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本帖最後由 keppekinosha 於 2011-9-1 17:37 編輯
! G. ^6 p* F* {# V/ Z' h
" p y6 u" [8 K3 r/ F 剛剛在3DM上看到這則消息:《龙腾世纪3》剧情细节公布 一代L与M都将回归 M% Y/ d7 t j" W% J
, D# h- m3 E( O
後來我去找了相關消息來源(我沒有用推特,無法直接給連結):2 c3 y( h- l6 Z7 S
Bioware hints at the future of Dragon Age DLC and 3" j# r) i8 j% `5 W
$ a6 |: V, s: T; D: h$ `: @
我講一下重點:* K: P8 H L$ B. _. k
% T, u: X, u( h8 D7 {9 b! L- P/ r8 S
主要是延續PAX Prime 2011的話題。DA3的部分:
: m3 m, w3 C5 \
% R; B+ o; ^1 a3 ? 1、主題是法師與聖殿兩方蔓延開來的戰火。
% d1 S2 Y3 [+ h7 ]
! D4 G" B3 D$ K) d- [4 ` 2、主人公是全新身分(這點在之前官網論壇已經確認過)。
( a- ^2 h1 V/ h* N, D' [8 P
0 {( K$ F) W+ d2 WDragon Age 3 will feature the world of Ferelden at war between mages and templars, with the player traveling around to places as far as Orlais and Tevinter to try and calm (or maybe stoke, knowing Bioware) the fighting. One of the maps shown was "four to five times larger than Ferelden," and cited as the future of the series.
9 N0 ?: }& W; { 3、DA3的足跡將橫跨大半的德達斯,除了佛瑞登,也包含了歐雷以及泰文特。1 w; k& K1 }) z2 z+ N
然而地圖變大了,內容有沒有變更豐富又是另回事......。9 }) k$ c% E: d( c, v! F
(這包含將牽涉更深入的信仰與魔法相關的「困境」)。0 I* g4 [" c9 S7 i3 e
' O9 l- Y1 _+ J( R# {; T. LThe story of the first game's Warden "is over," apparently, and while there's still more of Hawke's story left to tell, writer David Gaider hinted that the protagonist of the third game would be yet another new hero. Co-op is possible but not likely, followers will keep their "unique" armor designs but still change visually over time, and combat will revolve around "preparation, teamwork, and positioning," with less button-smashing and more thought given to prepping your team for battle. 2 e' B" _* b7 d8 }3 O
5 Q+ d5 `( R9 X9 j# K0 T/ }" ?6 R9 M( r5 R
% ]1 |) w3 P4 z; s (老實說Bioware對於造模真的非常「吝嗇」)
2 h) q* V: l0 j# B/ _9 g5 ?7 b
( A/ ]+ ]5 G) N4 U) [ 6、DLC部分,Leliana與Flemeth會更快登場這件事已經在之前確認過了。
- I5 Z+ X# X/ I% ? 「Morrigan will be back as well」這點倒是很令人期待。
) |! h7 [: q7 ^
4 N3 D% u6 h% U2 L2 Z' R9 W ' p7 {: ^, K7 d7 G; N& i0 A! A2 K
裡面還有些連結內容,等晚點再來看。 |