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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

1996 G

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發表於 2010-5-1 17:58:25 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

A cast rune, the surface worn by a preoccupied thumb. 阿拉斯特 found it after an early skirmish with the 黑暗衍生物. He is fascinated by arcane imagery, something not unexpected of a Grey Warden.

+<powervalue/> 心靈抗性

+<powervalue/> 物理抗性

One for the Ditch

This hip flask is missing a coat of arms. "One for the Ditch" is scratched around the mouth, a pessimistic view of where last drink will lead. The contents smell vile, as does 歐格仁, on occasion.

Mixed Metal Rounds

A memento of an early conquest, mercenary or romantic. Incriminating items melted down into nondescript tokens. The contributing parts were likely worth more than the result, but that's not the point.


A small belt case with pages of a Tevinter manuscript that 溫妮 found meaningful at a difficult time. They list principles of the Circle of Magi from before the public perception of magic was soured.


A wheel representing the Maker's unending patience and Andraste's unquenchable passion. Simple and inspirational, though uncommon outside the Chantry. A gift meant to be given without conditions.

Borders Yet to Be

An optimistic--some might say fanciful--map in a belt case, with the borders of Ferelden adjusted to represent Loghain's machinations. Whether he regards it as unfinished or folly is not forthcoming.


A comfortably stretched and presumably familiar collar. There is a printed family crest, but the color has gone out of it.


A highly polished volcanic pendant, very light on its strand. It vibrates slightly, and the tips of one's fingers are numbed if it is held in the hand too long.


A simple pendant with a bold, almost ungainly inscription. Very heavy, and reminiscent of the rugged peoples of the Anderfels in the northwest.

North Ward

A strangely cold pendant that hangs heavy over the chest. Signed with a single Tevinter jeweler’s mark, oddly inverted.

Deadhead Charge

A north-made brute force channel to the 幽界 granting the physical resolve that only a lack of sense can bring.

Hearthstone Pendant

A gentle glow emanates from this polished but simply faceted crystal. It was found “away”, a careful dodge from a nervous maker.


The mortal realm is real, barren, and cold. This intricate pendant allows an exchange of vitality for ruggedness, a deal not lightly taken. The warmest embrace also constricts.

Caridin's 牢籠

A chambered pendant that guides any incoming charge around the central stone. An intricate work of engineering.


This ring is just bearable, the metal holding a heat that does not diminish no matter the conditions outside.


The band of this ring is circled by a line of lyrium, and seems to perpetually hold a coating of frost.


A swirl of ice blue seems to circle the hand while this ring is worn.


While undoubtedly useful, this ring bears an unstable energy, and causes small spasms in the hand of the wearer.


A spiraling weave of lyrium circles the band of this ring, somehow drawing and storing energy from the very air.


A vine-like pattern circles this ring, appearing dense and foreboding. There is an abrasive element along the interior of the band, though the scratched finger never bleeds.


A cruel application that claims adherence to nature's most unforgiving reality, sparing none but the fittest.


The metal of this ring twists on itself. It appears uncomfortable, as though it couldn't possibly fit correctly, but it quickly conforms to the user's finger.


Crafted during the third Blight, this ring projects an antipodal application of 幽界 energies that can disrupt or outright destroy.


"And come the reckoning, when crimes will be righted and legacy restored, not during our lives, or those of our kin, but next ages, when magic will rise!" Fringe texts of the Circle, 4:60 Black.


The skill to construct such objects of everyday utility to the enchanter is as rare today as the will to defy the Chantry.


Produced in small numbers for the Imperial Chantry and the dedicated combat enchanter, as they tend to impose a skittish stance during casual wear.


Though they cannot be called comfortable, these boots provide a charge to the reflexes that makes the wearer a frustrating target.

幽界 Striders

Rare and restricted by the Chantry, these lyrium-enhanced boots reinforce a connection to the 幽界 and to magic.


Extraordinarily useful on the battlefield, such boots from this reclusive cordwainer change hands only on very violent or expensive occasions.


Armor such as this is typically granted by the Chantry to no lower than a knight-vigilant, and is relinquished only through the greatest shame or outright death. To a man, templars prefer the latter.


These gloves have stitched pockets that contain small glowing embers of an unknown material, possibly a lyrium alloy. Exposing the contents to air causes acrid smoke and should be avoided.


Product of a long dead warrior caste who worshiped the fires that took Andraste. Recovered from an overgrown battlefield by a Chantry patrol and brought to Ferelden for study.


Thick and heavy, but devoid of comfort in any weather, these gloves seems to catch and hold the chill of the air. The utility of the item may be the side effect of an inversely applied runic fire pattern.


No maker's mark is visible, though the craftsmanship that went into the ancient styling of these gloves is obvious. The fingers are singed, but colder than the coals of a dead fire.


