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[內容分享] [PRC進階職業]變形者(Shifter) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

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發表於 2013-11-2 18:57:27 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽


(This version was created more closely to PnP guidelines. All available forms can be shifted into via 言語 commands. The list of available creatures is here: http://www.nwnlexicon.com/compiled/other.resource.html Essentially, everything.)
Special thanks to Brian Greinke for his additions:
True 傳奇 Monster Powers,
高等自然變身and 傳奇 高等自然變身now require you to have already mimicked the form you want to become.
- 生命骰: d8.
- 武器和裝甲擅長: A Shifter does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
- 技能點: 4 + 智力調整值.

施法能力: 你必須能施放3級法術,奧術或神術.
專長: 警覺, 堅忍
特殊: You must be able to assume an alternate form. See the following list:
  Arcane Classes: The ability to cast the
法術等級4 自我變形.
  德魯伊: Level 5 or higher.
  巡林客: Level 15 or higher.
  牧師: Animal domain and the ability to cast level 5 spells.
  忍者密探: Level 7 or higher.
  龍脈傳人: Level 10 or higher.
  元素召喚者: Level 10 or higher.
  狼人: Level 1 or higher.
  Invocations: 血肉假面, 類人之形, 蜘蛛形態, 魔賜優雅.
  Races: 皮克精, 邪獸鬼, 精靈提夫林, Hound Archon, 純血蛇人, Irda, Zakya 邪獸鬼, 半變形怪, Shifter, Naztharune 邪獸鬼

1: Greater Wildshape - Can change into almost any small or medium humanoid once per day.
  Mimic - Can mimic almost any small or medium humanoid once per day.
  Creature 擅長武器 - Can use creature weapons.
2: Can change into/mimic almost any animal or monstrous humanoid.
3: Can change into/mimic almost any large or tiny beast or plant.
  Can use Greater Wildshape and Mimic feats twice a day each.
4: Can change into/mimic almost any giant or Vermin
5: Can change into/mimic almost any magical beast.
  Can use Greater Wildshape and Mimic feats three times a day each.
6: Can change into/mimic almost any aberration or ooze.
7: Can change into/mimic almost any huge and dragon.
  Can use Greater Wildshape and Mimic feats four times a day each.
8: Can change into/mimic almost any undead and construct
9: Can change into/mimic almost any elemental and outsider.
  Can use Greater Wildshape and Mimic feats five times a day each.
10: Evershifting form - No limit on Mimic or Greater Wildshape.

傳奇 Shifter
The 傳奇 Shifter has gone beyond the normal 德魯伊ic ability to wildshape; no longer does she simply assume a new form when she changes shape. The 傳奇 Shifter actually becomes the new creature. 傳奇 Shifters are rarely encountered in their true form; indeed, some of the most ancient and powerful Shifters claim (with some pride) to have forgotten their true form entirely.

傳奇 Shifters are generally a wild and carefree lot, and they prefer to spend their time exploring the multiverse and reveling in new forms and shapes they discover along the way.

- 生命骰: d8.
- 技能點: 4 + 智力調整值.

Level 11: 傳奇 Greater Wildshape - Can turn into almost anything twice a day, gaining some abilities of some of the forms. The 傳奇 shifter gains two uses of this feat every three levels above 11.

A Shifter has no form they call their own. Instead, they clothe themselves in whatever shape is most expedient at the time. While others base their identities largely on their external forms, the Shifter actually comes closer to their true self through all of their transformations. Of necessity, their sense of self is based not on their outward form, but on their soul, which is truly the only constant about them. It is the inner strength of that soul that enables them to take on any shape and remain themselves within.

(This version was created more closely to PnP guidelines. All available forms can be shifted into via verbal commands. The list of available creatures is here: http://www.nwnlexicon.com/compiled/other.resource.html Essentially, everything.)
Special thanks to Brian Greinke for his additions:
True Epic Monster Powers,
Greater Wild Shape and Epic Greater Wild Shape now require you to have already mimicked the form you want to become.

- Hit Die: d8.
- Proficiencies: A Shifter does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.

Spellcasting: You must be able to cast level 3 spells, either arcane or divine.
Feats: Alertness, Endurance
Special: You must be able to assume an alternate form. See the following list:
  Arcane Classes: The ability to cast the 4th level spell Polymorph Self.
  Druid: Level 5 or higher.
  Ranger: Level 15 or higher.
  Cleric: Animal domain and the ability to cast level 5 spells.
  Ninja Spy: Level 7 or higher.
  Initiate of Draconic Mysteries: Level 10 or higher.
  Bonded Summoner: Level 10 or higher.
  Werewolf: Level 1 or higher.
  Invocations: Mask of Flesh, Humanoid Shape, Spider Shape, Hellspawned Grace.
  Races: Pixie, Rakshasa, Fey'ri, Hound Archon, Yuan-ti Pureblood, Irda, Zakya Rakshasa, Changeling, Shifter, Naztharune Rakshasa


1: Greater Wildshape - Can change into almost any small or medium humanoid once per day.
  Mimic - Can mimic almost any small or medium humanoid once per day.
  Creature Weapon Proficiency - Can use creature weapons.
2: Can change into/mimic almost any animal or monstrous humanoid.
3: Can change into/mimic almost any large or tiny beast or plant.
  Can use Greater Wildshape and Mimic feats twice a day each.
4: Can change into/mimic almost any giant or Vermin
5: Can change into/mimic almost any magical beast.
  Can use Greater Wildshape and Mimic feats three times a day each.
6: Can change into/mimic almost any aberration or ooze.
7: Can change into/mimic almost any huge and dragon.
  Can use Greater Wildshape and Mimic feats four times a day each.
8: Can change into/mimic almost any undead and construct
9: Can change into/mimic almost any elemental and outsider.
  Can use Greater Wildshape and Mimic feats five times a day each.
10: Evershifting form - No limit on Mimic or Greater Wildshape.

Epic Shifter
The epic Shifter has gone beyond the normal druidic ability to wildshape; no longer does she simply assume a new form when she changes shape. The epic Shifter actually becomes the new creature. Epic Shifters are rarely encountered in their true form; indeed, some of the most ancient and powerful Shifters claim (with some pride) to have forgotten their true form entirely.

Epic Shifters are generally a wild and carefree lot, and they prefer to spend their time exploring the multiverse and reveling in new forms and shapes they discover along the way.

- Hit Die: d8.
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.

Level 11: Epic Greater Wildshape - Can turn into almost anything twice a day, gaining some abilities of some of the forms. The epic shifter gains two uses of this feat every three levels above 11.

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