰術天才們的. 特別注意, 隊伍成員若被隊友誤擊, 所受的傷害會跟敵人所受的一樣多.
You have entered an incorrect username or password. Please try again.
你輸入了錯誤的使用者名稱和密碼. 請再試一次.
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Look for additional backpacks in the store to increase the size of your inventory.
Party members who fall in combat could sustain a serious injury, which cause penalties that can only be cured with an injury kit or certain high-level spells. Injuries are indicated by the small red icons above the battle menu (when you have the injured character selected) or in the character record.
在戰鬥中倒下的隊伍成員可能受重傷, 這些傷會減弱能力, 只能靠醫療工具或某些高階咒語才能醫治好. 在戰事選單 (選擇了受傷角色後), 或在角色記錄中, 會以小小的紅色圖標表示 .
To lock onto a specific target, select it and then click <theleftstickbutton/>. Doing so will prevent other targets from being chosen. The lock is removed when the target dies or when you click <theleftstickbutton/> again.
要鎖定某個目標. 先選擇他然後點選 <theleftstickbutton/>. 這樣可以防止錯誤選擇了其他的目標. 當目標死亡、或你再按一次 <theleftstickbutton/> , 便能解除這個鎖定.
To lock onto a specific target, select it and then click <theleftstickbutton/>. Doing so will prevent other targets from being chosen. The lock is removed when the target dies or when you click <theleftstickbutton/> again.
要鎖定某個目標. 先選擇他然後點選 <theleftstickbutton/>. 這樣可以防止錯誤選擇了其他的目標. 當目標死亡、或你再按一次 <theleftstickbutton/> , 便能解除這個鎖定.
戰鬥技能可以新增至快捷列中使用,現在選擇後 <theleftstick/> 按下<Y/> 新增..
戰鬥技能可以新增至快捷列中使用,現在選擇後 <theleftstick/> 按下<Y/> 新增.
你剛才移動一個物品到資源回收桶。在資源回收桶中,使用 <Y/>銷毀一個物品或 <A/>還原。當瀏覽商店時,能按 <Y/>一次售出所有的垃圾物品。按 <A/>繼續。
你剛才移動一個物品到資源回收桶。在資源回收桶中,使用 <Y/>銷毀一個物品或 <A/>還原。當瀏覽商店時,能按 <Y/>一次售出所有的垃圾物品。按 <A/>繼續。
完整安裝黯龍紀元: 序章在你的硬碟,讓執行有更好的效能。
沒有足夠可用的硬碟空間。至少需要<xx> MB 的空間才能安裝。退出遊戲取得所需要的空間。
沒有足夠空間建立一個新的存檔。另外需要 <xx> MB 進行存檔. 你確定不儲存?
沒有足夠空間建立一個新的存檔。另外需要 <xx> MB 進行存檔. 請覆蓋或刪除一個現有存檔.
使用持續的能力會降低你一定數值的最大法力值或耐力值。魔法和耐力點光條出現在你人物肖像的右邊. 按 <A/>繼續.
使用持續的能力會降低你一定數值的最大法力值或耐力值。魔法和耐力點光條出現在你人物肖像的右邊. 按 <A/>繼續.
你有兩類型的能力: 法術或天賦 (視乎你的職業),和持續生效的能力. 法術或天賦通常對目標產生即時效果; 持續生效的能力則會一直保持啟動, 直到被除掉為止.
你有兩類型的能力: 法術或天賦 (視乎你的職業),和持續生效的能力. 法術或天賦通常對目標產生即時效果; 持續生效的能力則會一直保持啟動, 直到被除掉為止.
The Crafting skill is found in the Potions part of the radial menu.
製作技能能夠在放射形選單的"藥水"部分中找到. |
總評分: 聲望 + 12