Not the most dexterous accessory, the unstable enchantment in these items caused some intermittent arcing at inopportune times, prompting a previous owner to sew the fingers together.


Crude but powerful items fashioned by a long dead shaman of the old gods. Such "hedge wizards" are given no respect by schooled enchanters, but the power some could command is undeniable.


While supple and elegant, these gloves somehow lend a curious impact to combat. The styling appears Dalish, although a rarely seen variety. Named for a stitched lion on the palm.


These gloves are impossibly light and comfortable, but merely brushing against the surface causes immediate irritation. Not exactly damaging to handle, but they are clearly weapons, not fashion.


Orlesian stitching but Dalish runic patterns make these gloves somewhat difficult to put to a specific maker. Best guess is that they were modified for shamanistic purposes, but few would admit such.


Made of leather that creaks as though always under strain. There is a glow behind the seams as though the wearer’s hands are bathed in lyrium--an unsettling appearance, as that would shortly be lethal.


Metal plates back these gloves, although far too thin to account for the benefit provided. Beneath the leather are symbols not allowed in Ferelden since the schism in the Chantry of 3:87 Towers.


Heavy, plated, and imposing. Built to resist wear no matter the length of campaign.


These gloves look more ornamental than offensive, with none of the bulk of an armored gauntlet, but that appearance is intentionally deceptive: hidden iron plates encircle the wrist, providing little extra protective benefit but substantially increasing the weight behind the wearer's every thrust and strike.


Hard leather gauntlets intended to brush aside the last pitiful defenses of an unknowing target. A lyrium lacing seems to guide the hands. Vaguely Orlesian, a subtlety not common to their tastes.


Sleek, supple, and open-fingered for unhindered grip and striking. Commissioned by a fool, designed by a master, and paid for with quick steel. The last work of Lady Cinthia's stitchworks.

Red Jenny Seekers

Glistening as though drenched in blood, but dry and supple to the touch, items associated with the enigmatic Friends of Red Jenny rarely escape the group, except perhaps on the corpse of a betrayer.


Almost crude construction, as though cut with flint and stitched with sinew, but as comfortable and strong as the finest of 丹諾林. Undoubtedly elven, but strangely lacking their customary elegance.


Lyrium-laced gloves that tempt with the possibility of a fortune-changing strike, while instilling the lack of sense to risk it. A dangerous escalation for an owner already so inclined.


This helm has an angular runic pattern applied to the underside of the cap. The uneducated might dismiss it as trivial, but such people are not wearing it when they make that determination.


Form fitting and light, commissioned for someone who maintains shifting alliances and always needs the wind at his back.

Longrunner's Cap

Fight or flight, stamina is key. Commissioned and lost by a well-equipped but unheralded mercenary company.


This helm does not display traditional marks of qunari manufacture, suggesting that the name is more a commentary on stubbornness than accurate attribution.


A thin layer of lyrium alloy under leather, insulated against attack and, one would hope, the lyrium itself. Instills a general wariness that may be confused with paranoia by the untrustworthy.

Armsman's Tensioner

A relic of a particularly strict Tevinter Imperium lord, the unforgiving binding and trace lyrium in this helm do not so much grant a benefit as inflict one.

The Long Sight

This helm grants a strange and unnerving acuity. It is claimed that the craftsman, an elf named Temolai, made only one better, but it allowed him to gaze upon the Black City and he was lost forever.


Simple and effective, though certainly not standard equipment. Reserved for major Circle of Magi operations under full supervision of the Chantry, so much as they are aware.


More like a helm than most, this restrictive cowl was likely with a very specific need in mind. There are no visible runes, but the unknown monogram "L.X." glows slightly when viewed peripherally.


Identified by a simple runic pattern on the inverse, this cowl was commissioned by a group of mages who improve the perception of magic by making problems disappear before the Chantry gets involved.


The Rock-Knockers are a storied battalion of 歐札瑪’s lost sister city, Kal Sharok. A less stoic version of the Legion of the Dead, they are also less committed to inevitable death, honorable or not.

Dead Metal Bucket

The maker's mark traces this helm to Camber, one of the first human settlements to fall to the 黑暗衍生物. The city is long a ruin, but strangely the helm bears non-traditional elements.

Earthheart's Portable Bulwark

Deceptively manageable for the benefit granted, this shield somehow grants unassailable physical authority, like a hearth stone wall that makes every battlefield home ground.


This shield is charged with arcane energy. The user is infused as though otherworldly, but suffers a vague sense of disconnection that is very hard to shake.

Dead Coat of Arms

A shield bearing the heraldic marks of a house with no living heirs, this last symbol of their line now repurposed and meaningless.

Pure Bitch Braid

Trademark of The Line, an ancient monastic order dedicated to preserving a purebred strain of mabari. There have been four "Pure Bitch" designations during the last century, legendary hounds each.


