( k! G# W7 p& m# Q7 O搭配銷售在DLC商法下變成一種時尚?5 T9 g- |2 P8 B; K. n1 ~+ J; c' \5 f
' Y. ^7 X0 s% P9 @/ ?, l0 ]
DA2官方公布,購買絕命異次元2(Dead Space 2)會搭配一組使用在DA2上的DLC:伊薩克爵士的套裝護甲(Ser Isaac's armor)的授權碼。 ! d# Q+ f& \9 _0 o2 @* _* q) s& D4 b 2 o9 a6 n* S& }, ^4 T& E這裡的伊薩克爵士當然就是絕命異次元2的主人公伊薩克.克拉克。而護甲造型也是仿造自絕命異次元2主角套裝的風格。 0 ?, h- c' h4 R% } 7 T! A* I+ Y/ S3 O7 ~來源:Dragon Age 2官方附加內容 $ S) x( N, U" s& X9 D
The chilling tales of Ser Isaac of Clarke are a favorite of bards performing in the wee hours of the night. In dank taverns throughout Thedas, these horror-filled stories captivate listeners and bring nightmares to those faint of heart.