![Rank: 12](static/image/common/star_level3.gif) ![Rank: 12](static/image/common/star_level3.gif) ![Rank: 12](static/image/common/star_level3.gif)
- 閱讀權限
- 255
生命值- 2861
法力值- 2473
金幣- 1996 G
聲望- 203
148447 聖殿騎士盔甲
148448 Bearing the image of the Sword of Mercy, the armor is almost a summary of the templars' purpose.
148621 聖殿武士頭盔
148622 Perhaps what mages most dislike about templars are their helmets. It hides the faces of those watching over the Circle, making them seem less like men.
148722 十字弓
148723 A small bow, mounted on a stock that fires bolts.
148732 鑽石之鎚
148733 這把大槌具有 Uldra 鐵匠家族的標誌,為了 Diamond Quarter 的守衛而鍛造的。
148763 灰袍之斧
148764 這些罕見優秀的斧頭為赫恩所打造,這些矮人鐵匠成為灰袍守護者之後並且為 Garahel 陣營打仗。他們擁有崇高的地位,特別是他們劈開黑暗衍體盔甲的能力。
148774 死神之刺
148775 No simple blades, these daggers date back to the time of the First Blight. They were crafted in the Tevinter Imperium as weapons to fight against the 黑暗衍生物 horde, and fell in battle with the mages that first wielded them.
148788 魔法杖
148789 這是法師最基本的武器,Tranquil為它們灌注符文的力量提升它的力量並且可以當作法師魔法力量的導引。 持有它的時候法師可以遠距離施展閃光。
148796 韋恩之劍
148797 這把劍是已經消失的家族裡所剩不多的物品,當中的一樣,黑暗衍體第一次侵略 Felhammar的時候它曾被用來抵禦它們,它們的家族已經無法從建,最後一個家族成員帶著這把劍跟著他流亡到哪裡沒人知道。
148807 夏之劍
148808 這把偉大的劍的劍柄刻著 Vercenne of Halamshiral的標誌,相信能成為奧爾雷西恩帝國歷史中最偉大的鐵匠。
148809 阿薩拉
148810 這把偉大的武器是在昆納里第一次入侵德達斯所搶奪而來的,是arishok授予旅行到人類大陸進行任務的史坦。
148818 野蠻人之鎚
148819 What this lacks in finesse, it makes up in spikes.
148826 高級警備隊長之鎚
148827 在獅鷲獸消失之前,灰袍守護者的高層在Weisshaupt負起責任來維護空中戰力並給第一批灰袍守護者成為有效的第二戰力。
158081 Shelf
168448 Bonfire
168939 沈重的銀戒指, bearing the seal of House Dace.
168991 Baizyl's 的情書
168992 Baizyl Harrowmont 與 Revelka 伊杜肯的舊情書。
236604 大型溫暖藥膏
236605 This light balm attunes the user to the element of fire.
236606 大瓶抗電藥劑
236607 A flask of clear blue liquid.
230505 Anvil of the Void
245213 Flower Pot
246465 Frequently used by knights, these swords are huge and held with both hands.
246466 Designed for portability rather than power, these bows are often used in hunting.
246467 Often as tall as the archer, these bows have long range and power, but are unwieldy.
246468 Easy to shoot, but hard to reload, these weapons are almost exclusively used in war.
246469 Most mages of the circle carry a staff imbued by the Tranquil to aid in self-defense.
246470 These heavy hammers are common. Most are little more than farm and smithing tools modified to hurt.
246471 Large axes are widely used both as weapons and tools.
246472 These axes are relatively easy to use, more portable than a battle axe, but less powerful.
246473 Designed to protect both the torso and the foreleg in a melee, shields like this are favored by infantry.
246474 While they provide poor defense against arrows, these are lightweight and can deflect blows from either sword or mace.
246475 These shields offer maximum protection but their weight makes them difficult to carry and use.
246476 Portable, and offering better protection than a buckler, these shields are used by most armies.
246477 This armor is flexible, and provides some protection from blades.
246478 This armor offers less mobility, but will deflect blades well.
246479 Armor of this type will guard the wearer somewhat against arrows, blades, and bludgeons.
246480 There's no better protection from blades or bows, but this is heavy and difficult to wear.
246481 This protects one's modesty, if nothing else.
246482 These are supple, and allow a lot of mobility of the fingers.
246483 These provide decent protection from blades.
246484 These limit the mobility of the wearer's hand, but are invaluable in protecting against swords and axes.
246485 These are very difficult to work in, but will guard the wearer against most blows.
246486 These are lightweight, will keep the feet dry, and protect against blades somewhat.
246487 These are better protection than ordinary shoes, but are loud, heavy, and painful to wear for long periods.
246488 Although they protect the feet and lower legs well, these are difficult to walk in.
246489 These extremely heavy boots protect the feet and legs, but are exhausting to wear on the march.
246490 This will keep off the rain, but not much else.
246491 Helmets like this are somewhat effective at protecting the head from stray blows, but will not guard against a direct strike.
246492 These helms are decent at deflecting blows to the head.
246493 While offering good protection, these are awkward to wear.
246494 These offer excellent protection, but limit the mobility of the head and neck.
246495 Arrows have been used for both war and hunting since time immemorial.
246496 These projectiles are basically massive spears, and wreak havoc on the battlefield.
246497 The smallest unit of currency.
246498 An attractive or otherwise coveted mineral used to make jewelry.
246499 Jewelry worn on the finger.
246500 Jewelry worn around the neck.
246501 These are worn sometimes for decoration, most often to keep pants from falling down.
246502 Most likely, this opens a lock somewhere.
246503 Heavier than arrows, these are fired from crossbows.
246504 The origins and meaning of this thing are a mystery.
246505 The origins and meaning of this thing are a mystery.
246506 The origins and meaning of this thing are a mystery.
246507 A long blade with a cruciform hilt, used almost exclusively in war.
246508 A utilitarian blade that serves as a tool, weapon, or eating implement.
246509 A short, heavy bludgeon.
246657 Tent
247482 It almost sounds like this device is humming a favorite children's tune. |