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[待認領]DLC黑暗衍生物編年史翻譯-1 [複製鏈接]

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1996 G

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發表於 2010-5-22 21:02:09 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

The targeted darkspawn becomes your thrall, serving until death. Up to three thralls can fight at your command simultaneously.

Denerim - City Gates

Denerim - Market District

Denerim - Elven Alienage

Denerim - Palace District

Fort Drakon - Entrance

City Gates

The darkspawn horde swarms through the gates of Denerim. You are a member of the vanguard, chosen by the archdemon to lead the charge.

Elven Alienage

The elves rally to the defense of their squalid alienage. Crush them, body and spirit alike!

Market District

Chaos reigns in the Denerim market. Clear a path for the darkspawn horde that follows.

Palace District

Denerim's last defenders have barricaded themselves in the palace district. Take it from them inch by shattered inch.

Fort Drakon

The darkspawn horde surrounds the base of Fort Drakon. Recruit the thralls you need and climb to the archdemon's defense.




Elven Defender

Innocent Woman

Circle Mage

Elven Elder

Mabari War Hound

Innocent Woman


Hurlock Vanguard

Hurlock Vanguard

To Elven Alienage

To Palace District





Storm the Gates




Blight Wolf

Denerim, the jewel of Ferelden, now burns by the hand of the darkspawn vanguard.

From this seat of power, the archdemon's Blight spreads unchecked throughout all of Ferelden, the vanguard at its fore.

Genlock Archer


City Guard

To Denerim Market

Hurlock Emissary

Elven Defender

Elven Archer

Mabari War Hound

Mabari War Hound

Massacre in the Market

Shriek Bracers

These bracers bear sharp blades that extend the wearer's reach and inflict vicious wounds.

Studded Leather Gauntlets

The rivets and studs form curious patterns across the leather.








Master Wade


Bann Teagan



Hurlock Archer


Barely Tolerant

Grudgingly Respectful




Wooden Crate

Fire Bomb

This glass flask is filled with a flammable amber liquid.

Alienage Tree


Elven Archer





Dwarven Soldier

Dwarven Soldier

Dwarven Legionnaire


Dwarven Crossbowman


<emp>Open the gate to free the ogre</emp>\nAn ogre leads a second column of darkspawn, but their access to the palace district is blocked by a heavy gate. Open the gate from the other side so that you can join forces and overrun the district.

An ogre and other darkspawn joined the assault on the palace district.

Free the Ogre

You can set fire to certain oil barrels, gates, and barricades by throwing fire bombs at them or by using the emissary's Fireball spell. Burn the elven alienage!

Burning the Alienage

From City Gates

Arl of Denerim's Estate

Denerim Market

Weapons Cache

Ballista Guard

The Darkspawn Chronicles

Play as the darkspawn! The city of Denerim, jewel of Ferelden, girds itself for war. As a hurlock vanguard, you alone hold the power to make thralls of your fellow darkspawn and drive them into the heat of battle. Heed the archdemon's call--Denerim must burn!\n\nIncludes:\n* A standalone adventure in which you command genlocks, hurlocks, shrieks, and even the mighty ogres.\n* A look at an alternate history: what if your character had died in the Joining ceremony, and the Grey Wardens marched under Alistair's command instead?\n\nTo begin this dark new tale:\n* From the main menu, select Other Campaigns, then select The Darkspawn Chronicles.


Thralls respect leaders who demonstrate ferocity in battle. As you or your thralls kill opponents, each thrall's approval will increase. After 20 points of approval, thralls become more powerful.

Earning Thralls' Respect


Weapons Cache

The wolf leaps upon its target, pinning it to the ground and attacking it repeatedly.

The wolf charges at its enemy, dealing normal damage if the attack hits and knocking the opponent down unless it passes a physical resistance check.

The wolf lunges at an opponent and tears at it with powerful jaws. If the attack hits, it is an automatic critical hit. If the target can bleed, it takes additional damage for a short time.

The wolf growls so fearsomely that its opponent suffers a penalty to defense unless it passes a mental resistance check.

The wolf lets out a loud howl, increasing its attack while reducing the defense of all enemies nearby unless they pass a mental resistance check.

Weapons Cache

Frightened Elf

Frightened Elf

Frightened Dog

Raze the Alienage

Fort Drakon - Roof


Fort Drakon

The darkspawn horde swarms through the gates of Denerim. You are a member of the vanguard, chosen by the archdemon to lead the charge.

Chaos reigns in the Denerim market. Clear a path for the darkspawn horde that follows.

The elves rally to the defense of their squalid alienage. Crush them, body and spirit alike!

Denerim's last defenders have barricaded themselves in the palace district. Take it from them inch by shattered inch.

The darkspawn horde surrounds the base of Fort Drakon. Recruit the thralls you need and climb to the archdemon's defense.

Alistair, the last of Ferelden's Grey Wardens, has attacked the archdemon high atop Fort Drakon. To ensure that the archdemon survives, Alistair and his companions must die.

