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本帖最後由 keppekinosha 於 2011-1-16 16:11 編輯
; P7 F( `( p7 M4 M5 b( z" ]: C8 h* F5 y; H
2 Q* I3 I& P6 w2 E來源:Dragon Age 2官網「Sundermount」
: I4 s0 m+ N8 m/ U/ w( p# ?Kirkwall is guarded by mountains to its north, the tallest of which is Sundermount. The mountain has a fearsome reputation. Legend says it was the site of a vicious battle where both sides unleashed horrors into the waking world, and unholy creatures prowl the heights to this very day, unaware that the war for which they were summoned is long since over. 3 c' v6 Z) u- N3 Z- e, z, q
2 x6 C4 t( w4 r( q1 n; F
算是科克瓦的北方屏障(在芬馬克山中)。並且這個地方有著邪靈出沒。- ], H5 u; _) l8 r. e1 i9 d. M& W0 v p
9 m# m4 v) G6 {/ C/ t關於這個區域,在過去某個帖子我貼過由GameInformer提供的DA2可能可以去的幾個區域(地圖)之一。
+ r# G% \: Q% I, [8 g關於Sundermunt,我把它的說明節錄出來如下:
6 o* t0 D8 ]& ]+ }1 CThe oldest of the ancient elves were laid to rest in tombs of Sundermount in the Free Marches.# u) ^1 ]6 p5 x( L, N5 T' I4 J
Legend claims that in their desperation, the elves summoned terrible demons to defend their holy mountain,and that the demons remain even if the elves are a long-forgotten memory. , \/ Z' r8 ~, N6 m: _7 Q6 `
0 Y; ` p' t) G根據描述,這裡是遠古奧拉贊精靈的墳場--很可能是進行歐文珥昂(Uthenera,醒夢)的地方,因此算是精靈們的聖山。
+ A% h! k. `& T+ [( f, ~6 e6 `- O
: H. ~+ U$ c) T' X9 l傳說中奧拉贊精靈招喚惡魔-守護者來守墓(換句話說會有很多Striders在這裡?),所以會鬧鬼很正常?
# ?6 p4 T+ \" ^0 s0 p; y
2 X1 W6 [9 k0 r3 R0 W( o) L [考量這樣的背景,我個人覺得將Sundermount翻作「隔世山丘」可能比較好,不過等DA2發行後場景詳細情況再說吧。
' q, j# F9 H, Q* R6 \
/ Y; C( _4 S. v3 {7 N7 G或許Merrill會在這裡登場?
8 k% g: o8 O* C+ X; E M
4 y8 m% s! w8 E9 d7 p, n8 H* P' Z& p, t7 A& U. z, a5 l
+ r7 @) M# m# x5 S2 R前天本來想貼上,但一直在忙。為什麼越到春節差事越是源源不絕呀... W( V6 `+ w9 E# G4 B
) {3 f3 b* E% K# ?