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Spetznaz_ADMIRAL’s Online Character Creation Extenderhttp://nwvault.ign.com/fms/Image.php?id=20419
WHAT DOES IT DO? Client side tool that allows you to create both SERVERVAULT and localvault characters with wings, tails and lets you set hidden textures for tattoo/hair/skin. Until now features like wings/tails have been lying dormant due to NWN’s outdated in-game character creator, and to top it off Bioware neglected to add scripting support for online worlds to use these features. Well now there is an alternative that allows players to take advantage of these settings in an online environment without trying to bypass security. Note: Requires FLASH Player 7 and .NET Framework 1.1 Runtimes installed
SpetznazADMIRALsOnlineCCExtend ...