<emp>Hurry to the roof of Fort Drakon</emp>\nAlistair, the last of Ferelden's Grey Wardens, is ascending to Fort Drakon's rooftop, where the archdemon lies injured. Climb the tower and come to the archdemon's aid.

<emp>Come to the archdemon's aid</emp>\nThe archdemon is wounded. Rally to the defense.

<emp>Destroy Alistair and his companions</emp>\nKill Alistair, last of Ferelden's Grey Wardens, to secure a triumphant victory for the archdemon. Slay his companions as well.

Protect the Archdemon

An ogre can destroy certain barricades and gates using the Hurl Rock ability--perfect for siege work. Naturally, ogres are just as useful when facing softer targets.

Ogre Abilities

Shrieks can move unseen among the enemy. Use the shriek's Stealth talent to sneak around a ballista and attack the defenders. When the shriek is stealthed, press <HoldPositionsKey/> or click on the Hold Position button below your thralls' portraits to order the rest of the party to wait in a safe area. Remember to switch them back to following you once the ballistae are no longer a threat.

Stealthy Shrieks

Use the Enthrall ability to force darkspawn into your command. You can recruit up to three thralls who will serve until death. You can also use Enthrall to sacrifice an existing thrall, freeing up space in your party.

Recruiting Thralls

Frightened Elf

Frightened Elf


Innocent Man

Innocent Man

Innocent Merchant


<emp>Recruit the ogre as a thrall</emp>\nA group of human crossbowmen have surrounded a wounded ogre. Head north to rescue him from his tormenters, then make him your thrall. If you have already recruited a full party of darkspawn, you must execute one of your thralls to make room for the ogre.

You came to the aid of an injured ogre and recruited him as your thrall.

You did not come to the aid of the ogre in time. It was slain by the human crossbowmen.

You came to the aid of an injured ogre, giving the beast a chance to recover and rejoin the battle.

Save the Ogre

<emp>Open the gate to free the ogre</emp>\nThe ogre you enthralled was swallowed in a crush of darkspawn swarming toward the palace district and took a different path. Their access is blocked by a heavy gate. Open the gate from the other side so that you can join forces and overrun the district.

Victory is yours. The Blight will spread unchecked.




<emp>Kill Arl Howe and his entourage</emp>\nArl Howe is leading a counterattack across the southern bridge, giving the defenders a chance to flee east into the city. Kill them and pursue the routed defenders into Denerim's market.

You defeated Arl Howe and have cleared a path for the horde to advance deeper into the city.

Kill the Arl

<emp>Make the ogre hurl rocks at the barricades</emp>\nA group of soldiers cower behind their barricades. An ogre's Hurl Rock ability would make short work of the cowards and their defenses.

You forced an ogre to destroy the barricades at the gates of Denerim.

Smash the Barricades

<emp>Use Enthrall to recruit other darkspawn</emp>\nYou are at the vanguard of the darkspawn horde assaulting Denerim. Use the Enthrall talent to force other darkspawn into your party.

You have recruited a member of the darkspawn horde as a thrall.

Recruit a Thrall

<emp>Kill enemies to make your thralls respect you</emp>\nNew thralls resent your authority. Give them a taste of victory, however, and they will serve you more willingly. Kill enough of Denerim's defenders to push at least one thrall to +20 approval.

You have begun to earn the respect of your thralls.

Earn Respect in Battle

You found a battle trophy. To give this item to one of your thralls, open the inventory screen (<InventoryKey/>), switch to that thrall, <RightClickDefault/> on the item and select Gift from the radial menu.

Battle Trophies

Arl Howe


Guard Dog


<emp>Use fire bombs or the emissary's fireballs to set the alienage ablaze</emp>\nThe elves defend their squalid alienage with their lives. Raze the entire district to the ground. Even their mighty tree must burn.

The mighty tree at the heart of the elven alienage burns, sending a pall of dark smoke across Denerim's shattered remains.

Burn the Vhenadahl

Wooden Crate

Wooden Crate


<emp>Go to the market</emp>\nYou have conquered Denerim's city gates. Strike east to secure the market.

Rampage to the Market

Execute Thrall

Kills the targeted thrall, allowing you to enthrall another.

When thrown, this bomb explodes with flame, dealing fire damage to any creatures it hits. Combustible objects within the blast radius may also catch fire.

One of your thralls has been killed. Dead thralls cannot be resurrected and are automatically removed from the party after a short delay. Use the Enthrall talent to replace those who fall in battle.

Fallen Thralls

Genlock Sapper




<emp>Kill the remaining elves</emp>\nNow that their great tree burns, the elves have emerged from their hovels, desperate to take their vengeance. Slay them all.

You have massacred the elves of Denerim.

Slaughter the Elves

In Ferelden's final hours, the archdemon sets the darkspawn horde upon the great city of Denerim.

You are a hurlock vanguard, born to lead and eager for blood.

Elven Defender

The archdemon's whispers compel you forward--compel you to kill.

<emp>Command an ogre to destroy the sewer gate</emp>\nA shriek is trying to enter the palace district through the sewers, but a final gate blocks it from the battle. Command an ogre to destroy the gate with a rock so that the shriek can join the assault.