A primitive lyrium-infused metal braid, hammered flat. Possibly created by the Chasind, or one of the splinter groups that spread across what would become Ferelden following their destruction.

Lord's Hunting Jabot

A deceptively delicate kid-leather collar with sterling studs. Orlesians are quick to insult Ferelden "dog lords," but hunters still consider a well-accessorized hound a novel and valuable tool.

Throwback Harness

Three layers of coarse bronto hide with bound nug teeth. At least twice the size of a regular mabari harness, with several holes punched to allow for more common examples of the breed.


Familiar to the hand, but as far from a woodcutter's tool shed as an axe can get. Worked by the best enchanters money can hide from the Chantry.


The stained surface of this repurposed broadaxe speaks to the lives and legacies that have fallen to it. The shamanistic runes across the cutting edge are as ugly as the work it is called to do.

Maetashear War Axe

This oversized weapon was reforged from two poleaxes and dates to the founding conquests of the Tevinter Imperium. Runes tell a primitive creation myth of how the lands of gods and men were cut apart.

Keening Blade

This blade makes a eerie wail, just on the edge of hearing, whenever it cuts the air. Twined runes are carved into its surface, hinting at the enchantments bound inside.


Before leading her house into the Deep Roads, Branka forged and infused this masterwork weapon with tireless--if single-minded--devotion. This weapon in hand, she would lead her people to the Anvil of the Void, or die trying.

Forge Master's Hammer

In the heart of the Deep Roads, 黑暗衍生物 forges blaze non-stop, churning out weapons of war. What this maul lacks in artistry it makes up for in deadly efficiency. The Forge Master was truly worthy of his rank.

Malign Staff

Any mage can sense the undeniable power of this staff, but also corruption that infuses it, as if infected by the essence of the Blight itself. The surface is slick, as if coated with a foul oil that will never quite come clean, making it all the more unnerving to wield.

Precision-Geared Recurve

This crossbow is a masterpiece of modern engineering. It's balanced for easy aiming while the design of the bow ensures maximum power with each shot.


This gruesome bow was clearly built for warfare, not sport, for the force with which it hurls an arrow would damage the meat if used to bring down a stag or boar. But no one has ever claimed that 黑暗衍生物 are fond of hunting.

Wildstone Clasp

A roughhewn gem in a deceptively simple setting. Great skill was required to fashion this to look primitive and yet still elegant. 摩瑞根 has an eye for quality that defies her wild nature.

Seal of Rat Red

When Orlais invaded Ferelden, a folk hero arose to torment occupying forces. Impossible to kill, he was actually a series of people who passed on the seal and the secret when each could no longer fight.

Imperial Edge

Although this is a Tevinter copy of a traditional qunari 鋸刀, it is surprisingly well crafted for a weapon so divergent from a human blacksmith's usual expertise.

Heart of Witherfang

A blue-black stone that is difficult to directly observe. It bestows a strange sense of peace on the wearer, while the outsider suffers disquiet nights and unfamiliar sounds from the dark periphery.
無法移動; takes damage over time.

About to detonate.


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"This Is War"\nPerformed by 30 Seconds to Mars\nWritten by Jared Leto\nPublished by Apocraphex Music / Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC (ASCAP)\nRecording courtesy of Virgin Records America, LLC under license from EMI Film & Television Music

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A simple amulet with a mirrored back and an archaic symbol of the Chantry on the front. Sometimes, when gazing into the silvered backing, there are fleeting glimpses of someone else: the face is familiar, and the smile encouraging.


One of your party members has begun to genuinely like you and respect your leadership. As you improve your relationships with party members, head back to camp to speak with them. They'll be much more willing to open up when they don't have to worry about death around every corner--and you'll need to talk to them more if you want to continue to improve your relationship. You can track party members' approval ratings using the orange bar at the bottom of their 人物角色紀錄 (<CharacterRecordKey/>).



Powder blue satin shoes with long ribbons that circle the ankle. Gold lace trim and dangling gold charms shaped like puppies add the finishing touches.


Every so often, a bolt of inspiration hits an inventor that subsequently propels a society forward into a new era. This was not one of those inventions. A small, enchanted medallion set into the front of this headwear was supposed to bear an image of the person dearest to the wearer's heart. However, at some point, likely in a domestic disagreement sparked by some idle fancy, the cameo was damaged, leaving the cowl forever displaying the image of a stern-looking woman of elven descent who stares out from the wearer's head. Still, other enchantments redeem the hood's utility, and a note tucked into an interior seam suggests a further upgrade made by the last owner: "Fixed! Much better without the stutter!"


All Grey Wardens receive these amulets after their joining. Containing just a trace of the 黑暗衍生物 blood consumed in the initiate's ritual, these amulets serve as a constant reminder of the Warden's eternal vigil against the 黑暗衍生物 hordes.



