- 閱讀權限
- 255
生命值- 2861
法力值- 2473
金幣- 1996 G
聲望- 203
There is no hope for you now!
Let us end this quickly!
Now you die!
You have forced my hand!
This will not end well for you.
Flee while you can!
So shall it be!
I will not falter!
Now you see true power!
You dare!
Is that it?
You shall not touch me!
Now you fall!
You will pay for that!
Turn and run!
You want to die, do you?
This is a waste of time!
You will not win!
Die quickly!
I cannot keep this up!
This is too much! Too much!
I must slow my pace!
I need more power!
I am... exhausted!
I am far too drained!
I am terribly wounded!
That was a difficult battle. I shall bear a scar or two to remind me of it.
Ahhh, I am injured. I will need to tend these wounds, in time.
<desc>Groan</desc> I see we were victorious? Good.
To me! To me!
Beware. These creatures can be unpredictable.
I sense unnatural foes ahead.
Spirits! We must be on our guard!
黑暗衍生物! Beware!
These are vile and tainted creatures.
We must strike quickly!
A dragon is a terrible enemy! We must tread lightly!
Dragons are more cunning then they seem.
A dragon! Look out!
Dangerous wildlife.
Can we not drive these animals off?
It seems we must defend ourselves.
What strange beasts!
These beasts are surely dangerous.
More foes approach!
We will need to fight shortly.
Enemies ahead!
Are you truly such a fool?
Surely you can do far better than that!
I am about to fall!
The pain! It is too much!
No! I must not falter!
Ah! Poisons in the blood!
Blast it! I have lost the spell!
I have lost my concentration!
I cannot cast it!
You should have fled!
Another foe slain!
I have beaten one!
They'll need help right away!
Oh no!
Hah! We have done well!
I knew we could not lose!
This weapon does nothing!
It is unharmed!
What is that? A trap?
It is some kind of trap!
Look here.
I must get by.
As you say.
It will be done.
I shall be silent.
I move quietly, now.
No, I cannot.
It cannot be done.
I am afraid not.
I am done.
The task is finished.
There we go.
I have done it.
I am ready!
Where shall I strike?
At your command!
My power is yours!
I am here.
Where shall I head?
I am yours to command.
Come no further.
Stay where you are.
There are far better things we could be doing with our time, no?
Perhaps I should begin reading, since we've stopped...
Hmm. What is that? Some new kind of beetle?
Fare you well.
Of all the cursed--!
An excellent notion.
No, that won't work at all.
Provoke me at your peril!
Now this should be fun!
How amusing!
Let's do this quickly, shall we?
Oh? Time to play?
Awww, you want to die?
Oh, look! It wants to fight!
Have at you, then!
All right, I'm game!
If you insist!
Oh ho!
Not bad!
Too fast for you!
Tsk tsk!
Nice try!
That won't stop me!
Ha ha!
Not enough!
Look over there!
Behind you!
Anyone got a spare second wind? No?
Okay... this is getting exhausting...
Need a little rest, here!
Almost out of mana!
Blast! Running out of power!
No spells from me for a bit!
Is that all my blood? I think it is!
Someone tell them to stop hitting me!
All right... any more of them around? No? Oh, good...
Did I fall asleep during the combat? I must have...
I see I bested them even while unconscious. I am that amazing!
Gather round, everyone!
Huh. One never expects creatures like those, really.
Why does the unnatural always smell so awful?
More of these? Well, all right then.
I sense some 黑暗衍生物!
Never any shortage of these ones.
<desc>sigh</desc> More 黑暗衍生物, hey?
Now this is a challenge!
Finally something that could swallow me whole!
Ha! Don't let it get away!
Oh? I was hoping for something more exciting.
Might be a nice pelt in it for us.
Bad breath alert!
First one to kill it gets the prize!
Now this should be fun!
Now what is <emp>that</emp>?
Ha! Let's wipe them out quickly!
Time for more practice!
Now, let's see. Which one first?
Oh, you'll have to do so much better than that!
Are you joking? Surely you're joking!
All right... not good!
Anyone got some blood to spare?
Whoo... spinning...
Hey! Poison is so unfair!
Oops! Where is my head?
Right! Casting! Focus!
Damn! Lost the spell!
Another point for me!
Awww, it fell down.
Too bad for you!
Ouch! Now that will hurt!
I get their share of the treasure!
Ow! I felt that!
Not bad, not bad at all!
Was there any doubt?
<desc>laughs</desc> 是的!
Hmm... new weapon!
This is not good!
Not even a scratch?
Trap. So simple to see, really.
Don't look now...
What's over there?
Coming through!
All right!
And I'm off!
Quiet, now!
To the shadows with me!
Don't think so.
Are you daft?
Not happening.
And done!
It's done, naturally.
Over with.
Moving on.
Here I am!
Saving the day!
Ha ha!
Where do I go!
Point me!
Yes, I'm still here.