You commanded an ogre to destroy the gate blocking the sewer entrance. The shriek has joined the battle.

You left the shriek trapped behind a gate, unable to aid in assaulting the palace district.

Free the Shriek

The Blight spreads west, where the weak and decadent Grey Wardens of Orlais fall quickly. The darkspawn march on, and soon, all of Thedas lies corrupted.

You conquered Denerim's city gates and have advanced into the market district.

<emp>Go to the palace district</emp>\nThe elves of Denerim are defeated. Advance to the west to join the darkspawn column assaulting the palace district.

You left the alienage as a blazing ruin and joined the assault on the palace district.

Rampage to the Palace

Injured Ogre


You have acquired a health poultice. Hurlocks and genlocks can use poultices to restore health, but shrieks, ogres, and blight wolves gain no benefit from their use. To use a health poultice, drag it from the inventory into your quickbar, double-click it directly from the inventory, or <RightClickDefault/> on it in the inventory and select Use. Emissaries can use Herbalism can create more health poultices.


<desc>We must lead, Vanguard. Recruit these thralls to serve us.</desc>

<desc>Our thralls respect only power. Show them Vanguard was born to lead.</desc>

<desc>Ogre's death is near. Slay his tormentors, Vanguard, and make him our thrall.</desc>

<desc>Vanguard, show the humans that their barricades will not protect them from our fury.</desc>

<desc>A human lord hunts us, Vanguard. Show him what we know of death.</desc>

<desc>The gates are ours, Vanguard. We must press deeper into this city's heart.</desc>

<desc>The shriek must serve us, Vanguard. Make him our thrall.</desc>

<desc>Hold position, Vanguard, and command Shriek to advance by stealth.</desc>

<desc>Another human lord commands this place, Vanguard. Break him.</desc>

<desc>Genlock Sapper will destroy the alienage gate, Vanguard. Lead him there.</desc>

<desc>Sapper will work now, Vanguard. But the humans bring new weapons. Destroy them.</desc>

<desc>Sapper has destroyed the gate, Vanguard, but a mage blocks the way. End her life.</desc>

<desc>This place must burn, Vanguard.</desc>

<desc>The tree, Vanguard. Set it ablaze and watch the elves scream.</desc>

<desc>See, Vanguard? The elves now seek revenge. Give them death instead.</desc>

<desc>This place is ash, Vanguard. Come, let us take this city's palace.</desc>

<desc>I am wounded, Vanguard. Open the gate that traps Ogre and hurry to me.</desc>

<desc>We need Ogre's strength. Make him our thrall, Vanguard.</desc>

<desc>Command Ogre to destroy the gates that keep you from me, Vanguard.</desc>

<desc>Beware the qunari, Vanguard. He has no fear of death.</desc>

<desc>Hurry to me, Vanguard.</desc>

<desc>One of the Wardens still lives, Vanguard. He must not find me.</desc>

<desc>To me, Vanguard. Defend me with your life.</desc>

<desc>Vanguard! Destroy the Warden King before he undoes us all.</desc>

Oil Barrel





You have slain


Redcliffe Shield

Made for the men of Arl Eamon's personal guard, this bears the stamp of a Redcliffe crafthall on the underside.

Biteback Axe

This is as far from a woodcutter's toolshed as an axe can get.


Warden's Oath

All Grey Wardens receive these amulets after their joining. Containing just a trace of the darkspawn blood consumed in the initiate's ritual, these amulets serve as a constant reminder of the Warden's eternal vigil against the darkspawn hordes.

Warden's Longsword

A blade of the Grey Wardens, marked with the stamp of the griffon upon its pommel.

Ser Cauthrien

Saw Sword

A good number of these weapons were brought to Ferelden by Tevinter mercenaries as the spoils of the long war with the qunari. The craftsmanship is unquestionable.

Crate of Medical Supplies

Mages' Mineral Collection

Alchemy Supplies

Assault on the Palaces

The Battle at Fort Drakon

Dwarven Soldier


xliu  雖然我匯入的時候也會檢查一次 不過有時候數量太多還是會混亂掉 感謝大家的配合喔  發表於 2010-5-22 21:37:58
beta400  領翻譯的朋友注意: 若怕名詞有出入, 在前面先列明便可以了 另外如果沒玩過,建議先看DLC的介紹會比較容易理解 ^^  發表於 2010-5-22 21:36:36

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beta400  加油加油~  發表於 2010-5-25 22:09:09
carlyuan  google 協作平台  發表於 2010-5-25 21:54:16
dasauto  http://sites.google.com/site/dazhtw/這算什麽地址?  發表於 2010-5-24 17:50:46
dasauto  闇龍翻譯專案根本打不開.奇怪了.  發表於 2010-5-24 17:32:27
冬風  頂上那排闇龍紀元翻藝專案中有部份專用詞表 其他的就要找xliu了  發表於 2010-5-24 13:41:01

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keppekinosha  真是了不起,可惜除了一樓外都沒有推文功能...  發表於 2010-6-1 20:16:55
beta400  加油~加油加油~~~  發表於 2010-6-1 00:17:39

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