The damage the 黑暗衍生物 inflict is not limited to violence they commit. Their presence appears to corrupt, tainting the earth and all that lives. This staff was once mahogany heartwood, but no more. Where the wood ends and the metal begins is not even clear.

<name/> (<guitypename/>)\n升級\n\n<requirements/>\n\n<description/>

You pull the lever.




You open the valve.

You close the valve.

Penalty to defense.


Worn only by the Knight-Commander of the Templars, this masterwork plate offers unrivaled protection against physical and magical attacks.

Now that the game is over, you may continue to experience further adventures through 額外內容. Chronologically, these exploits take place prior to the siege of 丹諾林. From all of us at BioWare, enjoy!

Beware of power outages! To save quickly, press <QuickSaveKey/>. To reload your last save, press <QuickLoadKey/>. You only have one quick-save slot; each new quick-save will overwrite the last.

To highlight all of the interactive characters and objects around you, press <HighlightKey/>. To take a screenshot, press <ScreenshotKey/>. You can view and upload screenshots from the profile screen (<MainMenuKey/>).

Although few would call the casteless dwarves of Dust Town famous, they are well known for a few common traits: Lawlessness, poverty, and the brands on their faces. For the full experience of playing a dwarf commoner, we recommend that you select a facial tattoo.

Far Song

Sitting in the back of a shop, for decades this bow gathered dust instead of victories. It almost hums with a mysterious power.  Its history is no doubt long and varied, but sadly that tale has been lost to the ravages of time.

Evon the Great's Mail

Decades before King Calenhad unified Ferelden, Teyrn Evon was poised to do the same. Songs of his fearlessness and savagery are told quietly by firelight to this day. One verse claims his armor was impregnable, and indeed, he did not die in battle, falling instead to a jealous lover.

Staff of the Magister Lord

Among the last magister lords to invade Ferelden in the glory days of the Tevinter Empire was the infamous Tlaxius. His staff was one of the masterpieces of enchantment of that age.

Reaper's Vestments

Reaper was an apostate mage who evaded the templars for many years before being captured. Part villain, part folk hero, it is said he led a charmed life avoiding dangers that would have killed lesser men.


Although the elves of the Dales fought bravely against the Exalted March, defeat became obvious. The great elven general Rajmael hurled this axe at the enemy before leaping to his death over Forlorn Falls.


Just lifting this maul requires a feat of strength. Only the mightiest, like the Chasind barbarians who terrorized Ferelden for centuries, have the brawn to use it in battle.


In the darkest alleys on the wrong side of town, tales of the Black Rose prosper. He was an assassin without peer, little known except by his wake of bodies--and this dagger, left in the heart of a king.


Origins unknown, this cuirass fits like a second skin. It is ideal for a bard, spy, or assassin--making it unlikely that the previous owner parted with it willingly.


Belts of this type, crafted by ancient elven keepers, were given to a clan's honored allies. Although the fine engravings are faded from age and use, the enchantments remain strong to this day.


The dark arts of a powerful blood mage forged this ring. Despite its unsavory origin, the ring's power has made it a favorite of many nobles and heroes over the centuries. Some say its abilities come at a price, but if true, that price is not apparent.


The shopkeeper claims this artifact may be among the oldest magic items in all of Thedas, from an era before even the elves mastered the magical arts. Quite likely that is mere salesmanship, but the ring is certainly powerful and feels truly ancient.


Templars assigned to hunt the most dangerous apostates and blood mages treasured this amulet above all else. The circumstances through which it left Chantry control are better left unconsidered.

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Only main character is active while in camp

Automatically leveling up means that attribute, skill, and spell or talent points will be spent automatically when you achieve a new level. Once enabled, this takes effect as soon as you close the character record.





























To examine an item, <RightClickDefault/> on it and hold until the radial menu appears, then select the eye. Examining items can reveal the bonuses for wearing item sets like matching armor.

<name/> (<guitypename/>)\n<usetype/>\n範圍:<range/>\n持續:<upkeep/>\n疲勞度:<fatigue/>%\n冷卻:<cooldown/>秒\n\n<requirements/>\n<conditions/>\n\n<description/>

<name/> (<guitypename/>)\n<usetype/>\n範圍:<range/>\n疲勞度:<fatigue/>%\n冷卻:<cooldown/>s\n\n<requirements/>\n<conditions/>\n\n<description/>

The number of items that any party member has created using the Herbalism, Trap-Making, or Poison-Making skills.

The percentage of the plots in the game that you have completed, in one way or another.

Rank: 1

111 G


發表於 2010-5-7 11:15:26 |只看該作者

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Rank: 1

111 G


發表於 2010-5-16 10:38:47 |只看該作者



xliu  出差愉快 我接下來了喔  發表於 2010-5-16 19:25:45

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