Adventure's not over yet?
Where's the tavern?
Let's get on with it, then.
We're on our way!
How do you do?
Not another step, my friend!
Stay right there, shall we?
...and you'd think that we wouldn't just be standing there, but no-oooo...
Perhaps we should have a drink, since we've stopped?
Ahhh, this reminds me of that time...
Off I go!
Thank you!
Oh, I don't think so!
That's better than nothing.
No, no, let's not and say we did.
I wouldn't!
Now this should be fun!
How amusing!
Let's do this quickly, shall we?
Oh? Time to play?
Awww, you want to die?
Oh, look! It wants to fight!
Have at you, then!
All right, I'm game!
If you insist!
Oh ho!
Not bad!
Too fast for you!
Tsk tsk!
Nice try!
That won't stop me!
Ha ha!
Not enough!
Look over there!
Behind you!
Anyone got a spare second wind? No?
Okay... this is getting exhausting...
Need a little rest, here!
Almost out of mana!
Blast! Running out of power!
No spells from me for a bit!
Is that all my blood? I think it is!
Someone tell them to stop hitting me!
All right... any more of them around? No? Oh, good...
Did I fall asleep during the combat? I must have...
I see I bested them even while unconscious. I am that amazing!
Gather round, everyone!
Huh. One never expects creatures like those, really.
Why does the unnatural always smell so awful?
More of these? Well, all right then.
I sense some 黑暗衍生物!
Never any shortage of these ones.
<desc>sigh</desc> More 黑暗衍生物, hey?
Now this is a challenge!
Finally something that could swallow me whole!
Ha! Don't let it get away!
Oh? I was hoping for something more exciting.
Might be a nice pelt in it for us.
Bad breath alert!
First one to kill it gets the prize!
Now this should be fun!
Now what is <emp>that</emp>?
Ha! Let's wipe them out quickly!
Time for more practice!
Now, let's see. Which one first?
Oh, you'll have to do so much better than that!
Are you joking? Surely you're joking!
All right... not good!
Anyone got some blood to spare?
Whoo... spinning...
Hey! Poison is so unfair!
Oops! Where is my head?
Right! Casting! Focus!
Damn! Lost the spell!
Another point for me!
Awww, it fell down.
Too bad for you!
Ouch! Now that will hurt!
I get their share of the treasure!
Ow! I felt that!
Not bad, not bad at all!
Was there any doubt?
<desc>laughs</desc> 是的!
Hmm... new weapon!
This is not good!
Not even a scratch?
Trap. So simple to see, really.
Don't look now...
What's over there?
Coming through!
All right!
And I'm off!
Quiet, now!
To the shadows with me!
Don't think so.
Are you daft?
Not happening.
And done!
It's done, naturally.
Over with.
Moving on.
Here I am!
Saving the day!
Ha ha!
Where do I go!
Point me!
Yes, I'm still here.
Adventure's not over yet?
Where's the tavern?
Let's get on with it, then.
We're on our way!
How do you do?
Not another step, my friend!
Stay right there, shall we?
...and you'd think that we wouldn't just be standing there, but no-oooo...
Perhaps we should have a drink, since we've stopped?
Ahhh, this reminds me of that time...
Off I go!
Thank you!
Oh, I don't think so!
That's better than nothing.
No, no, let's not and say we did.
I wouldn't!
Now this should be fun!
How amusing!
Let's do this quickly, shall we?
Oh? Time to play?
Awww, you want to die?
Oh, look! It wants to fight!
Have at you, then!
All right, I'm game!
If you insist!
Oh ho!
Not bad!
Too fast for you!
Tsk tsk!
Nice try!
That won't stop me!
Ha ha!
Not enough!
Look over there!
Behind you!
Anyone got a spare second wind? No?
Okay... this is getting exhausting...
Need a little rest, here!
Almost out of mana!
Blast! Running out of power!
No spells from me for a bit!
Is that all my blood? I think it is!
Someone tell them to stop hitting me!
All right... any more of them around? No? Oh, good...
Did I fall asleep during the combat? I must have...
I see I bested them even while unconscious. I am that amazing!
Gather round, everyone!
Huh. One never expects creatures like those, really.
Why does the unnatural always smell so awful?
More of these? Well, all right then.
I sense some 黑暗衍生物!
Never any shortage of these ones.
<desc>sigh</desc> More 黑暗衍生物, hey?
Now this is a challenge!
Finally something that could swallow me whole!
Ha! Don't let it get away!
Oh? I was hoping for something more exciting.
Might be a nice pelt in it for us.
Bad breath alert!
First one to kill it gets the prize!
Now this should be fun!
Now what is <emp>that</emp>?
Ha! Let's wipe them out quickly!
Time for more practice!
Now, let's see. Which one first?
Oh, you'll have to do so much better than that!
Are you joking? Surely you're joking!
All right... not good!
Anyone got some blood to spare?
Whoo... spinning... |